#121 Posted : 3/24/2010 10:58:54 PM
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This was a very interesting read! Thanks a lot for sharing it, Ant. I wonder, though, would you call this other civilization you have come into contact with "Elves" or "Aliens" or perhaps "Evolved Humans"?

I think it's really cool how you can Breakthrough on such a small dose. I believe you! People are so different, and I think that you are just one of those people that's so smart to where you only need a little to get far.

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#122 Posted : 3/25/2010 1:13:42 AM

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Feanor wrote:
would you call this other civilization you have come into contact with "Elves" or "Aliens" or perhaps "Evolved Humans"?

certainly not elves. aliens...perhaps, in the sense that they are alien to the awareness i once knew before i was called to the molecule. 'evolved humans'...hmmm...there is certainly a connection between the civilization that i know as human and this world that i am taken to. it is so very much more advanced than where we are now...there is an evolution that covers every possible facet of us. physical, mental, spirtual...there is certainly a familiarity in what i see when i am there and aspects of this world here. egyptian, mayan....other ancient civilizations....their architecture, their is most definitely incorporated into this place. as if it were the inspiration and, having seen the 'original' i am made aware of what crude effigies these earthly sites truly are.

in truth i have no idea who/what they are. only that i am blessed to be taken to this world so very often. i am grateful beyond expression for this gift. i believe that a time will come when i will understand more. my work is simply to remain empty and open. this work has changed my life beyond all description.

Feanor wrote:
I think it's really cool how you can Breakthrough on such a small dose. I believe you! People are so different, and I think that you are just one of those people that's so smart to where you only need a little to get far.

i am flattered by what you suggest, but i can assure you that is has nothing to do with being 'smart'. i am a 'smart' person by this world's definition. to be honest, i have taken IQ tests as an adult and found the result to be well into the 'genius' strata. it means only that i have that much more to quiet. that much more chatter to reign in.

at the end of the day, as souls we are all of equal intelligence at our cores. we are all gods of unfathomable intelligence...

no, i think there are a couple things that account for my wonderful sensitivity to DMT....the first is my lung capacity. did you know that Graham Obree, the famous 'flying scotsman' who was a multiple-time world champion pursuit cyclist, at one time tried to commit suicide by hanging himself? after doing the requisite testing on his rope lacerations, they estimated that he had been hanging from a beam in his barn for nearly 20 minutes before they found him and cut him down...

he lived.

no brain damage either. Shocked

in running tests on the man after the fact, they determined that his lung capacity was so massive from a lifetime of training to do what many consider to be one of the most difficult cycling ventures, that his 'final breath' filled his body with enough oxygen to keep him alive and 'well' for that entire stretch of time.

i'm no Graham Obree, but i am a world silver medallist in the only discipline that is arguably harder than the pursuit (the kilo). i have a peak flow meter that i use now and then to check my lung capacity during training. it goes up to 800L/min. i can make it hit the top. pulmonolgists would tell you that less than a fraction of a percentage of people in this world can do this.

i am not saying this to boast. i'm saying this to drive home the point that when i take a hit....i take A HIT. it is probably equal to two full hits from most folks. i can get all that in in one go and i think that is what makes the difference. ultimately it still probably only comes out to 30mg at the very most....but in one giant absorbtion, that seems to be more than enough for me.

the second and most important reason i can break through on so little imho, is simply that i am 'one foot out the door' before i even hit the genie. nothing could be taken from me that i would not more willingly part with, to quote shakespeare. my openness and emptiness are astounding even to myself these days. i hardly ever even feel like i am doing the work anymore....i feel more that the work is doing me. i am merely a vessel for this process to come through.

anyways, i don't want to get too wordy....i just had the most transformative breakthrough i have ever had only an hour or so ago. in the park with one mr. Uncle Knucles at my side. report to follow though i simply don't even know how i'm going to come remotely close to bringing this one back....

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#123 Posted : 3/25/2010 1:19:42 AM

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antrocles wrote:
I just had the most transformative breakthrough i have ever had only an hour or so ago. in the park with one mr. Uncle Knucles at my side. report to follow though i simply don't even know how i'm going to come remotely close to bringing this one back....

Bring it home to the hub, brother ... looking forward to it!
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#124 Posted : 3/25/2010 6:36:53 PM
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impossiblemachine wrote:
i am glad that i get to work with you. you are a wonderful teacher. i am grateful, humbled...thank you brother..i look forward to our next meeting.


