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It's tough to tell with the poor quality of the photo Inconsistency is in my nature. The simple PHYLLODE tekI'm just waiting for these bloody plants to grow
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 2 Joined: 24-Oct-2015 Last visit: 15-Jul-2023
Added few more photos , I hope those are more clear , thank you so much ted123 attached the following image(s):  1.jpg (1,211kb) downloaded 265 time(s). 2.jpg (1,252kb) downloaded 264 time(s). 3.jpg (1,188kb) downloaded 266 time(s). 4.jpg (1,310kb) downloaded 264 time(s). 5.jpg (1,304kb) downloaded 260 time(s). 6.jpg (1,233kb) downloaded 241 time(s). 7.jpg (1,266kb) downloaded 239 time(s). 8.jpg (1,389kb) downloaded 238 time(s).
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i am thinking it looks a lot like acacia farnesiana.. but not 100% sure.. nen?
member for the trees
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as with most acacias, mature pods are required for a proper formal ID...that would very quickly sort out if it's A. farnesiana (Vachellia farnesiana) which it is like, but there are a couple of other candidates in the A. constricta group in Texas which are similar...pods will save a lot of counting and measuring pinnae etc.. also there is the Acacia Identification Thread to avoid clutter
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Posts: 327 Joined: 23-Aug-2010 Last visit: 30-Mar-2024 Location: Sovereign nation of marz
Worst case scenario I'll just have to wait until summer so spring is here and like I said I already peeled the bark so it will be nice and dry by the time summer hits and hopefully i will see nice snap pea like pods.  "PSYCHEDELIC DRUGS DON'T CHANGE YOU- THEY DON'T CHANGE YOUR CHARACTER-UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE CHANGED THEY ENABLE CHANGE THEY CAN'T IMPOSE IT...." -ALEXANDER SHULGIN
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 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 2229 Joined: 22-Jul-2011 Last visit: 02-May-2024 Location: in the underbelly of the cosmic womb
marz, you don't need to go peeling bark from the tree's trunk to test it for alkaloids. i'd advise pruning either pruning some small twigs or a branch here and there as they will contain the alkaloids in the same amounts by weight if the tree does indeed contain alkaloids. its likely too that the phyllodes will. its pretty safe to say that any acacia that contains alkaloids will contain them in the bark on the twigs and branches. taking the bark from the trunk puts alot of unnecessary stress on the plant
 DMT-Nexus member
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Ok I'm not going to be messing with the tree anymore until the pods come in I only cut a smaller Branch off to have a decent amount of material to work with and like you say I don't want to cause unnecessary stress to the tree anymore than I already have. "PSYCHEDELIC DRUGS DON'T CHANGE YOU- THEY DON'T CHANGE YOUR CHARACTER-UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE CHANGED THEY ENABLE CHANGE THEY CAN'T IMPOSE IT...." -ALEXANDER SHULGIN
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good luck with it and will keep an eye out for your results  ... generally you'll only need around 200g of material to get an idea if its worth pursuing further
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It's time to move on to the next step in the psychedelic revolution
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Posts: 327 Joined: 23-Aug-2010 Last visit: 30-Mar-2024 Location: Sovereign nation of marz
I have some exciting news I was walking down the path where I found all these trees I needed identified I think I finally solved the mystery I came by once small small one and miraculously there was a really old pod it had a few holes I guess bugs have got in there and this is what it looks like I really do believe it is what we previously thought (acacia farnesiana) here are the pics I took all the seeds out also and there was some mold and holes in the seeds there looks like there is a few viable seeds anyways heres the pics tell me what u think mystery solved / 100% identified???     Sooo did i solve the Scooby Doo Mystery and found the 5meo monster? "PSYCHEDELIC DRUGS DON'T CHANGE YOU- THEY DON'T CHANGE YOUR CHARACTER-UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE CHANGED THEY ENABLE CHANGE THEY CAN'T IMPOSE IT...." -ALEXANDER SHULGIN
