radio signals Options
#1 Posted : 4/22/2010 3:39:40 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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anybody ever hear those? i worked yesterday for the first time in a long time and it was very wasnt as deep as id ever gone, but i feel like i was more awake for it this time and i was open to a lot more. i could hear music....echo, sound, light and sound were one...

i could see beings, ships, tons of ships....

the beings would roll over each other, in space, with needle like arms and legs, they looked like stick people. they would contort me to their form and i was put in my usual mudra. they were playing and enjoying just "being"

then out of nowhere i could feel my mouth open wide. so wide. and then i would hear this radio signal...lots of wasnt painful or bad, but i can imagine i looked like i was in pain because of how loud in my head it was so scattered. but the whole time it was good. it was just soo much.

antrocles sat with me while i journeyed. we worked in a room of his in which he totally devoted to journeying. he said when i went, the wind picked up massively and through closed windows the candles blew out and the shades were blown around...almost like a presence showed up and said, "you guys smokin some DMT?"

i could really feel a total voluntary loss of control and submitted to a greater energy, in turn gave me energy i could feel vibrating, pulsing through my body. rapidly, my muscles hardened, positioned by a love i am learning like an old television with the rabbit ear antennae to properly pick up the signal.

i could see a connection from whatever happens "there" to what happens here...everything echoes. oneness.

i also saw a lady made of numbers....colorful numbers...she looked kind of bashful and shy to see me...even though she was huge. i felt a motherly presence from her...i remember when i saw her i reached my hand out with index finger out straight as can be, and then thumb out, making an L. dunno why, maybe to try to touch her...i also think ive seen that picture on google images of her that somebody made...


like that...

sorry for the brevity and bounciness of this post

humbled and open. love and gratitude

"wherever you go...there you are"

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 4/23/2010 3:00:10 AM

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much love my brief, bouncy baby brother..... this work never gets redundant, i'll say that!!

i've been ruminating on this whole audio aspect of hyperspace. i've thought long and hard about exactly what the carrier wave could be and am convinced that even a deaf person would 'hear' these transmission if they were to consume spice. i think they are a resonance in the very ears of our cells. i'm thinking that these frequencies we tap into are heard by our most basic elements....that they form the very fabric of structure.....

if atoms are the building blocks, the carrier wave is the glue that holds them into shape. i've often said, and still continue to see the worlds, beings, crafts, etc. as being composed of what appears to be atoms held together by conscious thought. the structures are perfect...more perfect than structure fuzzy edges....impossibly precise and defined.....yet, they are almost transparent and they can overlap and merge with other structure kind of like the way thoughts can overlap and merge into one another...

these waves...these transmissions...there is most assuredly a deep relevance to them. i'd almost like to start an entire thread devoted to the carrier wave and folks' interpretations/thoughts/theories on it.....

either way, i like what i'm hearin'... Pleased

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#3 Posted : 4/23/2010 3:27:49 AM

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Man I wish we were not on opposite coasts. I would love to set up my spectrum analyzer witch is capable of monitoring and measuring Radio Frequency (RF) signals over quite a range. I love experiments and of course I am skeptical but would love nothing more than to make a discovery previously unknown to man. If these energy's you describe occur there has got to a way to measure them. We just need to figure out how. And if we were successful it would be a major scientific Breakthru with cutting edge implications.

Just imagine if we could call up these energy's and possibly harness them as free energy generated by the mindShocked I would be pretty sweetSmile


Peace Friends

EDIT that image is a avatar of someone on this sight so I must likely assume you say it here and did not recall it and that is the reason it appeared to you in hyperspace. Of course I could be wrong it may be a real entity that appears to many DMT smokers. I wile back another person saw a strange entity he described it then searched to net it turned out to be art work from Tools 10000 days CD. But who can say for sure. Just my two cent interpretations.

