Poll Question : Do you buy research chemicals?
Choice Votes Statistics
yes 33 48 %
no 25 36 %
have recieved from friends but never purchased 10 14 %

Do you buy research chemicals? Options
#61 Posted : 12/21/2009 10:14:26 AM

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Great to hear about your 2-CB Experience bancopuma Smile

As for cathinones, I recently tried Methcathinone, or M-CAT (Ephedrone.) Sorry to hear it is schedule I in the US, but I found one line to be very clear, stimulating, social.
That was last halloween, and it wasn't followed by any god-awful crash or anything like that. From what I have read and heard, some people really warn that Mephedrone (4-MMC)
or MMCAT is really some nasty, nasty stuff. Being prone as you said to over indulgence, and causing heart attacks.

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Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#62 Posted : 12/31/2009 4:51:48 AM

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My friend James has done methylone, mephedrone, jwh-073 and jwh-018. He says he likes methylone, as long as only one dose (200mg) is done with no more than a single 120mg booster after 1-1.5 hours. If boosters are done after that point the only thing one gets is more speedy. He says mephedrone is very more-ish, is very euphoric and is not recommended due to strange reactions such as body parts turning blue and crazy addiction potential. Jwh-073 is pretty crap, it is very short acting and is somewhat more-ish. Jwh-018 is not too bad as long as you have an accurate scale, because the difference between a dose and a pretty unpleasant overdose is like the size of a couple grains sand.

#63 Posted : 1/24/2010 1:45:18 AM
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Only used one vendor and they have provided excellent chemicals and service. I've had 5g of 2c-e before and it's a very interesting chemical. Changed my entire world-view in one night. I've received a 500mg sample of Mephedrone and it's a blast, gotta be conscious when re-dosing as it is quite addictive and hard on the body. I got 4-aco-dmt, 4-ho-mipt, 4-ho-dipt, and more 2ce coming to my doorstep pretty soon. Can't wait to find out what Shulgin has in store for me. Smile
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#64 Posted : 1/24/2010 1:43:38 PM

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Quality MDMA few times a year with close friends in cozy setting is always GREAT
one of my all time favourites

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I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
#65 Posted : 1/28/2010 9:48:17 PM

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Mephedrone, Methylone and Ephedrone are all neurotoxic. So is MDMA. I thought this was common knowledge?

2c-t-2 and t-7 I would guess are rather dangerous too, all the sulfur including molecules from pihkal are I bet. They're extremely unpredictable.

aMT is another one I would keep an eye on, it could be toxic like the cathinones but it may be one of those rare non toxic releasing agents.

It's good to have studies of long term use and all but its pretty easy to figure out whats going to cause the biggest problems just by their action in the brain.

2c-b and 2c-e check out fine though Smile

Quick Edit: Mephedrone is really nasty stuff. Not trying to tell anyone how to live their life but just be careful with that terrible stuff
#66 Posted : 1/28/2010 10:04:49 PM

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MDAI is not neurotoxic

then again, it's not dopaminergic either
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#67 Posted : 1/28/2010 10:12:38 PM

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Right, I should've been more clear by saying that dopamine releasing agents are the ones you gotta watch out for

MDAI sounds interesting but I hear its rather dull, ben. Someday someone will come up with something good for non mind-melting empathy.
#68 Posted : 4/30/2010 2:42:25 AM


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Let's be careful Smile
#69 Posted : 6/23/2010 10:27:39 PM

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Is there somewhere that lists the current legality regarding these substances?

MDMA from my limited experience really puts me in a bad place mentally for at least a week after using it. That is why I haven't used it for a couple years and had only used it a few times.. I honestly would like a chance to try 2CB specifically but the only stories I have heard from friends about RC experience in general have been negative.
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#70 Posted : 6/23/2010 11:07:37 PM


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apostle11 wrote:
Is there somewhere that lists the current legality regarding these substances?

MDMA from my limited experience really puts me in a bad place mentally for at least a week after using it. That is why I haven't used it for a couple years and had only used it a few times.. I honestly would like a chance to try 2CB specifically but the only stories I have heard from friends about RC experience in general have been negative. lists all of the chemicals and their status under "law" tab
Q21Q21's Tek: A comprehensive guide to extracting DMT
The 2 teks use non-toxic lime and vinegar and Tek 1: d-Limonene or Xylene or Tek 2: Naptha to produce very quick high yields with the greatest of ease.

I am almost never on this site anymore so I will likely not answer PMs

#71 Posted : 6/24/2010 12:56:35 AM

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Before I start I just want to be clear that I am not supporting people using RCs. I think it depends on what ones intentions are, one needs to make an informed decision for themselves. Many of these compounds have not been researched extensively and there are risks. I wold like to address a few general concerns I have seen in this thread.

In regard to purity and integrity: Over the years I have analyzed (for work) a variety of samples (via GC/MS) from a variety of different vendors. I must say that in almost all cases the products where what they were labeled as and of extremely high purity (in some cases > than chemical supply houses). These were all single compounds and not mixtures or some unknown legal high like NRG-x). That said I have in no way tested all sources and it is likely that some are of poor quality. Also there have been mix ups (2C-B fly issue) and it is important to test any compound before ingestion, unfortunately in this legal climate it is a luxury many do not have however color tests like marquis can be of use in helping to narrow it down and can help one be somewhat confident but they are not definitive. If you are going to get RCs definitely get one of these kits or make your own reagent.

I have also personally tried a variety of different RC compounds. In all cases it has only been a few times at most per compound. Long term "serious" Adverse effects depend on the frequency of exposure (unless massive doses are taken causing acute toxicity). I would not recommend taking drugs in general all the time or taking a single drug many times and this goes for most drugs not just RCs. (opioids caffeine and cannabis seem to be an exception, as far as health goes not behavior that depends...) If only trying a different compound responsibly at 2-3 times there are minimal risks. Sure there may be a rare case where there is acute toxicity, this is a real risk but it is rare. Also RCs are never complelty novel chemical classes thus one can look up related agents this is not foul proof but it can help one get a sense of possible risks.

