Beginners beginnering Options
#1 Posted : 4/14/2010 8:33:18 PM

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(No, the title is meant to say that. I'm still having some motor function problems since the trip and thats what I typed, thought it was funny, and left it there Smile )

Each section is separated by lines/bold. The actual trip report is titled as such.

I've been studying, researching, learning everything I possibly can for the past month. My interests started with a youtube video staring the infamous Joe Rogan. I remembered a close friend of mine telling me about his trip on DMT almost a year ago, and thought I should dive deeper into this mysterious universe.

I watched every. Single. Youtube. Video. There was to watch on reports and anything else involving DMT in general. I watched the DMT: The Spirit Molecule Interviews prior to watching the real documentary. Eventually this all lead me to begin research on extraction. At first I thought the only why to obtain it was like any other drug, in a deal. But upon finding this website, I knew how absolutely and positively fucking wrong I was.

I was foolish at this time. 700ml naphtha didn't sound too bad per pull. I had no idea I had no idea on anything. I made a thread about a video I found on the internet of a full extraction guide (Not Youtube), and I posted the instructions he was giving people. The thread was quickly replied to and shot down by House and Soulfood. Both gave me everlasting advice I would use a month later in my first extraction.

After finding lazyman's extraction tek, I figured this was the one for me. With a few quick modifications to suit myself (Much less bark used and such), I sent it to Soulfood in a PM where he quickly found its' mistakes and helped me correct them.

I ordered MHRB from 100HerbGalaxy within a week of being on this website. I was ready to get this trans-dimensional train running. Five days later and an abundance of PM's led me to cancel my order with them (As some saw in my thread about them in the sources section) since none were replied to. The same day I canceled, I ordered from an over-seas vendor; A very highly regarded vendor on these forums.

Weeks passed and no package arrived. Weeks passed and rumors began to arise with over-seas vendors. I think I helped to fuel those rumors. After so long, I decided to order from another source that was brought to my attention by Pandora, this time inside the United States.

A week prior to ordering within the US, a member on this website who has become a very good friend of mine among many, who was in the same boat as I was, made his first breakthrough. He was waiting for his package to arrive, he was waiting to do his first extraction, and I'm so happy to say I was given the chance to help him through his first breakthrough. He had trouble with administering it by smoke/vapor, and I had given him some quick advice. 20 minutes later he came back and confirmed a break through. The chat rejoiced with love, as did I, but I had yet to fully understand why.

Monday: I wake up after another week and weekend pass by without delivery of both packages. I awoke earlier in the morning than I usually do, so I had to wait a few hours to see whether or not it was coming.

Sure enough, there is the mail lady right on time at noon, and... And... Nothing. She walks away down the street and I sit staring at the window wondering if it will ever come.

Her USPS vehicle is parked just up the street on the corner, and when she finally made it around my entire street and back, she hoped in and started to drive away.

Low and behold though, she stopped in front of my house! She got out with two packages! She started walking toward the door and before she got half way there I was outside, dressed, and waiting to sign off for these glorious bastards of awesome that I've been waiting for, for so long.

I went inside, opened both packages, measured out 125g, and began creating the fuel for the trans-dimensional space train.

Tuesday: I wake up at 10am. I have class all day today starting at 11am, but before I go, I run to my freezer to see what she has waiting for me. Holy cow! It's snow globe central! I did Noman's tek the previous night and pulled 7 fantastic times. It's everywhere! There is so much within this tiny glass, extremely cold to the touch mason jar.

I go to my classes. Can you guess what was on my mind the entire time?

When I came back home around 2:00pm, I had the time to drain the naphtha, turn the jar upside down in the freezer with its cap still on, and leave it there so the remaining naphtha dripped off. An hour or so later, I recovered the jar, scrapped off the inner workings of the globe, and spread the gooey beautifully white substance around on a plate. Just in time too. My last class is soon, and it is three hours long!

I went to class leaving the plate on a chair and a window slightly cracked open. And when I returned....

***There was a picture here showing the dried pure white spice of my first extraction, now you will have to make due with a simple description. Pleased ***

My roommates are home. I think I should wait to do it until tomorrow when neither are home, because of the smell the smoke can emit.

After staring at the plate for 20 minutes and measuring it to find out it was .8g, I figured I would load a bowl to have waiting for me tomorrow at a seconds notice. I placed down a bed of ash so the spice wouldn't fall through, I placed around 50-60mg of spice, and I placed more ash on top. I sat at my desk staring at what I worked and waited for, for what seemed like no time at all. I sat there staring at this one-hitter bong for a good portion of an hour before I smiled and realized what I needed to do.

Trip report #1: I make my bed. The room is dimly lit by a tall standing, and skinny lamp. My window is cracked open for the smell of the smoke. My bed is in the corner of a room, up against two walls, I place pillows in the corner and lay back upon them. My one-hitter bong is on a sill next to my bed. I pick it up and place my mouth on it. I take long, deep breaths through my nose and flick on my Bic lighter. I start to inhale ever so slowly, I can see the vapor building. I take 2 hits before I'm feeling the effects. I'm starting to disappear. I want stop here, but I go for gold and try for a third hit.

