Poorly understood family of AYAHUASCA vines Options
#81 Posted : 5/11/2012 2:58:37 AM

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^and it looks identical to the vine I have! Problem solved.
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#82 Posted : 5/11/2012 5:44:51 AM

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Here are some vines I got from wss today.

The first is their Peruvian black caapi.

The second is their Peruvian red caapi.

The black caapi looks a lot like the A. anisopetala Snozz just posted. I haven't tried either out yet so I can't vouch for potency. I just know that the red vine is considerably harder and denser than the black caapi.
MelCat attached the following image(s):
100_6628.JPG (2,529kb) downloaded 827 time(s).
100_6629.JPG (2,492kb) downloaded 825 time(s).
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#83 Posted : 5/12/2012 2:23:03 PM

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Im attaching the pictures of what just arrived from the peruvian vendor.. In order, with name as sold:

Grey ayahuasca - Tetrapteris methystica
Black ayahuasca - Alicia anisopetala
Red ayahuasca - Banisteriopsis muricata
Yellow - Banisteriopsis caapi.

They will all be tested and results shared in the next weeks Smile
endlessness attached the following image(s):
DSC03268.JPG (165kb) downloaded 1,045 time(s).
DSC03270.JPG (155kb) downloaded 1,034 time(s).
DSC03269.JPG (111kb) downloaded 1,038 time(s).
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#84 Posted : 5/12/2012 3:20:39 PM

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Cracking work endlessness, I'm very interested to see the outcome of the analysis of the red/black vine that Jamie has reported as very strong.

Has anyone sampled the grey vine yet?

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#85 Posted : 5/15/2012 12:09:11 AM


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Thanks for the photos endless, this clears up some apparent confusion on my end, I had the alecia (black ayahuasca), and b. muricata (red) confused one for the other.

So jamies is indeed the anisopetala. All good to know!

Cant wait to see the results of the grey ayahuasca and get some myself.

Cheers guys, time to start sampling vines!
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#86 Posted : 5/16/2012 4:49:16 PM

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Funny though that my black ayahuasca (alicia a..) did not have that color to it, its this typical brown-reddish from caapi...

Also, one thing to note, the cross section of melodic's red ayahuasca seems very different than what we are getting with kiwi...

Lastly, does anybody have any picture of the yellow ayahuasca from kiwi? The red and the yellow seem awefully similar to me, im wondering if Ill see the difference when brewing, with the brew color, or what..
#87 Posted : 5/16/2012 5:26:33 PM

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I'll post pics of the yellow when I get home.

I have no red, so will refrain from comment for the time being, although by jamie's account, it should be blood red when brewed compared to caapi.

Finally, the brilliant gold color of the alicia, ime, is only in the middle runs of THP. It starts pale yellow and finishes pale yellow and reduces to the muddy yellow/brown. I would therefore assume that when brewed "traditionally" it would only be yellow during the initial stages of brewing and prior to reduction, perhaps jamie can verify?
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#88 Posted : 5/16/2012 5:46:04 PM

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The yellow is caapi right? So it should make a normal colored caapi brew..the red will be blood red will be obvious when you start brewing it.

The alicia will start out yellow and then get darker. From the pictures it is obvious that you, me and snozz all have this same "black" alicia vine..for me it starts out yellow and then gets darker.more like yellowish black brown when finished..and the smell is distinct from caapi. This vine also seems to weigh less than caapi because it is less dense.
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#89 Posted : 5/16/2012 9:17:35 PM


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The yellow that comes from kiwi is very good standard b. cappi, and most yellow or cielo cappi looks like this.

