#81 Posted : 3/22/2010 4:33:27 PM


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88 wrote:
Well, that would be very cool, if it happens. Seriously. It's not that I don't want world where we've evolved up to the next level. I'm just keeping one foot on the ground here, maybe protecting myself from disappointment. But hey, you guys are my favourite guys here ... maybe I should've kept this one to myself.

Just look around :]

This kind of conscious activity only happens every so often. This moment is special.


Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#82 Posted : 3/22/2010 4:37:42 PM

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I agree with you completely: this moment is special. Truly, truly special; it is now and we are here and it is beautiful to be alive.
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#83 Posted : 3/22/2010 5:09:21 PM

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88 wrote:
I've been reluctant to comment on this thread, Ant, because you're a legend, a real pillar of this fine old Hub, an amazing support, reporter and general stand-up dude. I LOVE reading your reports - they're lucid, insightful, well-written and full of gracious humour. This one, on the whole, is no different. It's an amazing, thought-provoking journey that you've had, and I thank you for sharing it with us.

But this last bit has been bothering me:

antrocles wrote:
something massive is coming. an age of evolving. a time for us to become the gods we have forgotten we are. i stand for the growth and evolution of all who would go forth into this great awakening and ring in a new age of unity. there is something wonderful beyond measure coming. for those who would begin now to do away with defunct thought cycles and fear-based forms of behaviour, you will all be entrusted with a new paradise.

This is where you seem to me to have crossed a line of sorts; it may be why you were a little reluctant to post this initially.

For me, this sounds a bit too much like a kind of evangelism.

There is a certainty in your prediction that I never feel with spice, ever. For me, it is inherently mysterious, uncertain, and beyond my understanding. That may be because of the limits of my experience with the molecule; you have certainly travelled further and more often. And so maybe certainty does await at the end of this marvellous rainbow.

But predictions of a coming new paradise freak me out a bit.

I hope you know I say this with the greatest of love, brother - not to knock you, or attack you in any way ... but I feel I had to say it.

love and gratitude, big guy

That is the type of language I am referring to. A disciple of a comming of a new world, a paradise, get in now while you still can. Especially now that govenmental agencies are probably watching this board lookng for ammo for their BBB case, this can open a whole new pressure to investigate the dmt sources.

The talk about a new world, and follow me....
Not normal.
Then to see so called brothers and sisters support unhealthy thinking that can lead to a very dangerous outcome is sad. This forum was not set up to preach this pseudo relegion of a new world with aliens etc. I feel this has gone from a healthy exploration of the mind to a dangerous blur of reality that if coninued to manifest can go to a place no one on this board wants it too.
It's the third eye vision, five side dimension
The 8th Light, is gonna shine bright tonight
#84 Posted : 3/22/2010 5:11:34 PM

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i completely understand your point 88 and i will actually use this as an opportunity to allay your worries (and anyone else who felt similar upon reading this).

i'm not trying to be evangelical at all. i suppose i have begun to feel a sense of certainty (or, at the very least, a much reduced sense of uncertainty) with DMT. the breakthroughs, their awesome power AND my absolute comfort with being so completely dissolved into them have shifted the experience as a whole for me. in flowing through creativity unrestrained, the role of fear has shown itself to be the one thing that can slow down any forward momentum. that's not to say that it isn't a necessary element of existence, but in learning to WORK with DMT, fear seems to be a form of heel dragging that once embraced and thus neutralized can create space for a transformation of perception. not just in hyperspce but in our here and now as well.

with that giant wad of personal opining out on the table, i return back to my original post and your concern with that block of quoted text...

my journeys are, as i'm really seeing more and more, quite special. not to say that all of ours aren't special in any way at all.... i'm simply saying that i seem to be having a recurrent relationship with an intelligence that insists on making itself known to me in the same way over and over. the world i go to, the things i do and the 'people' i interact with are like a family to me at this point and whether it is a truth beyond reproach, all pure archetypal symbolism or deep subconscious sceenwriting ...i simply don't know. so, in my best way possible (obviously still don't quite have the writing chops to do this exactly right) i try to convey the 'message' or the 'spirit' or the 'gyst' of what i am shown.

