LOVE is Our Mission. Options
#1 Posted : 4/28/2010 3:57:16 PM

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Whoa. This was a strange one... no fireworks, just a damn important revelation.

70mg jimjam
75mg Caapi copy
warm oj + honey + 5g cacao butter (to settle the tummy)

When i felt the spice begin to tickle after some nice stretching and mediation, i laid on the floor under a blanket. I emptied my mind and became a black void of awareness, and for 20mins felt a continual and random "probing pressures" on my mind and skull. @ ~25mins i felt a ping of *done* and suddenly became perfectly sober! I would have had no problem doing homework or talking with friends. I looked at the shadows of the moon on the wall and felt a little disappointed, and i resisted the obvious prodding to get up into bed. I eventually relented, climbed up, and laid under the sheets looking at the bright fullmoon low in the south sky. No psychedelic effects, still perfectly sober.

Eventually I closed my eyes. BAM! within two seconds i was back in a dark gooy-hyperspace folding over and over onto itself. "I'm still loaded," i was surprised, i thought i'd misfired? I went back into my mental guidance techniques and a meditative posture. I heard The Music and began to play with it and recompose it. i kept getting new random song-clips to see what i'd do with them. Cool stuff! i was very pleased with these compositions--a very fun, personal psychedelic techno-party!

After a while the sound-clips faded away and i refocused myself on breaking through. I unfocused my mind, expanded my awareness and "geared up!" I pushed up through the goo, into the void but then got hooked into a corner, i tried hard to overcome the resistance, "the corner" i was trying to break-through began to shake. i'm not gonna force my way through i thought. I then backed off and tried again with a different mindset. Soon my anxiety rose for no reason and i (dimmly) saw a wall of mean orange-fireworms trying to attack me!!!

But i knew better. This was Their "boo!" to challenge me or scare me away. so i kept the focus and *dismissed the image* and watched it fall away. Now this next moment is hard to describe, and the part i've spent all morning tying to reconstruct. Through my own voice i heard a surprisingly impassioned plea saying something similar to: "All we are is a bunch of old creatures full of technology, we are nothing without LOVE! You are not allowed up until you have learned to share love."

Shocked . I instantly knew "you" had three meanings: me as an individual, us as Humans, and that it was my/our job as individuals to help others share love and that "we can't go anywhere" until we do. I *geared down* and opened my eyes to look up at the sky and the empty moon sitting in space. again i was sober, but stunned. i got up to sit on the toilet, sip some water and just absorb what had happened. -Love means more than anything- I very hardheadedly looked at the moon's shadows on the bathroom floor and realized "Love" has always been a distant priority of mine and i saw how much i found excuses to avoid it; some of them petty, some of them "practical," and some of them just ignorant disregard. I crawled back into bed, shut my eyes and returned to let my mind go free and roam the goo with as little attachment possible until i fell asleep.

* * *

This morning I realized how much of our society is addicted to novelty. Novelty is interesting and entertaining sure, but it has replaced love. Shopping, web-surfing, TV, movies, the news, bars, and Learning; these are all novelty seeking activities. As we age, our curiosity becomes more and more satisfied, and without further input, sensations of familiarity become stifling and oppressive. THUS WE NEED LOVE. There is a whole universe full of amazing novelty waiting for us, but to endlessly consume it and become omni-knowledgeable and "omni-rich"--yet live alone for eternity--is unsustainable. Nurturing and maintaining actual relationships and bringing them to state of LOVE is our first duty as Human beings. Otherwise, what else do we really have and why does it matter?

a good lesson methinks? to all: THANKYOU.


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#2 Posted : 4/28/2010 10:56:59 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Acolyte, that was such an amazing read. You have been given a really nice message Smile
#3 Posted : 4/29/2010 3:33:06 AM

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Acolyte wrote:
Nurturing and maintaining actual relationships and bringing them to state of LOVE is our first duty as Human beings. Otherwise, what else do we really have and why does it matter?

Beautiful, excellent lesson; really resonates with me right now. I love your reports, brother - this is another one worth remembering. many thanks for sharing!

Much love
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#4 Posted : 4/29/2010 3:36:22 AM

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nice report. thanks for sharing... It's reassuring to see people getting the same message. Peace, friend.
#5 Posted : 4/29/2010 4:05:29 AM

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Definitely feeling you here on this Acolyte. A friend reminded me the other day, how often we receive examples of how actions that have their original impulse in love, we quickly manage to turn into something selfish.