Shit, there isn't anything left. I still try to burn what’s left, even the residue, and I manage to get a final, fiery hit into my lungs that is quickly expelled from my body. I put the bong on the sill and after that, I didn't have a choice in anything.

My body lied down and put its head on the pillows. My eyelids shut themselves. My mind packed its bags and got the fuck out. Within seconds I thought to myself "You didn't breakthrough." Or maybe someone thought that for me, because it was only the beginning and I'm not sure how I could tell. CEV's (Closed eye visuals) showed me immensely complicated shapes of all sizes rotating, and changing at the speed of light. I whispered things.

"Don't go yet"
"I don't want to go."
"Take me back."
"I'll smoke more next time."
"I love you"

The carrier wave had everything in synchronized order. My breathing. The cars outside. The foot steps upstairs. But the greatest sound of all. The wind.

It had been a very windy day the entire day. I opened the door originally to keep the smell out, but the wind was a benefactor I hadn't foreseen. It was, simply put, epic in its entirety. It was the only thing that wasn't being synchronized. It was pure. It was a gift from Mother Nature to help me realize everything would be ok.

I came down slowly this first time. I arrived back in my room and reunited with my mind after so long. It wasn't over. Voices started echoing throughout the room, they wanted to tell me something, but it was impossible to understand. All I could hear was a long, drawn out, "ssssss". An invisible being was in his or her dimension speaking through the barrier separating us, to me. I needed to find out what was trying to be told to me.

Trip report #2: Before I went to bed after my very first DMT experience, I loaded an immensely fat bowl of spice with the usual ash bed to be sitting and waiting for me at the perfect time the next day. I went to bed thinking about spice, and I woke up thinking about nothing but spice. I looked over to my sill and there it was, the glorious dim-green, plastic mini-bong sitting there fully loaded with the red lighter sitting next to it; both waiting for me.

I picked up the bong and began staring at it for just a few minutes before I grabbed the lighter and went through the same routine, but with a much larger bowl. I took deep, long, nervous breaths through my nose and then... I messed up the first hit. I had it too close and saw some burn away with little to no vapor. It didn't matter. There had been so much inside the bowl, it made no difference. I took the first hit. Holding it in until I let go and nothing came out. I took the second hit. Holding it in until I started to sink into myself. I took the third hit, just as large as the others if not larger, and I disappeared. I pulled my bed's blankets up to myself and sank into my pillows which were in the same formation as before.

This time, unlike the first, I left my body completely behind. It was gone and my third eye took immediate control. My mind didn't have a chance to escape; nothing in this reality of mine stood a chance.

I came to the waiting room, all the more aware of my steadily increasing heart beats, I concentrated on my breathing. After some time in the waiting room I felt, not pain, but like something or someone was pushing on my third eye. I saw no one, but at the same time, it was a hand from an unknown being trying to see if my third eye was real.

A small white light was in the distance. It grew larger and larger and so gigantic that it completely engulfed my third eye within it. ... .... ...... ..... .....

..... ... ... ... ...... ... . . .. . .. Nothing. I don't remember where it was I went. I can only remember a very vivid and unsettling thought accompanied by all too real feelings.

This place I went to, it was in complete chaos, yet it had a perfect order to it. It was all so random, but it made complete sense. The entire time I kept hearing someone in my mind telling me, "You are not ready." At first I thought it was my own conscious telling me this over, and over again during the waiting room, but it somehow felt like a being had entered my mind.

But finally, right before the white light took me, I took control of my own thoughts and said "I am ready." and all I know now is that I need to go back.

There are too many people that I need to thank. A couple were mentioned, but there are hundreds of you on these forums who should feel a sense of accomplishment with me. I love you all.
Do not listen to anything, "Steely" says. He is a made up character that his owner likes to role play with. His owner is very delusional and everything he says is completely untrue and ridiculous.
Hate is the choice of a clouded mind.
-"It takes humility to remember who we are"-
"There has to be evil so that good can prove its purity above it." - Buddha

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 4/23/2010 4:47:48 AM

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congratulations - the first snow globe is like christmas, eh? Thanks for sharing, Steely, glad you have had a taste of the profound infinity. One more consciousness awakened; one more traveller. Good luck with your further explorations
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#3 Posted : 4/23/2010 8:07:59 AM

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So far I've had far greater experiences then this and my sub-breakthrough topic titled, "Blue Hue in a Higher Octave".

Although my experiences have stretched far beyond both of my written reports on Nexus, finding motivation to write up the impossible is becoming difficult.

Do not listen to anything, "Steely" says. He is a made up character that his owner likes to role play with. His owner is very delusional and everything he says is completely untrue and ridiculous.
Hate is the choice of a clouded mind.
-"It takes humility to remember who we are"-
"There has to be evil so that good can prove its purity above it." - Buddha
#4 Posted : 4/23/2010 8:30:01 AM

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That's a cute thread. Glad you've joined the nexus!
River Monkey
#5 Posted : 4/23/2010 9:31:36 AM


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Oops, posted this in the wrong thread!
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