12 minutes of relentless eternity Options
#1 Posted : 3/12/2010 4:34:03 PM

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fucking hell, I'm glad to be back. 12 minutes? What the fuck does that even mean? I looked at my watch. No way. It can't be. 12 minutes was several lifetimes ago. How can that much happen?

That was absolutely relentless ... it came at me so fast, so much information, so many questions. I have never experienced anything that fast before. Not in life, and not in spice.

Open eye, closed eye, no fucking difference. Tsunami of knowledge, a universe of consciousness, master of time and space. Multiple things happening at precisely the same time. Quantum entanglement. Atomic clocks tick. So. Slowly. In between each tick, a thousand million computations, questions, actions.

This is a hyper-intelligence, a Kardashev Type IV consciousness. I was brutalised by the sheer speed, depth and capacity of its knowledge. All of human knowledge and endeavour it can replicate and surpass in a millisecond.

They ushered me back with sympathy. I had no idea what, who or why I was. I was different people. Many at the same time. In different times - the jungle, dirt fields, whole lives, aztec ancient ... and this was the reentry ...

That was far and away the most intense journey I have ever had. Just too much.

Glad to be back home on the planet of the apes, where our feeble slow meat minds crawl along like glaciers.

"at journey's end, we must begin again"

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 3/12/2010 5:33:36 PM

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"Glad to be back home on the planet of the apes, where our feeble slow meat minds crawl along like glaciers."

#3 Posted : 3/12/2010 5:58:44 PM

Got Naloxone?

Welcoming committeeSenior Member

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Wow! Welcome back to slow-time, zero-information, completely separate, anthropomorphic reality. When I have journeys like yours, I consider myself blessed but I also find myself postively revelling in every moment of every day in consensual reality, which is also a unique, one-time blessing, depleted as it may seem relative to the hyperspatial realms. Sounds like one hell of a journey!

I cannot help but wonder, did you perhaps eat something rich in MAOI before your journey?

Peace & Love,
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#4 Posted : 3/12/2010 6:40:57 PM

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Wow indeed!
The spice never ceases to amaze me. The experiences are just so much more intense and powerful than anything else I have experienced.
Thanks for sharing, must have been an incredible experience!
#5 Posted : 3/12/2010 7:29:36 PM

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Pandora wrote:
When I have journeys like yours, I consider myself blessed but I also find myself postively revelling in every moment of every day in consensual reality, which is also a unique, one-time blessing, depleted as it may seem relative to the hyperspatial realms.

Absolutely! The rest of this afternoon has been a most beautiful journey in this peaceful planet. The sunset, the trees, a cat in a window, just amazing. I phoned my ex-wife. My kids. My friends. My mum.... it's great here. I fucking love it. It's a very cool planet!!

Pandora wrote:
I cannot help but wonder, did you perhaps eat something rich in MAOI before your journey?

Not this time ... but it was a bit of a monster dose of caapi/darco changa ... somewhere between 120 - 150mg.

Have applied to the Department of Weights and Measures for a proper 0.001 scale.

Thanks for your post, Pandora ... much love!!
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
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