Acacia and Mimosa Identification Thread Options
#1201 Posted : 11/21/2017 4:36:28 PM

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camel109 wrote:
Greetings. I stumbled across this yesterday. I'm wondering if the picture below gives enough information for a positive identification?


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20171120_120803.jpg (4,494kb) downloaded 293 time(s).

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Lupis Arante
#1202 Posted : 11/25/2017 11:02:10 AM

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Would you be able to get a picture of any seed pods?
..Respect the Trees..
#1203 Posted : 12/13/2017 2:56:02 PM

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Eventually I'll be able to post up pictures of the seed pods. It's been suggested that these are Australian willow? I've got to do more research into this.
#1204 Posted : 1/5/2018 5:37:02 AM

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Any ideas? Found in Vic.
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#1205 Posted : 1/5/2018 6:10:11 AM

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Acacia cyclops ^^^
"Is this the end of our adventure? Nothing has an end. We came in search of the secret of immortality, to be like gods, and here we are... mortals, more human than ever. If we have not obtained immortality, at least we have obtained reality. We began in a fairytale and we came to life! But is this life reality? We are images, dreams, photographs. We must not stay here! Prisoners! We shall break the illusion. This is Maya. Goodbye to the holy mountain. Real life awaits us." ~ Alejandro Jodorowsky
#1206 Posted : 1/13/2018 9:50:13 PM
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Nen, I'm from Saudi, I have read your article about [Sacred Trees..and Total Trees...& Acacias]
was wondering if you could point me to the Acacia in the region.
Many Quranic verses mentioned the Acacia, one of which, that Allah shaded his prophet Muhammad and his followers ~1400 under a huge Acacia tortilis.
#1207 Posted : 2/10/2018 4:33:10 PM
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So yesterday morning I ran into this tree growing by its lonesome self, I spent hours going over it with the Acacia Confusa Identification article lol.. Then A couple hours later I run into A bunch of young trees that seemed to be identical to the one I ran into earlier. But it’s just to hard for me to believe that they are all Confusa lol.
Danky attached the following image(s):
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Lupis Arante
#1208 Posted : 2/12/2018 12:01:08 AM

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Danky wrote:
So yesterday morning I ran into this tree growing by its lonesome self, I spent hours going over it with the Acacia Confusa Identification article lol.. Then A couple hours later I run into A bunch of young trees that seemed to be identical to the one I ran into earlier. But it’s just to hard for me to believe that they are all Confusa lol.

It looks like you MAY be on to a confusa. I'd want to see the trunk before I say anything more. Please do not destroy this tree, if you do not know how to ethically harvest, I urge you to research this before you think of touching the tree/s.

Respect the trees and they will respect you!
..Respect the Trees..
#1209 Posted : 2/12/2018 10:56:45 AM
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Lol, yeah the single one is A Confusa. I’m A Gardener/Grower And I’ve been working at A nursery every summer for the past 10-13yeard. Thank you for your input/reply though. I try to do a lot of research on any new Hobby I take up ,

Sooo.. The person who owns the property saw me inspecting the Single Confusa.. he came over and talked to me about it, after telling him what tree it was and how it’s considered to be one of the most invasive trees/seeds that had been introduced here. He has given me permission to get rid of it if I want to in A couple days after he makes sure it’s actuallh Acacia Confusa and not Acacia Koaia. If it is A Koai’a he will pay for it to be removed and I’m allowed to have any bark anywhere on the tree and the roots. He will try to salvage the good areas to give to A friend that will make multiple things..

But nobody really knows contents of Koaia right? OH and if anyone can give input on the trees in the other pictures that would be awesome!! I’ve also finally found the area of old dead Confusa behind the few live ones left from being planted many years ago.
#1210 Posted : 2/22/2018 8:22:01 PM
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Any help identifying
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"Somthing profound."
~Someone somewhere
#1211 Posted : 3/4/2018 9:57:27 AM
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My mate reckons this tree growing in my backyard has dmt in it... is this true?
Lupis Arante
#1212 Posted : 3/18/2018 11:06:56 AM

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Given the trees pale globular flowers, wide phyllodes with 5 prominent veins and rounded tips as well as curved seed pods, I would say you have an A. Melanoxylon. However, I don't know your location, so this ID may be incorrect. I advise jumping over here, pay particular attention to the bottom of page 5.


I am not sure if your images have uploaded correctly, I can't see them, I can just see the image name.
..Respect the Trees..
#1213 Posted : 3/27/2018 4:35:10 AM
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Hi I’m new can anyone help with this I’d? The phylode lengths are around 10/15 cm long and quite thin
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#1214 Posted : 3/30/2018 6:20:43 AM

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Either of these? Really not sure, but thought I'd ask.
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#1215 Posted : 5/20/2018 4:27:30 PM
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Can anyone tell me if this is mimosa hostilis. When i search it on google i get different looking plants.
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20180520_100124.jpg (6,454kb) downloaded 64 time(s).
#1216 Posted : 6/11/2018 10:18:18 AM
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Love you guys

I have new account in the forum but i have been following the forum for past year.
Recently I am getting more aware of my surroundings and while roaming around coastal area of India, I found this tree not that big tree,those flowers reminded me Of mimosa hostilis pictures I have seen lately, help me out
IndianShaman attached the following image(s):
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#1217 Posted : 7/2/2018 5:30:25 PM

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NYC is not really a good hunting ground for entheogens but I see a few types of acacia can any one help me ID them here is the first one:

#1218 Posted : 7/2/2018 6:22:35 PM

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Looks like Albizia julibrissin
"Is this the end of our adventure? Nothing has an end. We came in search of the secret of immortality, to be like gods, and here we are... mortals, more human than ever. If we have not obtained immortality, at least we have obtained reality. We began in a fairytale and we came to life! But is this life reality? We are images, dreams, photographs. We must not stay here! Prisoners! We shall break the illusion. This is Maya. Goodbye to the holy mountain. Real life awaits us." ~ Alejandro Jodorowsky
#1219 Posted : 7/2/2018 7:16:26 PM

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Thanks ^^^^^

Another one that is common here in NYC is this one:
Can anyone ID it?

#1220 Posted : 7/4/2018 3:13:51 AM

Live the Life you Love

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Southern Florida, Mimosa?

I've been told that this is a Royal Poincianna... Same family as a Mimosa, but I'm guessing no magic... Any info is welcome
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