#1 Posted : 3/25/2010 3:01:01 AM

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this will be the greatest challenge of my life. i know i will fall horribly short in my attempt to describe what was, in truth, the most profound breakthrough i've had to date. i simply don't know how to start this...

it all started yesterday...

Uncle Knucles wanted to whip up a batch of 'Electric Sheep' changa. i had all the fixings and lord knows he has an end-of-the-world cache of spice from his monstrously successful last extract. a gram of crystals were married to a gram of blue lotus and calea by the good reverend isopropyl alcohol. the honeymoon would take place in our lungs...

today Art showed up in the late afternoon and i convinced him to come with me to my sacred tree in the park across from my home. all necessities were packed in my satchel (NOT A MAN-PURSE!!) Pleased

you could not ask for a more beautiful day and a more righteous vibe in the park. perfect sun, perfect tree, perfect sky, perfect temperature.....perfect perfection. after a moment to settle and collect, Art hit the GVG and grew wings.

his work is his own. he can flex his impressive writing chops to describe what it is he saw/did not see. either way, he went a few times before i decided to 'clear out' the remains...

happens every time....

one big lungful and i am gone. not ego-death, but certainly a deep one. beautiful beings....the world i know.....golden glowing advanced civilization...i am with them again and i am feeling a love that has not been present in my journeys for a little while now. i have never felt so acknowleged and welcomed as i did this time. the crafts....classic saucer shape....pulsing with a warmth and an intelligence... words fail me and, in truth, i will not even try to encapsulate what/where i was during this beautiful trip in the name of getting to the 'big one'.

after a while back and some good debriefing, Art and i decided to go again. this time i took the biggest lungful i think i have ever managed to take. i knew this was going to be special...i knew it before i even engaged the torch...

i left my body....i left it and yet, i hovered around it like a freed spirit. i saw through my eyes by looking through the back of my skull, through my brain and then out o the tiny portals that faced a never ending stretch of space. as if i were a cutout placed in front of the universe, i saw my form and what enveloped it. i watched from another time and space as my right hand raised alongside my head and my forefinger and thumb connected with impossible if holding a single atom lovingly.

my other hand, exact same mudra engaged, lay in my lap. i knew something was machinery coming into proper alignment to 'engage'. i watched this from another universe. i waited. what was coming was going to transform me forever...

the way something can surround something from the inside out, i was inside and outside of my body at once. my eyes opened (something that NEVER happens when i journey) and at once i became a 'receiver'. like i have never felt before, i was a statue. a monument. as if the sun directly in front of my body, shining directly on my third eye, decided to explain that all things in the world are almost as mirrors with light. you know the way you can capture and direct a beam of light to illuminate a hallway in a pyramid? just like that, only i was the end of the transmission. the final room where all that is culminates. the very 'reason' for it all...

i am not in the universe. the universe is in me.

the information of all that is. the light. the great oneness.....reflecting off of everything single thing that is.....gaining their signature and resonance as it does.....ending in MY third eye...

i became aware of everything. truly everything. i could not be more beyond ego and self and yet, i knew the surroundings my body was in. i knew Art was at my side. i knew how absolutely decimated the reality i exist in was. i knew all things. before me, life was infinite. i saw all things and everything i saw was infinite. every atom danced and transformed eternally with each moment. the lawn was an infinite lawn of infinite blades of grass and infinite flowers. everything was a new thing in every moment and every new thing was made of what had just been something else the moment before.

i have never felt such sublime timelessness and omnipresence in my entire life. just writing about it brings tears to my eyes.

between my hands, i held the universe. i held it with an unflappable certainty in my willingness to accept all of it. this was the gift of the blue lotus to me. i was made quite clear that what i was experiencing was the spirit of the blue lotus potentiated to it's absolute zenith by DMT. up to this point, every other ally i have combined with DMT has resulted in an "ally-enhanced DMT journey". this was, without question, a "DMT-enhanced blue lotus journey".

i am truly saddened that i cannot even begin to put what i experienced into words. even with Art at my side to speak with after the fact, i simply couldn't begin to integrate nearly enough to even discuss it effectively. even now, hours later, i am shaken to my foundation.

