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#1 Posted : 4/7/2010 5:07:48 AM

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i suppose being the hippy that i am, it should come as no surprise that i would want to write about something 'special' on my 1111th post....the fact is, i have always had an affinity for this number, though i can't say exactly matter the reason, i've been patiently waiting for something of value to say on this most auspicious occasion....

i think i got sumfin.... Pleased

i've been reading a bit about folks' different techniques in regards to postures/focus/methods of 'working' while in hyperspace. every single one of them is righteous and massively helpful to this entire community. i would like to share my latest evolution of technique as well as some recent challenges and teachings i have encountered while using this new technique.

it goes a little something like this....

it all shifted for me when i began working with DMT-infused blue lotus (blue lilly). not just figuratively, but quite literally, it felt as if i had an ancient shaman sitting beside me everytime i would journey with this sacred combination. i would be told (mind you- while long gone from my body/ego) to sit up straight. half-lotus posture to be precise....left hand in my lap, right hand extended out in front and to the right of my face like i was going to give a friend a 'hi-5'. both hands would have the classic index-to-thumb mudra and only the most tender amount of force would be exerted. it literally feels like holding a single atom with a loving awareness so as not to damage it in any way....

in this position my experience of DMT changed forever. where i once practiced a defined 'surrender' approach, allowing the great activator to do/show/teach/tell what it would, now i was being shown an entirely new possibility.

consider for a moment that DMT is a supremely powerful 'activator' or 'potentiator'. it has the ability to clear a line of transmission. it can open a part of the mind we cannot open without it just yet. imagine that it is almost like being given a 'super-pill' for just a brief moment.

now, by 'super' i mean simply that while in direct connection with hyperspace, our human minds are available to us in a way we are not familiar. truth is, we don't know WHAT these piles of noodles are truly capable of. we can speculate and we can theorize....but when you are in the deepest, most uncharted recesses of your own mind via DMT, what is possible has no ceiling. you are adrift in an infinite ocean of are beyond the limiting shackles of your self...

interstingly, during a particularly deep breakthrough while in this 'receiver' position as i have come to call it, something interesting happened to me. a voice (the old shaman at my side) told me to consciously try to cross my eyes lightly and view through my third eye... Confused i was then told to not focus on one single thing that came at me...

in an instant, everything that i had ever seen in hyperspace multiplied times a billion and came at me full force. Shocked i didn't panic. i simply focussed on this third-eye viewing and held back profound rapture as everything and then some was drawn immediately to me.

through the surrender of all things, i am given everything...

i was told to open my eyes very slightly and continue viewing with this cross-eyed technique...

i have never opened my eyes while deeply broken through until this moment and what i beheld....well....i wrote about it in BLUE was simply the alpha and the omega of all work i've done so far.

SO- now i see my work with DMT as a highly potentiated meditation. i focus on nothing and all things are made manifest. i still have profound entity contact, but it always comes after my deep meditation work has concluded....once i have just regained identity i will then lay back and have my debrief/realignment work with the beings i have come to know as 'the engineers' (the insectoids) and 'the golden ones' (the beings to which i feel in some way profoundly connected). this new phase of understanding i find myself in is extrodinarily rewarding, but i have to be honest....i have been getting some 'tests'...

check this one out....

a couple days ago i have impossiblemachine out at THE TREE for a bit of deep work. i sit for him as he goes and once he starts to return and i know he is solid, i take an enormous breakthrough hit.... i have only barely just enough time to get into my posture before the great link-up.....only......what the....?????

so, as is the case in pretty much 100% of my breakthroughs, it all begins with a geometry followed by what looks like a circle inside of a hexagon being 'lowered' down to me. almost like a connection link. once the link-up is made, i go where i go. it is always like this for exceptions.

so i'm sitting there and the link-up is coming down but all of a sudden it's almost as if some sort of electrical interference is blown into the energy field that holds the geometry. a staticky grid of convoluted energy obscures my link-up and i am immediately made aware that it is a 'demon'. Twisted Evil

now- for the record- i don't ever use this word let alone believe in 'demons' or any such business. but the way it was explained to me was almost as if i was being tested in some way. so many little bits of wisdom that i have been shown in hyperspace over the past many hundreds of journeys all of a sudden fell together. the notion of being a 'warrior', the recent awareness of the importance of focus, the sensation that i have been being taught this whole time.... i can't say what it was all about for sure. but i will say that there was no fear or terror like, "oh my god!!! a DEEEEEEEEAMON!!!!! eeeeeek!!"

on the contrary- it was almost like a revealing of a piece of a puzzle. like, "this connection....this oneness....this requires effort on your part now. you must stay focussed and not allow distraction or attachment to break this precious connection to the divine. this little demon we just let loose on your ass.....his job was to fuck with you to test your ability to make that connection while being distracted and annoyed."

interestingly, after continually forcing myself to return to my posture and my focussed third-eye viewing technique, i was able to (forceably?) make that connection. i've never come out of a breakthrough feeling more i truly EARNED that one.

the tests keep a-comin' my brothers and sisters....i've also found that i've been needing to take more time off in between these guys. i'm in the middle of my race season so i'm always in a state of fatigue these days. this new level of focussed work requires being 110% so i'm finding myself only able to be 'sea-worthy' a couple times a week right now. that's okay though....quality vs. quantity any day...

the L.O.V.E. brigade continues to grow and just last week WSaged gave me a sampling of his extraction skills. one word: wow. i'm gonna start calling him 'the crystal farmer'. he gave me one that weighed over 50mg!! BLESSINGS!! Very happy

i've been reading a lot of wonderful posts lately even if i haven't had the steam to do much writing of my own. so much love, support and wisdom here.....we really do have a blessed thing going here. and a beautiful influx of awesome new members too!! to all of you i humbly extend my deepest...


