Ever Gotten TASERED? Options
#1 Posted : 3/9/2010 4:30:05 PM

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I was on a low dose journey with some indeed perishable botanicals recently. Nothing much psychedelic was happening, a little bit of gentle tingling probing was felt on the outside of my scalp and in my brain, but I was okay with that as it happens often.

When I realized my materials were too weak and i wasn’t going anywhere, I climbed into bed. A new fun activity I’ve discovered is composing my own music, I get annoyed with the “stuttering arcade music” I normally hear when I first enter hyperspace. So I try and compose my own, to rather fine success actually. No CEVs and certainly no OEVs at this point. Just music. Soon however, cloudy visuals of my imagination flow (like a screen saver) with a spaghetti-junction like jumble of tubes, like a 3D highway, then:


A huge physical jolt runs through my head, and within milliseconds, out into my whole body which physically jumped!

It didn’t’ hurt, but sure was startling and ended any and all musical compositions and vague CEVs! Then I got the sense an entity had done something wrong and tried sneaking information to me they perhaps weren't supposed to. The “little treats” I get for good behavior usually aren't blissful emotions, but little nuggets of information.

I habitually try piecing together the systematical structure of Their side. They don’t like this and tell me my thoughts are dangerous( i.e illegal), and then don’t let me breakthrough without a towel wrapped around my head--no matter the dose, I've NEVER seen an OEV. Even if I don’t try to piece things together in the moment, I will eventually, in a more sober state... i suppose we all have flaws.

Well, I don’t’ know how true this interpretation is, but has anyone else "gotten tasered?" I don’t know what else it could be?! It sure as hell never happens in normal life.

all the best and much thanks

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#2 Posted : 3/9/2010 4:47:48 PM


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Downloading pure consciousness can send an energetic shockwave. Ride the coil!
#3 Posted : 3/9/2010 5:13:03 PM

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Ye bro, ive had that a few times, freaked me out, but ive learned to just accept.
#4 Posted : 3/9/2010 5:42:57 PM

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Hmm I experienced this jolt in a different manner.

During about a 3rd re-entry with smoked spice I had this tingling around the area of my solar plexus.
I let out a deep cough to try to clear anything that was in my lungs, but instead of anything coming up, what you described happened.

I got this massive jolt/surge of energy originating from my spine and shot outwards to all my limbs and my head, but it only lasted about 100ms.
The first time this happened I was standing looking in a mirror and I almost fell to the ground if I didnt catch myself on my sink.
Its happened 1 other time but now I just ignore the feeling in my chest if I get it. Its quite a stirring experience but I have never thought much of it.
The above is quoted from

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#5 Posted : 3/9/2010 5:45:30 PM

The Root

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yep - i get bolted occasionally - i made a post on it a while ago, there were a few interesting replies there.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#6 Posted : 3/9/2010 6:14:03 PM

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are we talking about that brain buzzer? I get that a lot.
#7 Posted : 3/10/2010 2:50:45 AM

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okay good, it's not just me!

So now it's a question whether this is from within, or without our nervous systems...

When i meditate, i would get small random twitches and gentle "jolts" regularly. But this seemed different, INTENSE, and out of place. hm...

Phlux- wrote:
yep - i get bolted occasionally - i made a post on it a while ago, there were a few interesting replies there.

Very happy

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The Wizard
#8 Posted : 3/10/2010 3:19:33 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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sometimes when its very quiet and i hear ANY sort of noise, my body twitches like its been jolted. it feels like i have become super sensitive to sound and it hits me no matter how loud it is or quiet.
#9 Posted : 3/10/2010 3:36:54 AM

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It's good that you travel with a towel. How else are you supposed to hitchhike across the galaxy?
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Kartikay is a character role that I play when I feel like escaping reality. Nothing I say under the pseudonym "Kartikay" reflects any of my actual life or personal history.
#10 Posted : 3/10/2010 4:10:11 AM

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Shit, you're right I've gotta start bringing a towel.

"More importantly, a towel has immense psychological value. For some reason, if a strag (strag: non-hitch hiker) discovers that a hitch hiker has his towel with him, he will automatically assume that he is also in possession of a toothbrush, face flannel, soap, tin of biscuits, flask, compass, map, ball of string, gnat spray, wet weather gear, space suit etc., etc. Furthermore, the strag will then happily lend the hitch hiker any of these or a dozen other items that the hitch hiker might accidentally have "lost". What the strag will think is that any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through, and still knows where his towel is is clearly a man to be reckoned with." - HHGttG

"And another thing...

Step forward into your cave. That's right. You're going deeper into your cave. And you're going to find, your power animal...

Imagine your pain as a white ball of healing light. It moves over your body, healing you. Now keep this going, remember to breathe, and step forward through the backdoor of the room. Where does it lead?
#11 Posted : 3/10/2010 6:27:57 AM

The Dude

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This has happened to me also, the exact same zzzZZZAAAP! comes on weak, ends like a fuckin log smacked the back of your head. all the way from the spine ending in the skull.