perhaps i tried to do this AND be as descriptive of my particular journey and the two bled together more than intended. it is crucial that i let everyone here on the nexus know that i am not a prophet. i am simply a guy like you who has a sharp mind and a strong desire to grow and help others do the same. i use DMT a lot. more than most. my journeys are profoundly communicative and interactive and i can't help but feel that i MUST share my lessons as i get them. many times even before i have necessarily fully understood them myself!

i do stand by my feelings that an age of growing and evolving is upon humanity. a great shift in our perception of this world and our relationship to it and one another. i also stand by my statement that i stand for the growth and evolution of all who would be so courageous as to look directly into themselves and see the connection to everyone and everything. this is a challenge for even the most spiritual-minded soul.

perhaps it just read funny in context, but the truth is that i DO feel that a wonderful new age is coming and that the great impetus for this shift in consciousness will be a departure from the fear-based, unhealthy models that society has endured with heavy hearts for the lion's share of this age. this world we live in CAN be a paradise with a few modifications to our ways of thinking. we don't 'need' anything more than that. our fundamental 'need' right now is to feel feel our connection to our world and one another.

if my statements in context to my report left you feeling as if i was heralding the arrival of alien beings and only those who consume, conform and obey will be're RIGHT! ....juuuuust kidding.. Pleased

i am just a fellow searcher. my experiences of late have been feeling like clear communications as opposed to random skull grenades. i thought it bore mentioning and examination....nothing more...

now let's get back to figuring out how to fit that 9-dimensional humming orb into a proper box for shipping.... don't the post offices in the u.k. have pan-dimensional plasmic converters? guys still in the dark ages over there? Pleased

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#85 Posted : 3/22/2010 5:19:28 PM


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This forum was not set up to preach this pseudo relegion of a new world with aliens etc. I feel this has gone from a healthy exploration of the mind to a dangerous blur of reality that if coninued to manifest can go to a place no one on this board wants it too.

Well if you haven't seen THEM you haven't gone deep enough. I don't care who is reading these boards. Hyperspace is teeming with highly advanced life forms. No doubt about it! WTF is the government going to do about that??? The bulgarian government has already publicly announced direct contact with THEM! :]
#86 Posted : 3/22/2010 5:30:48 PM

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۩ wrote:
This forum was not set up to preach this pseudo relegion of a new world with aliens etc. I feel this has gone from a healthy exploration of the mind to a dangerous blur of reality that if coninued to manifest can go to a place no one on this board wants it too.

Well if you haven't seen THEM you haven't gone deep enough. I don't care who is reading these boards. Hyperspace is teeming with highly advanced life forms. No doubt about it! WTF is the government going to do about that??? The bulgarian government has already publicly announced direct contact with THEM! :]

I've been there, House. I guess I just have a different take on it, to each his own. I'm just trying to look out for the longevity of our nexus and members ability to explore. If I have offended anyone with my perspective, I'm sorry.

The reason I care what the governement thinks is obvious. They tell us what we can and can not purchase.

Please reference the bulgarian government contact with DMT beings, that is very interesting.

Nothing but love and respect guys.
Be safe.
It's the third eye vision, five side dimension
The 8th Light, is gonna shine bright tonight
#87 Posted : 3/22/2010 5:31:52 PM

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ThirdEyeVision wrote:
That is the type of language I am referring to. A self disciple of a comming of a new world, get in now while you still can. Especially now that govenmental agencies are probably watching this board lookng for ammo for their BBB case, this can open a whole new pressure to investigate the dmt sources.