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 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 327 Joined: 23-Aug-2010 Last visit: 30-Mar-2024 Location: Sovereign nation of marz
Ok one mystery solved on to the next what type of Acacia is this same location South Texas along the Mexico border..    Cool bee  on flower also this is a smaller one mixed in with overgrown grass there are a few really big ones I couldn't quite get to yet let me know thanks. Also I know for a proper ID we need a mature pod which this one is just starting but do you have any ideas? "PSYCHEDELIC DRUGS DON'T CHANGE YOU- THEY DON'T CHANGE YOUR CHARACTER-UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE CHANGED THEY ENABLE CHANGE THEY CAN'T IMPOSE IT...." -ALEXANDER SHULGIN
It's time to move on to the next step in the psychedelic revolution
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 46 Joined: 06-Mar-2016 Last visit: 16-Apr-2021
Acacia berlandieri best guess http://www.wildflower.or...result.php?id_plant=ACBEhttp://www.backyardnature.net/n/w/guajillo.htmphotos and info from a few sites on it Humans are the only beings to change their entire universe in a heartbeat simply by changing their outlook on it... I am prone to write fictional short stories as a release from the daily stressor's of life. Anything written here on these pages, is either the start of a new story, or a continuation and collaboration of stories i have already shared with ,You, my loyal readers  If you either enjoyed or managed to learn something from my fictions please remember they are fictions and may not be the best things to emulate...So please practice caution and know that i take no responsibility for your actions, but wish you all the best. Peace and love ^_^
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 6 Joined: 12-Mar-2016 Last visit: 27-Jan-2018
Hi, I got some shots of a local acacia in SE QLD (Australia), I do not think it is maidenii or obtusifolia because the seed pod seems quite flat and wide and it would be a stretch to see them in this area. Does anyone have enough expertise to assist me with identification? Leviathansbane attached the following image(s):  IMG_2679.JPG (3,639kb) downloaded 124 time(s). IMG_2680.JPG (1,186kb) downloaded 122 time(s). IMG_2681.JPG (1,634kb) downloaded 121 time(s). IMG_2682.JPG (1,953kb) downloaded 121 time(s).
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 6 Joined: 12-Mar-2016 Last visit: 27-Jan-2018
Hi again, found another tree that looks promising, will be looking up more details but thought I would share it here in case anyone else can ID it, from SE QLD. Leviathansbane attached the following image(s):  IMG_2697.JPG (3,271kb) downloaded 100 time(s). IMG_2696.JPG (2,313kb) downloaded 100 time(s). IMG_2698.JPG (2,728kb) downloaded 99 time(s).
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 2229 Joined: 22-Jul-2011 Last visit: 02-May-2024 Location: in the underbelly of the cosmic womb
Leviathansbane, your last tree is acacia complanata ... your first one I'm not sure.. looks a little like Acacia leiocalyx subsp. herveyensis?
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 6 Joined: 12-Mar-2016 Last visit: 27-Jan-2018
acacian wrote:Leviathansbane, your last tree is acacia complanata ... your first one I'm not sure.. looks a little like Acacia leiocalyx subsp. herveyensis? Thank you kindly acacian 
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 131 Joined: 22-Nov-2015 Last visit: 05-Mar-2018
Hi Acacia lovers! Could anyone help me identify the following Acacia? It's native to North East Thailand. Apologies. Currently I only have two pictures, but may be able to get more if needed:   Thanks in advance, ELG
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 327 Joined: 23-Aug-2010 Last visit: 30-Mar-2024 Location: Sovereign nation of marz
Looks to be (Acacia Confusa) by the look of the leafs and pods but when is flowering season in Thailand everything looks right except the flowers arent in Bloom yet i am 80% sure its Acacia Confusa by the pics you posted in the research I did but im no expert. "PSYCHEDELIC DRUGS DON'T CHANGE YOU- THEY DON'T CHANGE YOUR CHARACTER-UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE CHANGED THEY ENABLE CHANGE THEY CAN'T IMPOSE IT...." -ALEXANDER SHULGIN
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DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 131 Joined: 22-Nov-2015 Last visit: 05-Mar-2018
Thanks marz.
This photo was taken back in January, I'll see if I can get another photo of what it looks like now, it might be flowering.
Would be a really lucky find if it was an AC!