So long as one goes into it knowing the risks I see no problem with the use of NOVEL chemical agents. It is absolutly essential to explore these compounds in humans. It is also important for people to do research on the subjective effects of these compounds. This is how new drugs and treatments are discovered. If one is just looking for some LEGAL HIGH than I would not use RCs (except for the few most well known ones) as they are unknown and thus do carry some risk. However a researcher taking a given compounds a few times really has minimal risk (look at Shulgin obviously only one case but still...)

In regard to some of the SCARE of TOXICITY AND BRAIN DAMAGE:
Even in the cases of MPTP poisoning it seemed to take multiple exposures for the really adverse effects, also it was chronic use of thalidomide that caused issues in "pregnant" women. A pregnant women should NOT take ANY drugs (unless highly researched and then even still in moderation). I know of NO drug that permanently causes damage to the gametes of a male or female (esp unlikely in males) (please correct me if I am wrong, as I admit I have not heavily researched this and there are probably a few but they are likely rare) that non-pregnant use can causes birth defects etc... Typically drugs cause birth defects in pregnant women, and this is usually from multiple exposures. Alcohol can cause horrible birth defects however only when pregnant a women can drink heavily for years without having to worry about effecting her children. This is the case with most teratogens.
I would not worry about having children after having using RCs. If I was pregnant I would be worried about using any drug.

#72 Posted : 7/15/2010 6:19:58 AM

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i read some good advice concerning RC's.
if you get a new shipment, always test the batch:
take 1 mg. first, wait 3 hours, then if nothing take 5 mgs., etc.
after you've taken 10 mgs. and experienced little or nothing, you'll know it's not a crazy DOx or something else active in the 1-3 mg. range.
any of the deaths are associated with people snorting large amounts of the stuff...or taking 18 mgs. of a 1-3 mg. substance.
nobody would have died from that dragonfly mix-up if they took 1 mg. first then 3, or 5. they would have said, "DAMN that's way too gnarly to be
2c-b fly or whatever they thought it was."
i have only tried 2c-b, and agree with most people here, that it feels very okay in the body and mind.
though 2c-b is not an RC. it is tried and true.
the way it evaporates from the mind is absolutely the cleanest thing i've ever felt besides pure smoked DMT.
when people were originally testing plants in the wilderness, they would judge how toxic it was by the way they FELT.
no machines or studies were necessary.
i, too, think the MDMA studies are exaggerated but the plain fact is: i don't feel good after i take it, so for me, it's a once in a while thing.
with 2c-b i feel better afterwards then when i take cactus.
i get headaches and feel worked from too much mescaline though nothing but diamond clarity from 2c-b.
if i had to trust my intuition i would say that 2c-b is less toxic because of the way i feel.
after all, taking 500 mgs. is a whopping amount for the liver compared to 20 mgs. for probably equal intensity.
i agree too that something like 4-aco-dmt is kind of a give away: i don't see any reason why it would be toxic, it's too close to 4-ho-dmt.
do people report toxic effects from it? not that i've seen.
as a general rule too, i would say that Phens are harder on the body than tryptamines, though of course there are exceptions.
if you advance cautiously, listening to your body's response to different molecules, aware of any signs of toxicity, i think the risk is minimal...
after all we are in the second or third decade of people trying these things...more people have died from walking off a curb and falling...i'm certain.
#73 Posted : 11/1/2010 11:25:15 PM

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Can't vote in the poll, but here is my answer - I only try the 2C-x family, and getting started on trying to source some more substituted tryptamines.

I have tried mephedrone, and methylone - thought they were boring as took them orally, not fussed...

Would also like to try the DOx chemicals, but not through a vendor that I just picked, it would have to be tried and tested by someone I knew, or maybe give it to to friend to go all GC/MS on it.
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#74 Posted : 11/2/2010 12:04:28 AM
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Want to repeat this advice.
dragon-n wrote:
if you get a new shipment, always test the batch:
take 1 mg. first, wait 3 hours, then if nothing take 5 mgs., etc.
after you've taken 10 mgs. and experienced little or nothing, you'll know it's not a crazy DOx or something else active in the 1-3 mg. range.
any of the deaths are associated with people snorting large amounts of the stuff...or taking 18 mgs. of a 1-3 mg. substance.

This is excellent advice and everyone should consider it! Even with trusted sources, accidents do happen and mis-labelings can occur. The 2cb-fly/bromo-dragonfly incident is the perfect example of this.

Also: NO EYEBALLING!!! If you can't measure a dose properly, I wouldn't take it.

Phenethylamines for me are more of a physical trip that can be very light on the mind. Toxic factor is likely present, though depending on the compound could be slight(mephredrone-2c-x; high toxicity-low toxicity). I get a headache coming off a 2c-i trip, could be from tension. 2c-e had some GI issues in my single experience with it but nothing major at 25mg. The next day I usually feel fine with 2c's.

Tryptamines for me are more of a mental trip that can be very light on the body. Toxic factor is likely negligible, perhaps there's even a health benefit factor unresearched. I always feel refreshed and glowing the day after a tryptamine.

I obviously haven't experienced everything, only a few select tryptamines and phenethylamines, but currently my research stays consistent to the above.

Disclaimer: All Entheogens and other research materials are not for Human consumption! I have researched by text the effects of consuming such things in case of accidental consumption. I have never actually consumed any of the materials I speak about and it should be assumed I'm speaking hypothetically. I have a wild imagination.
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