Mixing mimosa root bark with acacia Options
#1 Posted : 12/18/2022 9:15:38 AM


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I have two root barks one mimosa and other acacia and curios if you can mix the two for the better or is this not a good idea? Any advice is greatly accepted and appreciated!

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#2 Posted : 12/18/2022 9:20:50 AM

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For brewing or for extracting?

I don't see why they couldn't be mixed for extracting. Probably for brewing too, but idk enough about the other alkaloids and how they might possibly react with each other.

If you do mix them for extraction, you should choose a tek that's good for acacia. Because they tend to have more fats, and if you use a tek intended for mimosa, you might have more fats and waxes in your product than you want.
#3 Posted : 12/18/2022 5:01:36 PM

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ive never tryed this but...I watched a video of someone mix the two barks together.. and found it appeared the [MH] that was used causes a ..[rubbery thick skin].. to float on surface while acid boiling..

It said in video.. the boil over problem was caused by trapping the heat under the rubbery floating top layer of sludge... making the soup rise too high ..

this sludge boil over can cause a mess ..and loss of product..

This [resedual slime skin].. would cause the soup to rise too fast causing ..[boil over] ..where the soup would rise too high in pot.. and spill over..if you arent watching it constantly.. ready to reduce heat ..

I dont think this problem of ..[floating thick surface sludge].. is as bad using straight .. [AC].. only...

I dont believe [AC] only].. [has this rubbery floating sludge problem .... while acid boiling the soup.....

Any way I think you get more active product from [AC]..compared to [MH]...even though MH.. has less fat content...

You can mix the two...but i think your better off ..not mixing.....and keeping the two species separate while extracting...atleast thats what i read about the subject...

In video..they claimed ...[that after mixing the two species] the finished product caused a slight difference in ..[crystal purity and formation...

#4 Posted : 12/18/2022 8:24:56 PM
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I've done it a few times in the past, and ime the Acacia just made the Mimosa feel like Acacia, i guess the addition of equal parts NMT to DMT makes it feel pretty much the same. Mimosa to me feels more like DMT, Acacia feels more like NMT and DMT, but when they're combined it gives the Mimosa the NMT and so Mimosa just feels more like Acacia. At least that's what i got out of it. Can't say too much about it, other than i prefer each plant on their own.
#5 Posted : 12/19/2022 8:44:54 AM


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Cool guys much appreciated! I’ll keep them separate because I am just extracting them… one awsome journey I have had and brought to light on so many aspects in life. 🍻
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