Spice is life changing. It is hard to believe what has happened since first wandering innocently into it's infinite embrace.
Before putting that first fateful glass tube to hungry lips, my life was in a bad place. Stuck in a damaged and damaging relationship that was going nowhere, was poh' ass broke all the time with the debt spiralling - as an Irish friend of mine would say, "I didn't have an arse in my trousers"

. The career which had provided meaning and purpose was tanking badly. The result was depression, of the
spending evenings idly thinking about how exactly to end it all, but not having the energy to actually carry it out type of depressed;
not being able to get out of bed all day depressed.
Fast forward forty or so journeys later to the wondrous place we call hyperspace. Some of those visits were terribly hard and frighteningly dark; utterly terryfying. Others, exquisitely gentle and loving. Many times the spice has been medicine, healing my psyche and I believe to some extent my broken flesh. Lady Aya has pulled a glass shard from behind my eye, and living tendrils have sliced and spliced my flesh and turned me inside out. And many visits were just too far, too deep, too much, too intense for any memory or comprehension to survive reentry.
But throughout, and without fail, there have been powerful lessons.
I was informed that it was important for me not to lose myself in Their world; that I had to sort myself out here, in my own dimension. I was advised very clearly to take up yoga and read the
Upanishads, as well as the Bible and other sacred texts. (Hyperspace is, by all accounts, non-denominational

... I was just being told to learn about the spiritual journey that life is, from whatever sources I could find). I was also told to go and deal with the unresolved problems I was bringing in with me, like my damaged relationship. This became a running narrative in my journeys.
I was taught new ways of perception and navigation within their dimensions; and found how important it is to be thankful and respectful while being granted access to this wondrous place. We are guests in an impossible, beautiful palace.
So. I took some time off to re-integrate. The damaged relationship has ended, and healed. I have moved house, been promoted and haven't been depressed in months. Today, I went and had a yoga lesson with a teacher; he has given me a practice and program that I can follow in my own time. And I feel a great peace, which has eluded my grasp for as long as I can remember.
Tonight, it was time to return. The key to Withinity was a Changa blend I have christened
'Deep Purple' - 25% sacred blue lilly; 25% calea; 40% Caapi leaf and the rest, a sprinkle of Rooibos tea, all spiced at 1:1.
The first time I tried it, last night, the dose was way too high (120mg) - and it was all a bit all over the place. But I did meet a purple snake man, with a very deep voice; hence, Deep Purple. So tonight, 85mg seemed a better bet.
Before setting off, I did my yoga practice for about half an hour, then sat half-lotus for about 15 minutes, just breathing and stilling the mind, before venturing In.
At first, it was like being in the jar of Mimosa root bark powder. Exactly that shade of purple, but 3D, billowing wetly, right in my face. A bit aggressive. But I could find fractal points within its folds ... and they were jester fractals. Aha - The Entrance. I focused on these and squeezed through into the jimjam world. It was extraordinary; I feel I spent a very long time in there with them. I remember electric blue rubberglass skyscrapers shooting up, like Shanghai Magic Beans, and a science fiction woman, with a metallic looking blue helmet, sweeping back fluidly from her head, saying, Yes. We will show you Wonders. I felt welcomed; I had prepared myself, heeded their advice and tried to learn the lessons. And tonight I felt a greater depth to the relationship than I have had before. That I am almost ready.
The next stage was the world of the intelligent tendrils again. They are amazing; funny. Probing, getting into my mouth, alien feelers, catlike babies. I welcomed them in. Would it be easier if I lay down? I lay down, spread-eagled, mouth open wide. Welcome into me ... they dove into my mouth, and my perception was turned inside out. At this point, I really felt the symbiosis - they were using my body, my nervous system ... exploring it.
The journey continued, on and on, through purple light cathedrals, and gold plated wombs of warmth.
I'll stop now ... this is all a bit of a long read, with o conclusion. But WOW. This spice is truly wondrous.
Much love to you all
"at journey's end, we must begin again"