The talk about a new world, and follow me....
Not normal.
Then to see so called brothers and sisters support unhealthy thinking that can lead to a very dangerous outcome is sad. This forum was not set up to preach this pseudo relegion of a new world with aliens etc.

SERIOUSLY!! come on now.....i am NOT in any way preaching any form of pseudo religion here. i shared some profound experiences i've been having and added my feelings on the matter. there is nothing more to it my brother.

i have referred to everyone on this forum as brother and sister since day one because i feel a truly familial connection to all who have shared this most profound of consciousness-expanding experiences.

the responses you are pointing out are simply fellow nexians communicating back to me in the way i communicate with them. there is no cult. no self-disciple. nothing of the sort. what there IS, however, is a compassion, love and respect built over a long time of giving exactly that to others. if it offends you that others choose to support and accept me as i go through this journey in the same way that i would support and accept them through theirs, then perhaps this is more of an opportunity for you to see what is truly golden about the dmt-nexus.

as much as you worry about me trying to establish some sort of sect, i would have to say that i am equally concerned by your constant insinuations that "the government agencies are probably watching this board looking for ammo for their BBB case". which idea, in reality, do you think is going to harm the spirit of this site more? guy sharing some incredible experiences he's been having using a powerful tryptamine or a notion that anything you might want to try and share with a community of like-minded explorers may be used against you in a court of law?

and, if big brother is watching our every word, what then do you suggest? should there be a particular format to our experiences room? should we all refrain from discussing anything that might make us sound "weird?" Laughing

for 16 months now i have shared reports that have been as amazing and wonderous, as impossible and infinite as the meaning of life itself. i have read many more than i have written. i have supported and questioned, opined and challenged. in short, i have been a member of this community. now, when things are getting truly incredible and i am beginning to have experiences that veer into a truly astounding realm of potential, i find something here that i never counted indirect disapproval of my post using the government as your reasoning. not cool.

i have apologized and made myself more than clear on this. i pretend to be nothing. i never have and never would assert any of my experiences as fact or dogma.

i have always been and will forever continue to be here to help. myself and my community. period.

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#88 Posted : 3/22/2010 5:40:41 PM

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antrocles wrote:
the world i go to, the things i do and the 'people' i interact with are like a family to me at this point and whether it is a truth beyond reproach, all pure archetypal symbolism or deep subconscious sceenwriting ...i simply don't know.

If you don’t know, if you don't know absolutely, that your experiences are real and true, then you aren’t going deep enough. There is a level of experience that is self-evidently true and real – no archetypes, no subconscious authoring, etc. When you reach this level, you’ll also see that there is no need to go back daily. In fact, it’s clear to me that daily travel to the deeper realms is disrespectful.

There is a level of experience beyond aliens, beyond spaceships and technology, far beyond such material realms.

antrocles wrote:
i do stand by my feelings that an age of growing and evolving is upon humanity. a great shift in our perception of this world and our relationship to it and one another. i also stand by my statement that i stand for the growth and evolution of all who would be so courageous as to look directly into themselves and see the connection to everyone and everything. this is a challenge for even the most spiritual-minded soul.

These feelings are not new. People from every generation since time immemorial have felt that they were on the cusp of revolutionary change, that a new age is dawning, that enlightenment and salvation are soon at hand. This is because a new age is dawning, and has always been. We are part of an ongoing unfolding that didn’t begin with us and won’t end with us.
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
#89 Posted : 3/22/2010 5:44:14 PM

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Hey Ant,

I appreciate the very cool reply to 88. It's good to see that your head has not left your body :-)

It's great that we have members who can explore to that level, but I personally fear for some, and there are much younger people here, who quite frankly could get derailed.

I have seen a few incoherent threads about people running off to answer their call to the wild and become a shaman for example. The encouraging cries to such calls concern me, because let's face it, you're more likely to end up seeing your arse than your elbow. We're western monkeys.

Thankfully you're an articulate and coherent guy!