stonehenge, pyramids, mayan temples, easter island.....yes, they are all monuments. i was shown that we are all monuments when our presence is engaged. we are all satellite dishes waiting to be locked into the exact coordinates that allow us in our individual ways to receive the broadcast of everything. my lessons of late have all revolved around MEDITATING while deeply broken through. channeling that profound power into stillness to open something.

up til now i didn't know what....but today.....i think i just found out. such a powerful tool. such a profound gift...this is how i shall work with DMT going forward. this is what i have been told to do.

i held the universe in my hands. i felt a peace and a stillness that made me understand that more is always possible with our beloved sacrament. the growth and expansion is without limit.

it's so funny....i have an enormous blue lotus tattooed on my hands. at the time i chose to get it, i had only smoked it a couple times....i truly didn't know why i was so compelled to do it actually.....

today, as i came back from the single most profoundly enlightening experience of my life to date, i gazed for a period at my hands and laughed through watering eyes....

"i am the bearer of the blue lotus", i said with solemn reverence. if only for that one, profound experience, i shall forever carry it with the deepest...

Love and Gratitude..

antrocles attached the following image(s):
lotushands.JPG (1,653kb) downloaded 470 time(s).
"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
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#2 Posted : 3/25/2010 3:06:40 AM


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i am truly saddened that i cannot even begin to put what i experienced into words.

That's not the point :]
Cheer up, because as I was reading this, I knew exactly what you meant.
I remember, and will never ever forget.

Another awesome report...
#3 Posted : 3/25/2010 3:26:56 AM

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Thank you for sharing. Reading your words sends euphoria through my veins.

"waiting to be locked into the exact coordinates that allow us in our individual ways to receive the broadcast of everything."

Absolutely beautiful...
#4 Posted : 3/25/2010 3:38:18 AM

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Had he more quickly realized just who they were,he would have shown them more respect.Had he tried harder to fathom their brilliant minds,he would have taken more of their teachings to heart.Had he more clearly understood the purpose of their being,
he would have more vigorously tried to assist them.They were truly honorable; he was sadly prejudiced.
They were exceedingly well informed; he was grossly ignorant.They were totally indefatigable; he so often, and so quickly,gave up. Still, for many years there was a strong inter-species alliance between the Eleven-Eleven of the Half-way Realm, their Seraphic Associates,and their flesh-and-blood friend, a common mortal. Much was accomplished, many profited, and, there’s only one regret...They could have achieved so much more...

All Hypnotizing Hypnotizes Hypnotizing
#5 Posted : 3/25/2010 3:58:46 AM

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You did more than enough in describing the enlightened experience for us. It is very beautiful.

Fantastic job and I am so happy for you. Thank you so much for sharing another immensely hypnotizing report.
Do not listen to anything, "Steely" says. He is a made up character that his owner likes to role play with. His owner is very delusional and everything he says is completely untrue and ridiculous.
Hate is the choice of a clouded mind.
-"It takes humility to remember who we are"-
"There has to be evil so that good can prove its purity above it." - Buddha
#6 Posted : 3/25/2010 5:58:11 AM

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awsome report, very well articulated. I'm going have a friend who is considering trying DMT read it.
‎"I maintain that Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect." J. Krishnamurti ~ The Dissolution of the Order of the Star. 1929
#7 Posted : 3/25/2010 6:24:43 AM

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Beautiful report Antrocles.

I have found Blue Lily to be very powerful. It's probably my favorite plant.

It opens EVERYTHING up. Intense.

Your tattoo is beautiful by the way. I've never gotten a tat, but I would get something like that.
"Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."

"Only from the Heart can you touch the sky." ~ Rumi
#8 Posted : 3/25/2010 7:06:14 AM

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Electric Sheep is the one I find most difficult to describe. It's also the one I am least bothered about not being able to describe. Nothing has loved me as much as Electric Sheep. It's electric blue love radiates through everything. It only loves me. It also opens my eyes after a while, it wants to join me here 'let's go back to your dimension together and enjoy that'

One of the most beautiful after-glows comes from the Lotus. It is so powerful.