The following is information a new member to the nexus, marypoppins, pmed me because he/she did not have privilages to post it here.

quote from marypoppins:


my muricata comes from alberto at chaliponga dreams
who has been a pleasure to work with

i brew the muricata with acacia root bark
simple brew - 3 washes of 4 - 5 hours each
using mineral water and a small amount of vitamin c

i will refer to a standard dose as 50 mg of muricata
(which it turns out is quite high)

1st time: 1/4 dose - very nice - felt the affects for 2 -3 hours
warm, insightful, pleasant

2nd time: 1/2 dose (25 mg) - suprised that it was so powerful;
actually felt like a full journey, except that i could control if i wanted to let go or not; if i choose - off we went
very nurturing, deep, insightful, gentle

3rd time: 3/4 dose - wow - a full fledged trip for 3 solid hours
warm, gentle, healing, beautiful, nurturing, clear messages

4th time full dose of 50 mg - BAM - POW - WHAM
kicked my ass, which has only happened 2 other times in 35 years
6 hours - so powerful - deep - healing - but very hard
no gentle feminine energy here
my system is too clean to vomit - but purging and purging from the depths of the universe
beyond messages

5th time: 1/4 dose once again gentle and warm and the healing messages so clear
very healing and nurturing and although i intended to do morethere was no need

6th time: 1/4 dose - so nice warm nurturing and clear healing messages. once again i planned to do much more but there was no needor desire

7th time: 1/2 dose with a bowl of mapacho / imphepho / ikhathazo
wowowow - one of the deepest most beautiful experience I have ever had
(and I have 35 years of lsd, shrooms, peyote, 5, vine, iboga)
i was so gone - beyond all sanity - yet so secure and comfortable
laughing and talking out loud, gone but having such a beautiful warm time with such very clear messages - peaking for a full 6 hours !!! and then another 3 hours to come down (vine usually lasts me 2 -3 hours)
one of my most amazing experiences

in addition i have microdosed the muricatacacia admixture for 2 weeks.
very powerful and had to reduce the doses to comming from an eyedropper - about a half of the usual microdoses

i shared my admixture with a friend of mine - much younger but with many many DMY journies and some aya experience
(i sat for his iboga flood - full flood in which the iboga barely affected him - a mild buzz for 4 -5 hours)
he drank 1 1/2 dose of the muricata
handled it well
about 6 hours
seems to have been a life transforming event for him

i look forward to seeing how others experience the muricata
and to see its analysis

i had a clear message to add Virola theiodora to the admixture
but want to make sure i can get bark with the resin

I am assuming that marypoppins meant 50 and 25 grams of material instead of milligrams,
Thank you marypoppins!

Im sampling some vines this weekend, i hope to report back something interesting!
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#90 Posted : 5/16/2012 9:24:53 PM


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End i really look forward to seeing the results of your tests!

About melodics red cappi. Yeah that definetly looks really different! Did he mention if it was supposed to be b. muricata red, or if it was purchased from a vendor with the label "red ayahuasca". Not all reds blacks and yellows will look like other reds blacks and yellows, thats part of the confusion is this is not an effective naming system.

Is there a way to more specifically classify these vines?

Remember the kinds we are discussing so far is not comprehensive of the full spectrum of the vines available. Theres probably many many varieties. Some probably appear different, but contain similair levels of alks, and some probably contain different alks then the others altogether.

Really looking forward to the test results and more bioassays,

I still want to make this chart as well with pictures and info, once we make some solid conclusions it will be good to have a go to guide to come out of it.

Cheers everyone thanks~
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#91 Posted : 5/16/2012 9:57:30 PM

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Both of the vines I got were from Wor1d S33d Supply's ebay page and were simply labeled "Peruvian Red" and "Peruvian Black".

Once I received the vines and saw that the black was so similar to the alecia posted here so I emailed them to let them know. I never got a reply back from them though.

I brewed a small amount of the black (5g) just to see if I could feel anything from such a small amount (and I could not). The brew was really golden in color and got darker as it cooled. I'll get some pics the next time I brew.
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#92 Posted : 5/16/2012 10:36:36 PM

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I promoted marypoppins because I am quite sure they are someone else on another forum I have spoken with about muricata not too long ago..anyway they can now post here.
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#93 Posted : 5/16/2012 11:39:12 PM

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Deulofeu, V. (1979) Chemical compounds isolated from Banisteriopsis and related species. In: D.H. Efron, B. Holmstedt and N.S. Kline (Eds.),
Ethnopharmacologic Search for Psychoactiue Drugs, Raven Press, New York.