Pass me the sick bucket!!! Wink

I dunno Antrocles, personally I would be concerned about smoking spice so often, you never know it might not be good for you to smoke that often for such a long period of time. There isn't historical precedent, and you (potentially) only live once so I think life is too precious to be a lab-rat. People egging you on may not have your best interests at heart. Just a friend's opinion. Smile
Everything I write is fictional roleplay. Obviously! End tribal genocide: Quick petitions for meaningful change:
End prohibition: And "Feeling Good" by David D.Burns MD is a very useful book.
#125 Posted : 3/25/2010 10:26:23 PM
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I call them Elves, and I definitely think that they are the same thing as us, except for the fact that they are more elvolved. When we elolve, if we do, then we'll become Elves, too, I think. I also call them Aliens. When I say Elves, though, what I mean is that they are Self-Transforming Machine Elves; in other words, they have to capability of spontaneously altering their specific appearence if they want to. With my DMT trips, I've seen this happen. For instance, I've seen an Elf turn into a book, but I still consider the entity an Elf with self-transforming and machine-like properties. Maybe these beings we're meeting are one and the same? Do you think so? Maybe they just decided to appear differently to you than they did to me?

antrocles wrote:

to be honest, i have taken IQ tests as an adult and found the result to be well into the 'genius' strata.


See! I called you on being smart!! What I meant when I said you were smart was that you are psychedelically smart. In other words, if the psychedelic experience were a book that few could read, you would be one of the few that could pick up the book and read it with ease. Even when you're not on a psychedelic, I'm sure you have open-eyed visuals and closed-eyes visuals. Am I at least partially right here? That's another sign of being psychedelically smart. Some people are just made for the psychedelic experience, and some dunderheads, well, aren't. I remember when I gave 3.5G of P. Cubensis to a guy, and the only thing he was enthusiastic about was seeing a red dot on a wall, showing that he was, well, not very psychedelically smart.
#126 Posted : 3/25/2010 10:30:41 PM

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ohayoco wrote:
I dunno Antrocles, personally I would be concerned about smoking spice so often, you never know it might not be good for you to smoke that often for such a long period of time. There isn't historical precedent, and you (potentially) only live once so I think life is too precious to be a lab-rat. People egging you on may not have your best interests at heart. Just a friend's opinion. Smile

i know my brother. you and i are true friends and have been for some time now. i respect and appreciate your concern on this front. at this point, i have broken into a new strata of understanding through my work and the notion of slowing down now is not really an option. i am an extremely disciplined person though.....and if ever i feel that it simply isn't the time to go or if i need to rest and fully integrate, i do. i learned that much on my last break that i took.

rest assured that i'm absolutely committed to maintaining only the healthiest, most positive relationship with DMT. it feels to me like "the noble work". i have never had such a reverence, respect and obedience for anything in my life. i will only do right by this great gift. i am led at this point.

now come out here to california and let's finally meet up! Pleased

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#127 Posted : 3/25/2010 10:47:40 PM

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ohayoco wrote:
impossiblemachine wrote:
i am glad that i get to work with you. you are a wonderful teacher. i am grateful, humbled...thank you brother..i look forward to our next meeting.


Pass me the sick bucket!!! Wink

I dunno Antrocles, personally I would be concerned about smoking spice so often, you never know it might not be good for you to smoke that often for such a long period of time. There isn't historical precedent, and you (potentially) only live once so I think life is too precious to be a lab-rat. People egging you on may not have your best interests at heart. Just a friend's opinion. Smile

Ohayoco: It speaks highly of you that you call yourself to account as a true friend; and I hear in your post genuine love and concern for a fellow Nexian. But I read impossiblemachine's post - the guy broke into a place of infinite beauty, and clearly a powerful and transformative experience in his life. And I believe, from what I can piece together from these fragments of people that we see here, that Antocles facilitated this magical event.

Ghostman introduced me to the spice; he is my oldest friend, and together it was a magical introduction - for which I am eternally and infinitely grateful. And to him I could also say:

impossiblemachine wrote:
i am glad that i get to work with you. you are a wonderful teacher. i am grateful, humbled...thank you brother..i look forward to our next meeting.

because he brought me a gift, guided me in with grace and wisdom and love and care.

So I'm not defending Ant - he's more than capable of explaining his own actions and motivations. But I wanted to stand next to IM; his comment on this thread resonates with me; I am ever grateful to the dear brother who brought me to this.

much love
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#128 Posted : 3/25/2010 10:57:32 PM
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Hehe, ok, best wishes for your path. I'm just not sure about the whole alien prophecy thing. If this is what the molecule teaches, why don't the native users tell the same story? They are generations of experts, yet their belief structure about the molecule does not correlate as far as I know. Correct me if I'm wrong, that could be a good area for you to investigate.

I personally wonder if this is just something you want to believe, and your desire to believe it is shaping your experiences. I understand why you want to believe it- I want to believe that there is more life waiting for me when I die too, everybody does. I just think that the proof we desire should come from outside of the hallucinatory experience.