I think we have a responsibility to eachother, to watch eachother's backs and make sure noone falls into the abyss. Also, this is t'interwebs and people read the things we write and the thing about DMT is that it is so idiosyncratic. Antrocles might be able to breakthrough every day, several times a day for over a year, but there might be some who think that they can do that too, I'm sure there will be folks out there who want and think they can have Ant's journeys.... because they do rock! I would worry that younger, less experienced travelers might try to compete with that level of exploration, which takes a very special mind and soul to handle.

We have a good place here, with excellent people who are responsible to and for each other.

Peace in mind, Love in heart
#90 Posted : 3/22/2010 5:45:33 PM


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I've been there, House. I guess I just have a different take on it, to each his own. I'm just trying to look out for the longevity of our nexus and members ability to explore. If I have offended anyone with my perspective, I'm sorry.

The reason I care what the governement thinks is obvious. They tell us what we can and can not purchase.

Please reference the bulgarian government contact with DMT beings, that is very interesting.

Nothing but love and respect guys.
Be safe.
A plethora of articles regarding their announcement.

#91 Posted : 3/22/2010 5:47:26 PM

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I like the way this thread is unfolding itself.

i do stand by my feelings that an age of growing and evolving is upon humanity. a great shift in our perception of this world and our relationship to it and one another. i also stand by my statement that i stand for the growth and evolution of all who would be so courageous as to look directly into themselves and see the connection to everyone and everything. this is a challenge for even the most spiritual-minded soul.

perhaps it just read funny in context, but the truth is that i DO feel that a wonderful new age is coming and that the great impetus for this shift in consciousness will be a departure from the fear-based, unhealthy models that society has endured with heavy hearts for the lion's share of this age. this world we live in CAN be a paradise with a few modifications to our ways of thinking. we don't 'need' anything more than that. our fundamental 'need' right now is to feel feel our connection to our world and one another.

I don't see how this could be interpreted as something wrong.

It is about him and his vision. I sincerely hope he wakes up in that Self he's dreaming about. If he manages to get out, he will be of immense help to those of us who are still in prison. Knowing an awakened one is a great privilege. I feel fortunate to hear his stories.

And anyway, why would I NOT believe? There is nothing to lose and everything to gain. (Remember again: it's not about Antrocles, it's about what Antrocles is pointing to.)
#92 Posted : 3/22/2010 5:53:42 PM

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gibran2 wrote:
If you don’t know, if you don't know absolutely, that your experiences are real and true, then you aren’t going deep enough. There is a level of experience that is self-evidently true and real – no archetypes, no subconscious authoring, etc. When you reach this level, you’ll also see that there is no need to go back daily. In fact, it’s clear to me that daily travel to the deeper realms is disrespectful.

Laughing Laughing Laughing !!!

wow.....i just don't even know where to begin with all this....

my statement was made to allay any concerns that i was trying to start a cult or preach dogma. even your statement above, as amusing as it is to me to read, is YOU preaching YOUR particular dogma.

i haven't gone deep enough, eh? hmmm....

clear to you that daily travel to the deeper realms is....


disrespectful? Rolling eyes

disrespectful to whom? and for what reason? too much understanding? too much love? Confused

you are correct about this age of enlightenment being ever present throughout time. we ARE forever evolving and will be forever evolving...FOREVER! Laughing i just encourage you to remember exactly where you are having this particular conversation. and in case any of you have forgotten:

a forum based around the most powerful psychedelic tryptamine known to man. something that, when worked with even lightly, will profoundly expand your awareness of life in all of it's expressions.

you think i just throw around discussions about awakening on my cycling newgroups? hehehe.... Laughing


"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#93 Posted : 3/22/2010 6:12:51 PM

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If you don’t know, if you don't know absolutely, that your experiences are real and true, then you aren’t going deep enough.