"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 4/7/2010 6:12:56 AM

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The receiving posture and 'highly potentiated meditation' resonate with me exactly.

What is the specific formula you are working with here?

Straight blue lily, nothing else added? Not enhanced by 5x or 10x?

White spice? Yellow spice? Jim jam?

Are you taking harmalas in any form beforehand? THH?
"Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."

"Only from the Heart can you touch the sky." ~ Rumi
#3 Posted : 4/7/2010 6:35:26 AM

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it's a blend of 50% blue lilly (not enhanced but very good quality), 25% calea, 10% blue vervain, 10% wild lettuce and 5% california poppy put 1:1 with a pretty white spice.

i have not used any harmalas immediately beforehand, but i do take caapi tea at least 4 days a week so i think i'm always a little inhibited... Pleased

such a wonderfully 'teaching' synergy with these dream herbs, the sacred blue lotus and the spice potentiating them all....makes for a profound breakthrough, a deep lesson and then a wonderful dream-like healing return....

i'll be working with this combination for a while.....


"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#4 Posted : 4/7/2010 7:29:36 AM

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Perhaps that shaman came to teach you how to use your will correctly ( after you had successfully relinquished it via "surrender your need to want" ). It's like your will died and now is ready to be reborn in a healthy, aligned way, where its use is not a sin anymore but a blessing to the world.
#5 Posted : 4/7/2010 7:33:16 AM

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antrocles wrote:
it's a blend of 50% blue lilly (not enhanced but very good quality), 25% calea, 10% blue vervain, 10% wild lettuce and 5% california poppy put 1:1 with a pretty white spice.

Very nice!

I have some 10x blue lily infused 1:1 with waxy jim jam. Looking forward to working with it in the forest.
"Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."

"Only from the Heart can you touch the sky." ~ Rumi
#6 Posted : 4/7/2010 7:37:06 AM
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Awesome revelations, brother. Glad to see you again antrocles.
For a while, I thought you got permanently stuck in hyperspace.Laughing Yeah, the thumb and finger thing just works.

antrocles wrote:
our human minds are available to us in a way we are not familiar. truth is, we don't know WHAT these piles of noodles are truly capable of

Very well stated. A lot to be said on that one, for sure.

antrocles wrote:
he gave me one that weighed over 50mg!!


Much love and appreciation to you for sharing your powerful insights.
Disclaimer: All words and images posted herein under the username Jumper are strictly for entertainment purposes only, and are fictitious in nature. Swim is the imaginary character of a schizophrenic and all posts connected to said entity are the deluded ramblings of a madman, who admits that all posted data herein was electromagnetically beamed into his brain from a HAARP antenna array.
#7 Posted : 4/7/2010 8:22:26 AM

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Great to have you back in the house, Ant! Excellent report, as always. Half lotus is my entry posture as well; I adopt this as a physical manifestation of good intent.

much love
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#8 Posted : 4/7/2010 8:56:29 AM


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thank you for the post antrocles. you are one of the many that teach me about the benefits of dmt use and i am grateful for your contribution, it seems you have gone where you never thought possible, yet I have not gone far past what I think is possible, thank you for the inspiration, good luck on your journeys
"That which I avoid I will become a slave to, that which I confront I will master."
#9 Posted : 4/7/2010 10:54:19 AM

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Great description.

By the way, in numerology the number 11 is considered a master number. It is my lucky number since i was a child.
So i'm guessin 1111 must be pretty strong too...

"It permits you to see, more clearly than our perishing mortal eye can see, vistas beyond the horizons of this life, to travel backwards and forwards in time, to enter other planes of existence, even (as the Indians say) to know God." R. Gordon Wasson
#10 Posted : 4/8/2010 4:24:06 AM

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How do you maintain any posture?

I always stay in the boneless, slumped, slack-jawed, drooling posture with my hands in the "still lightly grasping the pipe" mudra...

Well, I don't really drool, but you get the picture.

Pokey the Paralyzed Puffer
#11 Posted : 4/8/2010 7:57:28 AM

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Pokey wrote:
How do you maintain any posture?

I always stay in the boneless, slumped, slack-jawed, drooling posture with my hands in the "still lightly grasping the pipe" mudra...

I'm a fan of the half-lotus - but it isn't 'proper' 1/2 lotus, because I lean against something ... wall, back of bed, whatever, with a few pillows. But I swear by it
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#12 Posted : 4/8/2010 3:51:57 PM

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ive come back crosseyed before my brother...a number of times. its an evolving work we are in brother and it is beautiful. great write up as usual and sorry im behind on mine, ill post soon. LOVE!

"wherever you go...there you are"
Big Inhale
#13 Posted : 4/9/2010 3:03:07 PM

The Enlightend One

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You are very lucky to have fellow travelers from this site with you. I am a lone soldier here. Awesome post to.
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