Well, I guess it doesn't really matter what you believe, as long as it makes you and others happy and doesn't make you want to convert or kill others over it! Smile
Everything I write is fictional roleplay. Obviously! End tribal genocide: Quick petitions for meaningful change:
End prohibition: And "Feeling Good" by David D.Burns MD is a very useful book.
#129 Posted : 3/25/2010 11:11:38 PM


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I get the same vibes from hyperspace every time.
We are an experiment and were designed by highly advanced life forms.
I don't know if they just inoculated Earth and are keeping tabs, or this entire universe was set up for experimental purposes.
It's what deep changuana taught me. I never even thought to think this before deep meditation therapy.
Bare in mind, it's just what I think.
I also don't think there's an after life, ohayoco, and this doesn't bother me in the least.
I think the soul is projected by a living body, and once it's projector ceases, so does the broadcast.
#130 Posted : 3/26/2010 2:51:45 AM

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ohayoco wrote:
Hehe, ok, best wishes for your path. I'm just not sure about the whole alien prophecy thing. If this is what the molecule teaches, why don't the native users tell the same story? They are generations of experts, yet their belief structure about the molecule does not correlate as far as I know. Correct me if I'm wrong, that could be a good area for you to investigate.

I personally wonder if this is just something you want to believe, and your desire to believe it is shaping your experiences. I understand why you want to believe it- I want to believe that there is more life waiting for me when I die too, everybody does. I just think that the proof we desire should come from outside of the hallucinatory experience.

Well, I guess it doesn't really matter what you believe, as long as it makes you and others happy and doesn't make you want to convert or kill others over it! Smile

in all honesty, i wouldnt' say i want to believe anything. i certainly am not going into hyperspace with any kind of script or idea....i just go and what takes place is what takes place. the fact that i am having a recurrent theme lately is both fascinating from a research standpoint and a personal one. the implications are huge to be quite honest.... something this powerful, choosing to show something so incredibly specific over and over and certainly feels like a distinct message or lesson. i can't say for certain, only that it is something i surrender to just as i have surrendered to everything DMT has shown me thus far.

this new electric sheep changa has blasted me into a whole new level of growth with DMT that, although glorious and new, still plays upon these recurrent themes. today, for example, i once again exchanged communication with a being from this other world. more clear and detailed than ever to be honest. he was wearing a suit of incredible advanced biomechanics. i was in awe of it actually. he was telling me over and over that i was in a suit too. that my suit was designed to allow me to fully experience this physical world and everything i was experiencing here was being transferred/documented somewhere else. for lack of better terminology, i was a 'probe'.

again, for the second time ever with DMT (and only with this blue lotus blend) i was told to open my eyes and for the second time i sat as a receiver/power point that all energy came to. all of the visions....and there were many....came to me and i sat like a statue made of stone with both hands once again in the same mudra/position as before.

this is getting really deep for me. i am both excited and interestingly at tremendous peace. almost as if i have just learned how to operate my suit in a certain way. i have no doubts that there are countless cool things this physical body can do that we are not aware of...things that can access and interact with other dimensions. these bodies are much more than meets the eye. i examined my body while still very is a fascinating creation. i'm am being told over and over how much more there is to it than our conditioned minds can even imagine....

oha- i understand your confoundment and skepticism. i am also waking up to the devastating reality that no matter how well i learn to write, i will never be able to share my experiences the way my heart wishes i could. if there is one thing i wish i could do in my lifetime it would be to allow anyone who so desired to have access to my experiences. to be able to download what i have seen and felt during my work. even yesterday as i held a universe in my very hands, i recall having the presence to say to my brother Uncle Knucles (in a voice that was from far away), " i truly wish you could be with me now. in this sacred place. i wish you could feel what i'm holding..."

there is something to this work with me. something i am meant to do. something i am meant to awaken to. i have no complex or self-inflicted scenarios at work here. i simply feel a wisdom beside me as clear as if it were another person...guiding me....pointing things out and explaining things for my growth. at the risk of sounding 'out there' (and why not at this point? ) i truly feel i am being guided and taught. i am no longer simply a baby in hyperspace, taking in the wonder and awe. that phase of my training is over now. i am being shown how to work with DMT in a very profound way and, though i am only beginning this chapter of my work, i believe i will have much to share for any who care to listen.

this is the result of steady, consistent, fearless work. i have no shame nor pride in what i do. it is my calling. i am clear on that now more than ever.


"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#131 Posted : 3/26/2010 2:57:19 AM


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I love the way you are reporting this suit.
When coming back from deep hyperspace (reality unfolds and reveals the place where I left)
I look deep into my lover every time and am just completely blown away by how she looks...
It's so unlike how we look in everyday sober reality. There is so much more to us that the neurotransmission reveals.
It's the most complex and beautiful thing I've ever laid my eyes upon.
This must definitely be investigated further!
#132 Posted : 3/26/2010 3:05:34 AM

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Feanor wrote:

antrocles wrote:

to be honest, i have taken IQ tests as an adult and found the result to be well into the 'genius' strata.


