Near-death recollection? Options
Jamie ONeil
#1 Posted : 4/2/2010 5:25:02 PM

Jamie O'Neil

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My wife asked me to post for her, as she is not a member. But I'm going to let her express it herself, because she has a question.
Fond greetings to all. The first time I blasted off, I had the sensation off breaking glass. I thought I had kicked or somehow knocked the large bong off the table and broken it and was sorry for it. Fortunately, that feeling lasted just a bit and I was able to continue on with an amazing and delightful journey.

This time, upon blast-off, I had an overwhelming sensation of glass shattering then trying to spit it out off my mouth. This time, I thought I broke our friends glass topped coffee table and felt sorry for it. Again this feeling lasted only a bit and I was able to continue on.

Sometime during the night it occurred to me that in 2002, I was hit head-on by a drunk driver that crossed the center lane. For the next 4-5 hours I was in and out of consciousness... mostly out. While I have never had a memory of an "near-death" experience, I'm wondering now, if I indeed did and had a flash back or "re-experience" of it.

Have any of you experienced anything similar.
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#2 Posted : 4/2/2010 6:32:58 PM

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had a near-fatal experience.
the only thing learned is just how fragile life really is.
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#3 Posted : 4/2/2010 6:39:53 PM
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Oh yes. I had an NDE when i was 6 years old. But mostly because what happened to me than was so totally incomprehensable for the child i was, that i more or less had forgotten all about it.
I still remembered the event itself, but i just didn't think about it anymore and i also didn't saw it as something significant. It was just something that i couldn't place.

In september this year, i took a massive dose of ayahuasca and shrooms.
I think the shroom-aya combo could have easily gotten 5 or more people tripping heavily.

Then i remembered everything again. And not just that. I think i was more or less brought back to this place. Brought to the edge of what people here call 'hyperspace', to it's horizon, like the edge of a clif. beyond that horizon we can't see nor go. beyond that horizon only those who's time has realy come can go.
Hyperspace, i think, is just the space in between here and there.
You can stay near this place or come very close to the edge of hyperspace, when you take DMT, but never go beyond it.
#4 Posted : 4/2/2010 7:05:47 PM

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Wow, I feels like I'm coming out of the nutty closet today.

My collar bone appears largely uneven, and my right shoulder rolls in toward the front of my body in a funny way. Since dad had constantly picked on me about my posture, I assumed that these misalignments came from constantly reading in curled up positions as a child. On 6.5g of cubes, I had the experience of going through the birth process, and getting my shoulder caught up on something, to the point of nearly dislocating, and after completely the birth the tenderness naturally pulling it in to favor the pain.

When mom met my partner's parents for the first, they got to talking about our births, my mom mentioned that my shoulder had caught inside her, and caused substantial damage, so she had to stay in the hospital for a little over a week recovering.

Don't know if this falls into the type of remembering your wife thought about, but it's the only similar experience I've had.
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#5 Posted : 4/5/2010 11:48:53 PM

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ragabr wrote:
Wow, I feels like I'm coming out of the nutty closet today.

My collar bone appears largely uneven, and my right shoulder rolls in toward the front of my body in a funny way. Since dad had constantly picked on me about my posture, I assumed that these misalignments came from constantly reading in curled up positions as a child. On 6.5g of cubes, I had the experience of going through the birth process, and getting my shoulder caught up on something, to the point of nearly dislocating, and after completely the birth the tenderness naturally pulling it in to favor the pain.

When mom met my partner's parents for the first, they got to talking about our births, my mom mentioned that my shoulder had caught inside her, and caused substantial damage, so she had to stay in the hospital for a little over a week recovering.

Don't know if this falls into the type of remembering your wife thought about, but it's the only similar experience I've had.

I find this very fascinating, that memories created during birth can be unlocked by psychedelics. Thank you for sharing.
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#6 Posted : 4/6/2010 12:21:06 AM

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Yengu, Stanislav Grof has done a bunch of research into this, he refers to pre-birth memories as the perinatal matrix. I think he might be the psychiatrist who dosed the greatest number of LSD therapy patients, at least legally. His books come highly suggested.
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#7 Posted : 4/8/2010 2:24:09 AM
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This quarter's MAPS bulletin is devoted to examining how psychedelic experiences compare and contrast to near-death experiences. Spring 2010: "Special Edition: Psychedelics, Death and Dying"

The two biggest differences between psychedelic experiences and NDEs mentioned are 1. Lack of a "life review" when using psychedelic drugs, 2. Lack of fractal distortions and visuals during an NDE.

Jamie ONeil
#8 Posted : 4/17/2010 7:54:00 PM

Jamie O'Neil

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This is me writing in response to my wife's post.

I have read that the brain releases DMT in a larger quantity at birth, death and during NDE's or OBE's. However, it is my theory that the brain also releases more DMT during childbirth. The feeling I get during the journey can only be compared to the feeling I had when I gave birth - like what is happening is inevitable and messy and wonderful and there are others there, waiting with towels and whatever to clean up the mess. Like I'm going to explode, but I don't have to worry about it, because they are all going to clean it up.
Also, when I'm in that headspace, I feel my son there with me. Indeed, when I "go back" to that headspace during my "flashback" times, I feel him there. Likewise, he feels me during his journeys, too.
I have three children, but he is the youngest. He is also the one who introduced me to DMT, and he was physically there during my first journey, but my wife is always there, and I do not feel her "in there" with me. Does anyone else out there ever feel another person in their journey?
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all."
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