2 amazing experiences! Options
#1 Posted : 3/3/2010 11:41:27 PM

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I usually dont write trip reports anymore but this was so extraordinary (as if dmt is never NOT extraordinary, haha, but still..), I had to share...

I laid in bed, loaded the genie with the usual dose, took those 4 hits.. Now, I usually dont make much preparation or rital but this time I was specially hectic, didnt mentalize anything and just went forward for launching. What happened next was VERY unexpected

So we all know those typical colours coming, and the chrysanthemum, and the fractal hyperspace visuals that soon follow, right? Well, this time, it was none of that.. It was as if the dmt/hyperspace/elves/patterns had dressed up with the most absurdly normal 'clothes'.. So I saw a child, a toy horse, a doll, other normal kid things.. Then I saw the corner of a street, where the sidewalk meets the road, and then it was some vynil disk player, and back to the toy horse, and on it went.... Everything was moving fast paced in a dmt-like way, but the actual content of the vision was really normal weird stuff, not at all psychedelic.

I had the distinct feeling that it was a lesson from dmt, something like.. "no intentions? all you want is to see pretty colours? then here you go!" .. As if it showed me how it was much superior to the explicit visions we have in hyperspace, how the psychedelic patterns are just 'clothes', that can be changed... What is important is what is underneath!

So, humbled, I intuitively asked for forgiveness, sat down for some minutes contemplating, and launched again some time later.. and wow, it was worth it Very happy

This time, in the second hit I was already completely gone, not understanding what the lighter and the genie were.. I was launched with such an unexpected force, it really literally felt like I was gonna fly away! Reality as we know it disintegrated (or another reality integrated on top of it), and I was, with 360 vision, inside a giant fluorescent green cube! It had squared holes on the walls that moved around, sort of like a rubicks cube. The wall was of this fluorescent green and it had lines/veins/connections, sort of like in chips or the computer motherboard. There was an amazing sense of inteligence, and it had such an incredible cosmic force to the whole thing

This cube/ship was alive, and it showed me some super technological engineering. I was bombarded with visions and I had no ideas if I had eyes closed or open, it was like I was seeing with my lid-less third eye... In fact at some point later on, when I was down enough to understand the concept of eyes, I opened them and the visions were still completely strong, so strong that what I really saw with my eyes opened was secondary to the visions that dominated my visual field.

So, thats what I can remember.. Was really remarkable, I had never had such a weird trip as the first, and very rarely I had a trip with the force of the second one. What a night! It really makes me wonder, whats all of this? What does dmt mean? Where does it fit in this whole puzzle we call existence? Regardless, im very thankful for being able to experience it Smile

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 3/3/2010 11:52:42 PM


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Thank you for sharing endlessness.
I think the process is very interesting... you say that the second experience was more profound that the first one, and you also say it may be caused due to the fact that you rushed without "intention" the first time...

Has it ever happened to you the other way around?
A profound experience without intent and then a weird (perhaps more ordinary) with some kind of intent?

I don't know... maybe the "intention" and "humbling" factor plays a very important part in the experience... but really, at what extent?

Again, thank you for sharing.

#3 Posted : 3/3/2010 11:59:57 PM

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actually not, I had never noticed any connection between anything happening in reality before, and the (vaporized) dmt trip.. It always seems very independent on anything I wish or intent or experience before.... Was the first time that I felt this, quite peculiar .. Smile
#4 Posted : 3/4/2010 12:44:18 AM

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endlessness wrote:
actually not, I had never noticed any connection between anything happening in reality before, and the (vaporized) dmt trip.. It always seems very independent on anything I wish or intent or experience before.... Was the first time that I felt this, quite peculiar .. Smile

i hear you on this one....some of the deepest, most intense journeys i've ever had came when i was "clearing out" a VG i thought had little or nothing in it.

"i'll just clear this out, feel a little of the spirit and then i'll load up a proper dose for a real journey.....(light).....(deep inhale)....OOOOOOOHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAXLXKXO0IDEJKIJGFTPOI9EJKLSD.S.........

great report E, i've had similar experiences of 'non-psychedelic' real-word visions....they are always bizarre to me...

...but in no way are they any less profound!

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#5 Posted : 3/4/2010 6:13:00 PM


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I have always found that two consecutive journeys are dissimilar 99.9% of the time. As I have posted before, my first 'feet wet' dose is always about clearing any lingering negativity in my psyche. I feel the elves mimick or mock me for my mundane/human behaviour to mirror myself for inspection. This realization was a huge leap forward for me and my understanding of the spice as a tool for self realization. It is almost an electron microscope of the psyche, sometimes seeing something SO close it is unrecognizable at first.

After that, I am prepared to go much deeper. All trepidation is gone and I am comfortable in the tryptamine dimension.

Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

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