i've been wanting to write this for a while now....i just read a post by our dear brother joebono and that was the little kick in the keester i needed.
here goes:
i am a pro cyclist and a seeker of truth. a shaman and a competitive subscriber to the illusion all wrapped up into one tidy lovable lump. i have worked with entheogens since i was 12 and i am now 39. i have spent the last 15+ months breaking through on DMT almost every single day.
on some days, i broke through many times...
the last 15 months of my life have seen me learn things, see things, unlearn things, know things, become things, surrender things and, in the end, accept things that i never could have imagined before experiencing the spirit molecule. as an athlete, i went on to have my greatest season ever during this time of exponential awakening and i can only think that becoming aware of my interconnetedness to all things had a hand in that...
i kicked a cannibis habit that had ruled every waking hour of my life for over 6 years. i grew closer to my love and, as of a couple weeks ago, i was even inspired to get engaged.
so....where am i going with all of this?
about three weeks ago i got really sick. i had been sick for a few months but only found out three weeks ago that it was from a root canal gone bad.... either way, i was forced to go on antibiotics (the gnarliest ones out there) and from that point until now i have been utterly wiped out, weak, lame, feeble, and......depressed...

i would not allow myself to do much work during this time, so i consequently fell into a little bit of a financial logjam which only added to my happy-meal of woe. and because of all of this, i drastically reduced my journeying into hyperspace. i simply didn't want to go in in such a state.
set and setting my brothers and sisters. set and setting...
slowly. very slowly. i began to pull my life together. i began to get healthier. i began to take care of business affairs. i dealt with a lot of challenging crap. i did all of this while not going to 'church'. i missed it horribly, but i just knew i couldn't stress my CNS anymore than it had already been from fighting a low-grade infection for the past three months.
and now we get to it...
during this time off, i have noticed something quite profound. my mind has been working in ways i've never known it to work... it is almost the same feeling i get when i take that month off at the end of a hard season of racing. the muscles....DEEPLY fatigued and destroyed from 9 months of competition...are allowed to heal down to their innermost fibers. tissue comes together and heals stronger than before. after one month of doing essentially nothing, i am stronger, healthier and happier than i am all year.
i love this particular month. it's september. last year i went to thailand during this month....
so, my mind has had it's official end-of-a-seaon break. my synapses have all realigned (with countless new receptors to fire off to). trillions of new neurons have been awakened and allowed to get the lay of the brain land. new receivers have been allowed to 'cure'. no more raw antennae....everything is primed for maximal transmission.
i even noticed that after a week or so i didn't even crave going for a while....i could literally FEEL like this was a time to allow all of the work i had done to sink in and truly realign things. i knew when all was done i would be sent a message that it was time to go back...
last night i was summoned, but gently. a beautiful, gentle caapi/bufotenine journey in bed. i drifted from deep hyperspace into a soul-refreshing slumber and woke up this morning a transformed being. antrocles 2.0 . .. .
to joe and anyone else who is feeling overwhelmed with all of the information you have downloaded, i would encourage you to consider taking a small break and allowing your 'spirtiual weight-lifting' to come to fruition. as a personal trainer down here in l.a., i have a little saying i tell all of my gung-ho clients. "YOU DON'T GET STRONG FROM TRAINING. YOU GET STRONG FROM
this is gospel. it is what allows an athlete to make it through an entire season with minimal injury. it is the difference between winning the world championships at the end of the season and burning out and not even making it to the state championships mid-season.
i am personally a little embarrassd i only just realized that this should and does apply to spiritual/mental/psychological training as well. but now that i do, rest assured i will be taking the occassional respite to allow this deep realigning to fully change and evolve me into the highest expression of the universe that i am capable of being.
"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."