Quote "Also the beings would roll over each other, in space, with needle like arms and legs, they looked like stick people."
This is a EXACT description of the inorganic beings described in the Carlos Castaneda books series. Dont touch them they are reported to give a painful electric shock and drain you of energy.
#4 Posted : 4/23/2010 6:11:29 AM

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thank you both for reading and replying...i am still in awe of what happened to me yesterday. i firmly believe we few are waking up to something much bigger than we can ever imagine...heaven, colonies, space, absence of time...and it all exists

thank you antrocles for all you have done for meSmile i look forward to tomorrows work! your bit about the carrier wave really hits home. i believe its all tied into one...the vibrations, light, shapes, sounds, all one. all from one extension of us.

magikvenom, how great would that be!! what an experiment...let me know if you come up with any ideas on how to experiment!

as far as not touching those beings, i was very much interacting with them...enjoying their presence, they guide my body into positions i would not normally stay in, and then i feel energy flow through not sure if they are bad. i dont think they are. looking forward to going back!!

"wherever you go...there you are"
#5 Posted : 4/24/2010 2:51:18 AM

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since it's up and out there i've gotta share an experience i had a while back on bufotenine that hooks right into this thread....

it started with a nice strong cup of caapi tea about a half hour before bedtime.

i was exuding that nice caapi aura by the time i sauntered into my bedroom with my loaded GVG....

my bufo extraction went well and my medicine was pretty pure...but i still had to fight back about a two-minute nausea attack before settling into...well....another world...

one thing i notice about bufo is that, although i have yet to hear a carrier wave- even on pretty high doses- i will at the same time say that bufotenine is THE MOST AUDITORY journey of any of the DMTs out there. i mean, i'm in a mayan village and i'm listening to people talking, i'm hearing the clacking of bows and arrows as hunters walk off into the jungle to catch food, i can even hear children laughing and chickens running around!! one of the most immersive, full-dimensional 'other world' experiences i've ever had.

and it's like that almost every time for me with bufo...

anyways, this particular night i lay back and go off into a deep bufo dream and i start to hear a in, an actual radio playing songs...only, none of the songs existed in this world. i got hooked into this one particularly catchy pop rock tune that had an awesome hook to it and i was humming along to it as if i knew it. as if i knew the words! when the chorus came flooding in i knew just how it went and felt my emotions swell right along with the guitars and percussion! i writhed almost in an 'interpretive dance' kinda way to what was the greatest rock song never written....

bufo is easier for me to come in and out of. as soon as the song had ended i remember getting this massive grin on my face and giggling as i mumbled, "dude....i LOVE that song..."

that song i had never heard until then, but knew as if the album sat on a music rack in my 'other' apartment.

you know....the one i keep over there... Pleased

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#6 Posted : 4/24/2010 5:56:34 AM

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Some times i feel as if...

Our bodies are like great antenna, and we as beings of sensory input, pick up frequencys broadcast by the other beings/things that reside within this plane of our mutual existence with what ever sense organs are available and through these various organs we receive information to interpret and learn from...

we are all antenna capable of broadcasting and receiving....

Sometimes i feel this is what Synesthesia is, the use of a mixture of sense organs to pick up a particular message, a vibration has a visual form, a sound has a texture i can feel with my skin... ooohh... thats a nice warm shade of pink....

this gives the meaning of the phrase "open" a whole new understanding, a whole new message that was always there but just had to be observed with the right tools and intent...

Its as if life is a participatory dialog......

oh my I seem to be rambling again...

much love...Wink

Sometimes the lights all shining on me, other times I can barely see....
#7 Posted : 4/24/2010 3:58:32 PM

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our bodies as one collective mind from head to toe.

i heard rock songs too antrocles, when the radio frequency wasnt blowing me away....i would see consciousness almost as if i was in a body looking at organs....all composed of different colors and textures both of which pristine as can be.

but they would pulse and bend and move and music would flow from it...all one. everything was connected. and i knew the song though i have never heard it before.

i remember on this journey i saw that the creative flow that pours out of you and i is a touch of the divine nature of our universe. everything connected. flow. im just finding i have to learn to get out my own waySmile

here's to waking up,

"wherever you go...there you are"
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