It always happens to me when I'm trying to get to sleep and I get to that half-way there half-way not stage...

freaks me the hell out.
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#12 Posted : 3/10/2010 11:29:55 AM

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Sometimes when i'm trying to sleep and am starting to drift off, I get the feeling of someone/something giving me a light slap against my forehead! It jolts my body a bit and it feels so real. It has happened off and on for years and happens most when stoned. Once when slightly falling asleep on a train, going to into university, i felt as if something broke a pane of glass on my head... didn't hurt but i heard the shattering sound of the glass and felt it slightly too. That was strange.

I think it is my mind playing tricks on me.
#13 Posted : 3/10/2010 3:22:10 PM

The Great Namah

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An entity touched one of my dear close friends while he was in hyperspace. From my perspective it just looked like he jerked a few times and then settled down.

From HIS perspective something grabbed his arm and searing pain went up the legnth of his arm. So I guess that counts as a zap, but this seems different from other reports was not the head that was zapped but the arm.
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
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I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#14 Posted : 3/14/2011 11:26:00 PM

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Wow, I am really glad I found this! I have been "zapped" probably ten times, it even drove me to stop smoking spice for a few months.

But, after it happened to two of my friends a few times, I started prying for information, I felt I really needed to get to the bottom of it, and my theory on it is this:

It seems to only happen on light doses, or even big doses that were not smoked to their full potential (poor first hits, to many small hits, going back in to many times). and I know now that it almost always happens whenever one starts drifting away from the visuals. On smaller trips, or lighter trips, where it seems almost like a dreamscape, like your seeing faint images of whats going through your head, and then you trail off in thought, dosing off, and then thats when it happens almost every time (for me, and two others i know).

So, now I think that what makes the DMT seem to jolt or zap you, is really its way of saying "HEY! HEY! You need to pay a little more attention pal! See what happens!" and, this conclusion seems to make the most sense, as well as give me a little more peace when it happens.

After reading these responses I think my theory on this gains a little more footing, And I would love if more of you could tell your experiences with being jolted or zapped, so we could maybe come to a little more of a solid understanding of what exactly is happening, and why it happens.

Much peace and love!
Everything I say is fictional, I do not support illegal drug use of any kind, SWIM is a fictional character.

#15 Posted : 3/15/2011 12:27:04 AM

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Ive been zapped a few times too,

I drank a heavy dose of mimosa before, and I was blasted with a huge ball of pure energy, and my body was shaking violently, like I was shivering, except electrical powered.

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#16 Posted : 3/15/2011 2:05:27 AM


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in all reality op, doesnt it seem most likely you drifted a bit too far into the music and sleep and experienced the tiger/falling phenom?

out brain constantly sends out run/falling signals because of our development in the trees and approachable predators. this is why you get the falling dream so often and jerk awake. for millennia we spent all our time on the ground except when we slept. we lost our footing alot and it was a real concern every night. same with running from predator animals. when we drift just far enough from our awake/sober state the brain can failto silence this constant barrage of run signals.
#17 Posted : 3/15/2011 3:49:19 AM

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Hmm, is this also like the loud "crack" or "rip" sound/feeling? I think it happened to me when I smoked, but I wasn't physically jolted. It felt like I was in the center of the Sun, with extreme amounts of energy exploding from fusion inside me. Then afterward I had the most uncomfortable and unsettling feeling like my brain had been fried, like my head was the end of a firework that had just finished flashing, with smoke drifting out of it. I couldn't not think about brain damage. Oh, it was a small dose, too; my friends and I were walking around outside while trippin. I was flailing around, not walking.
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"A caged community of chimpanzees reacts very sensitively if a member of the tribe has received LSD. Even though no changes appear in this single animal, the whole cage gets in an uproar because the LSD chimpanzee no longer observes the laws of its finely coordinated hierarchic tribal order."
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#18 Posted : 3/15/2011 2:18:35 PM
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It's about kundalini developing in the "person". Maybe you want to look into it.
#19 Posted : 3/15/2011 4:03:34 PM

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This invariably happens to me when I imbibe in any spice and close my eyes in a horizontal position. I often take spice right before sleep, and lying down in my bed, I will get three or four of these shocks before I doze off. At first it scared me and kind of felt painful, but now I have come to enjoy the feeling.
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#20 Posted : 3/15/2011 4:27:01 PM

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I've had these jolts before.. Its hard to explain. Usually it happens top me while in a trance state.

my first time on ayahuasca i was deep into the dreams when a small part of my mind noticed this female entity preparing these pointy prong things..i didn't pay much attention to it since my mind was splitting at that point and i was already deep in this other space, but it was still going on alongside my tranced out awareness.. A few seconds later she lifts both of these spokes up with her hands and thrusts them into my chest! i felt a huge electric bolt of energy explode from there and out into my whole body..i couldn't do much but laugh and wonder at that point

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