Interesting duo of healing journey's (Pt. 1) Options
#1 Posted : 3/28/2010 5:33:29 AM

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Last night I had a couple of journey's that were quite unique and very healing. I'd like to share them with you.

I will start with a brief background of my life at this point in time. I have been out of work for close to a year now, and spending a lot of time trying to decide what I want to be when I "grow up". On top of that I am in the midst of starting a new business, tapering off a mild, but long time Kratom habit, and my lovely wife is currently going through a series of biopsy's to determine if she has malignant or benign cancer cells in her breast. Needless to say, I'm under a LOT of stress right now, and my mind is far beyond calm, clean, and clear.

Basically, I'm spiraling in a very positive direction overall, but things are very high stress, and there is a lot of weight on my shoulders about what the very near future holds for me and my family. Thus, I turned to this Spice journey not really knowing what my goal was, but I knew that I needed some guidance.

This is a 2 part report of back to back journeys:
Journey 1:
Approximately 35mg of white n,n loaded in the GVG, sandwiched between Elahz smoking blend. I hit the GVG for a first vape, and got a decent dose, but early vaporization issues made it really only about a 1/2 lung full of solid vapor. Back to the GVG for a second hit. This one was 100% vapor from the beginning to the end. By about mid inhale my vision and reality was starting to warp to a point where I knew I needed to finish and set down the utensils. So, I finished off the hit and set the lighter and pipe down.

I blasted into a very chaotic and random area of hyperspace. There were beings and worlds, but everything was scattered about, jumping between planes / worlds, and nothing ever seemed to come to a conclusion of any sort. It was like picking up the broken pieces of someone else's journey. The other really odd thing was that I felt almost no body high / euphoria. It's like I was blasted deep into hyperspace, but there was only visuals. Zero body high what so ever. No love and connection with what I was experiencing. It was very frustrating, and I attributed this to my effed up neurotransmitters due to the Kratom taper. Then, just as I was feeling like giving up and riding out the visuals as an uneventful experience, something spectacular happened...

A beautiful red, yellow, and blue-green entity fluttered down next to my left eye. This entity seemed to be half flower, and half flying insect. Like a cross between a snap dragon and a butterfly. It sat next to my eye and I saw it's bulbous, glowing stomach / abdomen sort of thing that was curled up in the center of it's flower like body. I just stared at it, and this pulsing bubble abdomen thing rolled open and expanded wide open into a beautiful web of colorful atomic matter type of goo... Plasmatis if you will. This web of matter moved up and enveloped my head from the top. As soon as it began sliding down over my skull, I could feel the release of the tension in my skull muscles more extreme than any relaxation exercise I have ever performed. As this "matter" slipped down over my head and face, like a glowing colorful mesh-work of energy, it just kept releasing all of the tension and stress that I had been carrying over the past months / weeks / days. It continued to move down over my head and face, and down to my shoulders and torso, sucking out all the stress and tension in any area that it touched. It was a beautiful thing.

I had absolutely NO idea how much tension I had been carrying around on a daily basis until I felt this release, and realized what it felt like to be truly RELAXED again. Suddenly massive euphoria and bliss filled my head and body. The tension I was carrying was blocking out this positive energy & feelings of well being, and it wasn't until the Spice helped me release this negative tension that I could feel the bliss and euphoria that the experience had to offer.

I came away from this experience with a profound understanding of how stressed out and tense I've been over the last few months, and a deep understanding of how negatively it was blocking out positive experiences. It was like a cold, hard, armor that was deflecting joy and happiness. Coming out this experience I felt like a bucket of jello (blissful jello though!). Completely relaxed and unstressed, in a way that I have not felt in ages. I realized that I NEED to start putting some time aside every day for exercise, or meditation, or play. I need a daily release & de-stress session. This all "duh" type of information, but sometimes it takes an outside force to make you truly grasp the priceless value of it. I can't thank the spice enough for helping me come to this realization, and for showing me just how good it feels to let all that tension just GO... It was wonderful, and highly beneficial. I got up this morning feeling like a new man, with a new hunger and joy for life!

I really can't express in words how amazing this experience was for me, and I hope by sharing it I help others here come to the same realization. Take time every day to de-stress at all costs. You probably will not know the level of stress and tension you are carrying around day to day, until you take the time to let it go...

This report got much longer than I expected, so instead of posting journey 2 here, I will post it in separate thread. It's a bit more personal, so i need to take some time before I share it with everyone.

Thank you to anyone who took the time to read this, and I really hope my experience can help even just one other person who does so.

Peace, love and relaxation!
I am not a drug addict seeking escape from reality. I am an explorer of consciousness challenging consensus reality.

…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
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#2 Posted : 3/29/2010 5:14:53 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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This is wonderful! I read the second one first but they are both great and i (having a "incurable" disease) found great help in both of them.

In this first report, it was almost as if it was a difficult journey to that little creature of health. Like such a small being really needed you to give up before it could come to you as the precise thing you needed.

Great stuff!
The D M T is in your mind.
#3 Posted : 3/29/2010 7:31:10 PM

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So happy to hear the healing the Spice guided you to! I very much hope that your situation calms, and my prayers go out for you and your wife.
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#4 Posted : 3/30/2010 2:47:04 PM

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I had absolutely NO idea how much tension I had been carrying around on a daily basis until I felt this release, and realized what it felt like to be truly RELAXED again. Suddenly massive euphoria and bliss filled my head and body. The tension I was carrying was blocking out this positive energy & feelings of well being, and it wasn't until the Spice helped me release this negative tension that I could feel the bliss and euphoria that the experience had to offer.

99% of humanity has been living in this state for decades. Most people don't even know what it means to be totally relaxed. Rigidness is the norm.
#5 Posted : 3/30/2010 4:00:28 PM


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Sounds wonderful! Im still in kindergarten spiceland, all fun and ladies and bizarre images and stuff wi th a deep desire for understanding. My next journey i will ask hyperspace to cure any ills that i may have Smile

Great report thanks!
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