See! I called you on being smart!!

really guys?
It's the third eye vision, five side dimension
The 8th Light, is gonna shine bright tonight
#133 Posted : 3/26/2010 3:25:06 AM

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wow TEV, that quote is radically taken out of context.... there was a LOT more that i said immediately after that sentence that was completely the opposite sentiment. man oh man.... Sad


EDIT: i hadn't seen that post from Feanor til i just went back and read it. even more so....he was trying to make a point and though simply looking at the quote out of context it may look quasi-sycophantic, the point he was getting at was interesting and not at all so. c'mon guys, let's not get all weird when people are trying to be nice to one another. Cool

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#134 Posted : 3/26/2010 4:22:37 AM

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Ant, I love your stories. They are all very entertaining. I find humour in some posts, I also find humour in myself so don't get offended.

The string of quotes was funny to me. It's like "Im really smart man, like really smart, I'm kinda a genius." "I knew it! I knew you were smart! I told everyone you were smart! I frickin' called it man!"

you don't find the humour in that? Am I honestly alone in that?
It really wasn't out of context either, you were saying you were a genius and he said "I called it!"

But sorry if I offended either of you. I have an odd sense of humour I guess
It's the third eye vision, five side dimension
The 8th Light, is gonna shine bright tonight
#135 Posted : 3/26/2010 5:30:55 AM

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it is certainly funny. i mistook your post brother. i'm not offended or upset, nor was i when i posted. i just hadn't read this thread in a while and i honestly hadn't seen Feanor's original post that you quoted from! i thought you had spliced that baby together yourself...seemed an unfair account of what i had said.

it is funny and i will be the first to say that i felt awkward telling of my intelligence in that way...i just wanted to make the point that, 'okay, yes, by society's standards i am smart....but society's standard of smart is in no way any indicator of how far one can go with DMT. in truth, we can all go ALL THE WAY!'

now that i have read everything and see where this is all coming from i find it very funny....and your last post above and it's summation of the dialogue between me and Feanor has me giggling even now as i type this.

it's just challenging for us, any of us, to speak of our gifts and not sound like we're chest-pounding. though it may seem to the contrary from my last few posts, i am extremely uncomfortable bringing up stuff like this but i do whenever i feel it can be used to make a relevant point about something.

as challenging as this has been, i am very glad i made this original post. it has really put some challenges in front of me in the guise of some people not necessarily getting me 100%. this is natural and this is healthy. this is such a tender process....DMT is so impossible and the lessons are so individual and for each individual they are so profoundly important. nobody's experience of DMT is in any way more or less important than anyone else's. it has been challenging for me to try to relay my journeys with as much personal revelation as i can affix without making it sound self-absorbed. it is a fine line we all walk. the more you know me, about me, of me..hopefully the more these experiences will be able to make sense in the context they were presented in: my life.

i'm sorry i am still learning how to keep that balance of enough and not too much backstory and personal viewpoint. please just know that it all comes from a place of love and gratitude.

sorry for misunderstanding your post brother.

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#136 Posted : 3/26/2010 5:36:34 AM

Chen Cho Dorge

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its interesting... stan groff wrote about these sorts of experiences in his work on LSD psychotherapy and his holotropic breath work stuff. one of the interesting ideas in transpersonal psyche is that these sorts of experiences where "alien" phenomena occur represents the part of our self that is fully aware of our transpersonal nature, that level of self that exists in nonself prior to total disolvement in to the clear light void of egolesness. The part of our nature that maintians an individual perception ~through~ its awareness of being the whole, or totality of existence. the part of our being that is the first light of creation, that turned into all that we know today that goes beyond time and space, that reaches beyond this galaxy and probably beyond this universe. To a two armed two eyed two legged this awareness fo self would seem VERY alien indeed, alien in the sense of totally hard to idnetify as being what and who we really are... so the mind in its attempts at some form of gestalt. uses meaningful symbolism to translate and fill in the blanks which can be even more confusing if taken literally... and still pretty confusing if not taken literally! because our mind is alos the mind of stars... or solar winds... or moons and rings of gas around planets on the other side of the galaxy... its just one mind! and when we become aware of our self in that deep space woooo thats tough. if there are alien life forms out there we are them as well. and they are us... its just one mind and all things share it. That was what aya taught swim...

brian swime has a video series on this subject that is amazing... he wrote the universe story and the universe is a green dragon... really great books on new cosmology and its relationship to consciousness research.

ive had enough far out there experiences that didnt end up making sense in the long run that any more i just focus on that light... and allow that to bring clarity to my presence... and all these visons and stories are all just left with insight on how to live as a person that can help. I am really happy to hear that the story you are provided with has the same result ant.
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