Would be wonderful if we could get a copy of this ^ , it might have some relevant info but I cant find it around, just people using that as a refference in their texts

Edit: Its in erowid in PDF:

It does not have any info on alicia or tetrapterys but it does on some other banisteriopsis, worth a look and other plants that could be investigatd, worth a look
#94 Posted : 5/19/2012 7:46:59 PM

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my experiences with muricata
micro and macro
are lending me to believe that

some of the alkaloids in the muricata
might be longer acting (?-permanent-?) mao inhibitors

no scientific data
just that the effects are lasting days from macro
and 24 hours from micro ????
#95 Posted : 5/22/2012 9:10:30 AM

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I'm super interested in these vines and was wondering if anyone had any problems with Buying and getting them delivered from kiwi ?

I've been waiting 2 weeks for a reply to an e mail with no response and now when I tried to make an order, for the shipping method I get 2 choices, flat rate...$10 and per item rate...$90...

I live in Asia and doubt very much that a 6 kilo package can come from Peru to Asia for 10 bucks!
#96 Posted : 5/22/2012 10:07:00 AM

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Best way to contact them in through skype IME. Sometimes they take too long to answer through email. I know some people have hard time contacting them in english, but try it out. Or use google translate and try spanish if you cant speak spanish? Or ask a friend who does speak spanish to talk to them in skype.

Im sure the package will go to asia for 10 bucks, if a package of 3kgs went to europe for around 120bucks!

Expect expensive shipping prices, but even then, due to their ayahuasca prices, it will probably be cheaper than buying elsewhere.
#97 Posted : 5/22/2012 10:10:09 AM

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Those all look very interesting, now, do we know if the other shop selling red, black, yellow are selling only banisteriopsis caapi, or respectively, muricata, alicia, caapi etc.. ?
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#98 Posted : 5/22/2012 10:20:02 AM

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Melodic Catastrophe's ayas he posted on page 3:

The black pretty clearly seems like the alicia anisopetala black ayahuasca we all have, but his red ayahuasca seems different from the cross section...

M4y4's red ayahuasca did NOT look so red when boiling, and neither did the black look so black after reducing, I suspect its a different plant altogether they have.. They have it sold under the page of "Banisteriopsis caapi". Also they only sell shredded so its impossible to know... I tried to ask them if they had any info how they identified, and they said all the info they had was shared in the plant page, which is absurd because of course they know (either they know it was some specific person who identified that they trust, or they invented the type and its just a marketing ploy, which I wish its not true but it could be, and if they share no info its hard to get to the truth)
Parshvik Chintan
#99 Posted : 5/22/2012 10:22:01 AM

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rOm wrote:
Those all look very interesting, now, do we know if the other shop selling red, black, yellow are selling only banisteriopsis caapi, or respectively, muricata, alicia, caapi etc.. ?

probably best just to contact the vendor.
though most sites tend to list the botanical name for just about all their products...
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#100 Posted : 5/22/2012 3:48:15 PM

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Parshvik Chintan wrote:
rOm wrote:
Those all look very interesting, now, do we know if the other shop selling red, black, yellow are selling only banisteriopsis caapi, or respectively, muricata, alicia, caapi etc.. ?

probably best just to contact the vendor.
though most sites tend to list the botanical name for just about all their products...

Except that many vendors don't necessarily know what they have...and there are no scientifically accepted varieties of B. caapi...meaning that any vendor claiming to be selling a "variety" of caapi (including colored caapi) is using information that is incorrect as far as nomenclature goes.

flowersniffer wrote:
I'm super interested in these vines and was wondering if anyone had any problems with Buying and getting them delivered from kiwi ?

I've been waiting 2 weeks for a reply to an e mail with no response and now when I tried to make an order, for the shipping method I get 2 choices, flat rate...$10 and per item rate...$90...

I live in Asia and doubt very much that a 6 kilo package can come from Peru to Asia for 10 bucks!

Shipping will be drastically more expensive once you actually talk to him...and actually, if you carry an order all the way through to paypal. You'll discover this before you are charged, when an expensive shipping charge suddenly appears. Contact him through skype for best results, email takes forever.
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