Thank you for sharing.
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#6 Posted : 4/29/2010 7:57:46 AM

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I spent the last day ruminating on this lesson you've got...

I'd like to do DMT exactly because I hope to find someone (an entity? God? my true self?) in hyperspace who may help me understand how LOVE works so that I can "nurture and maintain actual relationships and bring them to state of LOVE" here... To learn to open myself again to the world, so that I can flow with it, in it again, as a child does.

But this lesson basically says that I can't get over there (into hyperspace) *until* I develop LOVE here... Which feels like a catch-22 to me.

I feel that there are blocks in myself that cannot be removed on these frequencies where everyday life is going on... Too much resistance, the structures are too rigid, have too much inertia. That's why I thought that hyperspace may help, by turning up the frequency to such a high degree where these things are melting apart and then can be reorganized/transformed/whatever. But this may be then just a silly attempt to evade the responsibility to find out the REAL reason why I deny myself to love. If I see it from this perspective, the whole psychedelic journeying may be just a form of ego-defense. Trying to find a convoluted way (the longer it takes, the better) to achieve something which is actually very close, but would take enormous courage to get to (which I don't have).
#7 Posted : 4/29/2010 12:19:19 PM

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cellux wrote:
I spent the last day ruminating on this lesson you've got...

I'd like to do DMT exactly because I hope to find someone (an entity? God? my true self?) in hyperspace who may help me understand how LOVE works so that I can "nurture and maintain actual relationships and bring them to state of LOVE" here... To learn to open myself again to the world, so that I can flow with it, in it again, as a child does.

But this lesson basically says that I can't get over there (into hyperspace) *until* I develop LOVE here... Which feels like a catch-22 to me.

I feel that there are blocks in myself that cannot be removed on these frequencies where everyday life is going on... Too much resistance, the structures are too rigid, have too much inertia. That's why I thought that hyperspace may help, by turning up the frequency to such a high degree where these things are melting apart and then can be reorganized/transformed/whatever. But this may be then just a silly attempt to evade the responsibility to find out the REAL reason why I deny myself to love. If I see it from this perspective, the whole psychedelic journeying may be just a form of ego-defense. Trying to find a convoluted way (the longer it takes, the better) to achieve something which is actually very close, but would take enormous courage to get to (which I don't have).

Keep smoking and perhaps work with the brew as well. I felt the same and it took me many many many journeys to get to a centre of core inner stability and peace. It does require tuning up to a very high frequency and making all the right switches connect in your mind. One must be careful in doing this as there is such a thing as an "anti-afterglow" where you have set yourself up for feeling like rubbish because of how you put things together during the journey. Something clicked around 60 journeys in then the journeys after that were a rapid succession of insight that cemented whatever "clicked" deep into my psyche and I am all the better for it.
#8 Posted : 4/29/2010 1:55:02 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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BEAUTIFUL. INSPIRING. i will be writing later today about my work yesterday...ties into this. thank you for posting!!!!

"wherever you go...there you are"
#9 Posted : 4/29/2010 4:41:59 PM

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THANK YOU all for the great comments!

@ cellux, your post is beautiful!!!

i have/had the same attitude as you. I feel i've also been using DMT as a tool or medicine "to find love in The Beyond" (and yes it is There!), BUT we have to find and nurture love HERE too!!! I realized much of my DMT work was intellectual curiosity and essentially novelty-seeking behavior too...

The Spice is a great tool to show us these necessary aspects of ourselves we tend to avoid. so i think IT IS STILL wise for you/us to keep using it to seek these lessons! BUT "They/DMT" cannot be our life-partners, our families, our lovers, and our best friends. They do love us, but They have Thier world and we have ours... They are our anthropologists, our guides, and our guardians. But They eat lunch in the teachers-lounge, and we must make the best we can in the school cafeteria!Very happy

Cull novelty, fertilize love.

#10 Posted : 4/29/2010 6:37:27 PM

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Acolyte wrote:

Cull novelty, fertilize love.

DMT...the Love fertilizer. Cool
"Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."

"Only from the Heart can you touch the sky." ~ Rumi
#11 Posted : 4/29/2010 9:11:00 PM

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Very happy Very happy Very happy I just had a flash of insight as i was making a sandwich!

What if "the currency" of a hyper-advanced society was LOVE instead of work-per-hour certificates we call dollars (or Euros)!?

Thus, You only "get out" from their society what you pay-in with love?! Perhaps this would be the only way to make an immortal life worth living? Who gives a crap about stuff anyways? Use a robot to make whatever you want.