I added some Electric Sheep to a Pau d'Arco/Caapi blend and it took over completely. The Lotus overrides everything for me.

Peace and Sheep brother.
Peace in mind, Love in heart
#9 Posted : 3/25/2010 7:57:35 AM

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Great report, Ant - that is special. The sacred lotus has a special place in my heart as well; and often I am compelled to open my eyes while in its loving enfolds. And I believe the Calea has its place in this marvellous mix as well - the dreams, oh man, the dreams...
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#10 Posted : 3/25/2010 8:35:27 AM

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Dagger wrote:
which plant is blue lotus? I see it can refer to three different plants; Nymphaea caerulea, Nymphaea nouchali and Nelumbo nucifera.

I've got Nymphea Caerulea - which I've just realised is called sacred blue Lilly ... is a Lilly a Lotus? Either way, Nymphea Caerulea is a beautiful plant to travel within
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#11 Posted : 3/25/2010 9:34:22 AM

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88 wrote:
Dagger wrote:
which plant is blue lotus? I see it can refer to three different plants; Nymphaea caerulea, Nymphaea nouchali and Nelumbo nucifera.

I've got Nymphea Caerulea - which I've just realised is called sacred blue Lilly ... is a Lilly a Lotus? Either way, Nymphea Caerulea is a beautiful plant to travel within

Nymphaea caerulea, also known as the Blue Egyptian water lily or sacred blue lily.

Nymphaea caerulea is purported to have a "divine" essence, bringing heightened awareness and tranquility


Read the wiki here
Peace in mind, Love in heart
#12 Posted : 3/25/2010 1:52:45 PM

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ghostman wrote:
88 wrote:
Dagger wrote:
which plant is blue lotus? I see it can refer to three different plants; Nymphaea caerulea, Nymphaea nouchali and Nelumbo nucifera.

I've got Nymphea Caerulea - which I've just realised is called sacred blue Lilly ... is a Lilly a Lotus? Either way, Nymphea Caerulea is a beautiful plant to travel within

Nymphaea caerulea, also known as the Blue Egyptian water lily or sacred blue lily.

Nymphaea caerulea is purported to have a "divine" essence, bringing heightened awareness and tranquility


Read the wiki here

I'm not sure what makes the difference between a waterlily and a lotus, but the Nymphaea (caerulea, ampla, alba, etc..) are, botanically, waterlilies and Nelumbo nucifera is a lotus....Sacred Lotus actually...the Sacred pink Lotus often depicted in Eastern art.
"Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."

"Only from the Heart can you touch the sky." ~ Rumi
#13 Posted : 3/25/2010 2:57:55 PM

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as if holding a single atom lovingly


what an image. sharp and gentle at the same time.
#14 Posted : 3/25/2010 3:25:15 PM

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channeling that profound power into stillness to open something.

I think I can relate (experienced this), but I'm not sure.

When I get to this place, what happens is that my surroundings (meaning everything outside the central ground zero) become the everything. The entire universe appears in/as my experience and the tiniest movement of my mind is a movement of the entire universe. With this comes a sense of sacredness and a conviction that my mental acts have a very direct connection to the fate of the universe. This also brings a feeling of great responsibility.

When I am in this state, I realize that there is nowhere else to go. The searching for something else, the thirst, the desire goes away because that which I'm constantly looking for is gliding backwards from the future and when it reaches Now, it becomes manifest in/as my present ("like machinery coming into proper alignment to 'engage'" - this evokes the same feeling). It all comes to a rest. (That's what your mudras express I think).

When this happens, a deeper entity wakes up in me, who I learned to associate with the tarot card of the "Fool". Fool not because he is stupid, but because he knows those tricks of this universe which the others (Wizards, Scientists, Fighters, whatever) cannot see. They are asleep now (in a deluded state), it's my job to wake them up and help resolve the conflicts which they cannot resolve alone (not because they are lame, but because they are still trapped in duality, and until they don't get out from this their powers would destroy the world so they cannot be allowed to wake up). When this finally happens, I (the Fool) will step down and let them rule the world (I couldn't do this myself, it's not my job - I'm an awakener).