Everyone: On your next journey perhaps try spending a ton of time immediately before focusing on something you wholly love. Post here or PM me a note and tell how it went! I will do the same.


k, back to lunch!
#12 Posted : 5/1/2010 4:12:00 AM

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Acolyte wrote:

This morning I realized how much of our society is addicted to novelty. Novelty is interesting and entertaining sure, but it has replaced love. Shopping, web-surfing, TV, movies, the news, bars, and Learning; these are all novelty seeking activities. As we age, our curiosity becomes more and more satisfied, and without further input, sensations of familiarity become stifling and oppressive. THUS WE NEED LOVE. There is a whole universe full of amazing novelty waiting for us, but to endlessly consume it and become omni-knowledgeable and "omni-rich"--yet live alone for eternity--is unsustainable. Nurturing and maintaining actual relationships and bringing them to state of LOVE is our first duty as Human beings. Otherwise, what else do we really have and why does it matter?
a good lesson methinks? to all: THANKYOU.

So, so well said Acolyte!

And I've decided to roll with that. To accept that we are but novelty loving creatures, enthralled by shiny objects, and yet, its ok. While it seems a trite endorsement of our existence here, what else if not to make importance of the little things? Why? As an excuse to communicate, and fill the communications with subtle meanings.
I don't know, and I question why, but the answer seems just so base I hate to accept it, yet if I do it answers a lot of questions SO easily. We talk so that we can feel of the others state or share ours, yet often its just babble.

I just don't know.


Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
#13 Posted : 5/1/2010 12:06:26 PM

Cosmic Dragon

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I like this thread. My two cents: You can never love anything at all until you can love yourself first. Now the real question is, who are you?
#14 Posted : 5/1/2010 12:16:27 PM

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Acolyte wrote:
Very happy Very happy Very happy I just had a flash of insight as i was making a sandwich!
What if "the currency" of a hyper-advanced society was LOVE instead of work-per-hour certificates we call dollars (or Euros)!?

Thus, You only "get out" from their society what you pay-in with love?! Perhaps this would be the only way to make an immortal life worth living? Who gives a crap about stuff anyways? Use a robot to make whatever you want.!

This is what every major religion actually believes to be the case when you think about it except that in this life we work for our "money" and in the next life you spend it.
#15 Posted : 5/1/2010 2:20:04 PM

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embracethevoid wrote:
Acolyte wrote:
Very happy Very happy Very happy I just had a flash of insight as i was making a sandwich!
What if "the currency" of a hyper-advanced society was LOVE instead of work-per-hour certificates we call dollars (or Euros)!?

Thus, You only "get out" from their society what you pay-in with love?! Perhaps this would be the only way to make an immortal life worth living? Who gives a crap about stuff anyways? Use a robot to make whatever you want.!

This is what every major religion actually believes to be the case when you think about it except that in this life we work for our "money" and in the next life you spend it.

Shocked Whoa. embracethevoid you're RIGHT!
Perhaps the universe throughout history has always been leaking through?

or perhaps these values are universally sustainable?

#16 Posted : 5/2/2010 12:31:25 AM

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congratulations to your insights about love.
I had a very nice expierience with similar teachings 3 days ago.
Love is so important.
If we don't love ourselves and others there is no joy.

elusive illusion
#17 Posted : 5/2/2010 1:29:55 AM

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now only to convince the other 7 billion people to spread love even to their rivals. Damn. But as long as we do our part it WILL spread, how?, no idea... but it must.
#18 Posted : 5/2/2010 9:20:06 AM

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now only to convince the other 7 billion people to spread love even to their rivals. Damn. But as long as we do our part it WILL spread, how?, no idea... but it must.

I had this experience of being in love, sharing and spreading love, unfortunately on very rare occasions... Sad

But I can say that when I'm doing THAT, it becomes completely irrelevant whether the other 7 billion people are doing it or not. You know, like: being plugged into a power source which gives you unlimited energy and support. What you share is not yours any more, all you do is using your body, your personal existence as a transformator for this energy. Radiation is automatic. You don't have to do anything just follow the signal (which gives you so much joy that it's again natural, you don't have to make any effort to do it).

True love is like that, in my opinion. That's how it can make us free. If we had to make an effort to love - against which a part of us would rise and rebel - then it wouldn't be a satisfactory solution. It would be just another way to make war.
#19 Posted : 5/2/2010 5:10:59 PM

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@ MooshyPeaches, I think an enlightened network of Entheogen users might be a good place to start!!!

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