I don't know if this has a global significance or it's just for me, I don't lean towards either explanation. I just accept this when it comes forth, enjoy it while it lasts, do the job I feel I have to do and then come back to Earth.
#15 Posted : 3/25/2010 3:27:33 PM

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Merci for the report!

The stuff Ive got in hope of making electric sheep is Nelumbo Nucifera (plumules), but I now realize its not Blue Lotus but Sacred lotus, I hope its still gonna be good.

Btw, I tried a Caapi leaves/Sacred Lotus joint and its hardly smokable, the lotus prevents the joint from burning well.

#16 Posted : 3/25/2010 4:11:24 PM

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Hypnos wrote:
Merci for the report!

The stuff Ive got in hope of making electric sheep is Nelumbo Nucifera (plumules), but I now realize its not Blue Lotus but Sacred lotus, I hope its still gonna be good.

Btw, I tried a Caapi leaves/Sacred Lotus joint and its hardly smokable, the lotus prevents the joint from burning well.

Sacred Lotus is still very special. Not quite the same as Blue Lily, but they share some sameness.
"Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."

"Only from the Heart can you touch the sky." ~ Rumi
Bill Cipher
#17 Posted : 3/26/2010 9:46:22 AM

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I'm not one for writing trip reports. I would love to, really, but I can't. I will say this for Electric Sheep, though: it's a heck of a nice smoking blend.


Changa is a teenage boy who knocks on your door, corsage in hand, to pick you up for the prom. He's rented a limo, an ill-fitting tux and a junior suite at the Radisson, and after the dance he'll take you to Chili's and break out a bottle of Schnapps. Freebase arrives in a rusted Camaro, no intention of making the dance. He drives you out to the middle of nowhere, then tells you to fuck or walk. Either way, the evening is going to end with the same conclusion. Both have their own individual charms; one just gets straight to the fucking.

Don't ask me what that's supposed to mean. It just kinda popped into my head. But thank you for sharing your spot in the park. I do envy your love and gratitude.

#18 Posted : 3/26/2010 12:39:21 PM

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Uncle Knucles wrote:
I'm not one for writing trip reports. I would love to, really, but I can't. I will say this for Electric Sheep, though: it's heck of a nice smoking blend.


Changa is a teenage boy who knocks on your door, corsage in hand, to pick you up for the prom. He's rented a limo, an ill-fitting tux and a junior suite at the Radisson, and after the dance he'll take you to Chili's and break out a bottle of Schnapps. Freebase arrives in a rusted Camaro, no intention of making the dance. He drives you out to the middle of nowhere, then tells you to fuck or walk. Either way, the evening is going to end with the same conclusion. Both have their own individual charms; one just gets straight to the fucking.

Don't ask me what that's supposed to mean. It just kinda popped into my head. But thank you for sharing your spot in the park. I do envy your love and gratitude.

Ladies and Gentlemen: Uncle Knucles. Laughing

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#19 Posted : 3/27/2010 2:19:22 AM

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I think I got a taste of that advanced civilization you spoke about today. It was the most exquisite delicate amazing indescribable place I have ever seen. It was so real and distinctly not of this world. It was a totally alien landscape. I could sense beings in it. I was close yet very far like seeing it through a portal or looking glass. A skewed angle not a traditional looking down on a planet thing more of an emersion and delicate brightly colored structures. SO impossible to explain. I tried my best to maintain my composure and control. The calmer I could stay the more that was revealed. Talk about mind blowing . It is a delicate balance to try to stay neutral and breathe through it. Being too overwhelmed can effect and limit what you see. I can see with practice we can learn to go deeper and deeper. I want to go back there so badly and see more. Its so real its truly amazing!!!
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
#20 Posted : 3/27/2010 2:22:20 AM

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Uncle Knucles wrote:
Freebase arrives in a rusted Camaro, no intention of making the dance. He drives you out to the middle of nowhere, then tells you to fuck or walk. Either way, the evening is going to end with the same conclusion.

You don't know him like I know him. He loves me! Crying or very sad

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