I found a reality in there, brought it back bit by bit, tried to share it with others, and slowly realized that our absolutes are only local absolutes: there is a separate reality for everyone. At first I thought this diminishes the importance of what I experienced - after all, the One that cannot be shared cannot be the real One. But nowadays I think otherwise. These realities we are living in are like colors on a palette, each as true as the other. Parallel multiverses, each one a unique configuration of God.

it’s clear to me that daily travel to the deeper realms is disrespectful.

Well, other realities may have different laws.

These feelings are not new. People from every generation since time immemorial have felt that they were on the cusp of revolutionary change, that a new age is dawning, that enlightenment and salvation are soon at hand. This is because a new age is dawning, and has always been. We are part of an ongoing unfolding that didn’t begin with us and won’t end with us.

That's cool. Perhaps this is an ancient wind that has been blowing in hyperspace for millennia. A wind that tends to evoke this story of imminent revolution in those who get deep enough to hear it. Just a misinterpretation. How beautiful.

I think we have a responsibility to each other, to watch each other's backs and make sure noone falls into the abyss.

So right.
#94 Posted : 3/22/2010 6:14:56 PM

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antrocles wrote:

i am just a fellow searcher. my experiences of late have been feeling like clear communications as opposed to random skull grenades. i thought it bore mentioning and examination....nothing more...

And I'm glad you did mention it, and open your experience to examination. Look at the excellent conversation we've all had as a result. That is what I love about this forum - that we explorers of this awesome mystery can share our experiences honestly, discuss them with others who are exploring the same strange lands, and try to understand and integrate what we see into our lives in a positive way.

But equally, I feel we have a responsibility to one another, and as ghostman says, the young turks who want to bust a hole in the sky - and that's why I had to say it. Thanks for taking the time to answer and unpack your thinking.

I am reassured that you appear to still have all your marbles. Well; most of them Wink

antrocles wrote:
now let's get back to figuring out how to fit that 9-dimensional humming orb into a proper box for shipping.... don't the post offices in the u.k. have pan-dimensional plasmic converters? guys still in the dark ages over there?

Since we got rid of the druids and burnt all the witches it's all gone to shit, frankly ...

much love
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#95 Posted : 3/22/2010 6:27:14 PM


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Let me just place my vote for ~YES:Honest feelings can be freely expressed here without anyone thinking you are...insane.

You of course ARE insane if only by pressing the literal edge of collective reason and knowledge over and off the precipice of our consensual 'take' on 3D-land.

Please continue to pioneer and report. You have my support and hopefully, if you haven't left in a hot air ballon for 88 days by the end of summer, we may meet face to face.

INsanely yours,

Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

Rgeular Dudess
#96 Posted : 3/22/2010 6:48:17 PM
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gibran2 wrote:

These feelings are not new. People from every generation since time immemorial have felt that they were on the cusp of revolutionary change, that a new age is dawning, that enlightenment and salvation are soon at hand. This is because a new age is dawning, and has always been. We are part of an ongoing unfolding that didn’t begin with us and won’t end with us.

Well, the revolution of consciousness is closer now than ever. Just think about the rate at which the technology is developing. I don´t know if Moore´s Law will break down but even if it does I believe the so-called singularity is not further than a few hundred years..
#97 Posted : 3/22/2010 6:55:35 PM

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(That place where the Wave finally broke and rolled Back ... what place could he be talking about ? You know ? Pleased )

I also like how this thread unfolds ... ! It really has been a very good read so far .

Sorry for this Fat Chunk .

Observant ,for the Eternal Family of Freedom and Fearlessness

Had he more quickly realized just who they were,he would have shown them more respect.Had he tried harder to fathom their brilliant minds,he would have taken more of their teachings to heart.Had he more clearly understood the purpose of their being,
he would have more vigorously tried to assist them.They were truly honorable; he was sadly prejudiced.
They were exceedingly well informed; he was grossly ignorant.They were totally indefatigable; he so often, and so quickly,gave up. Still, for many years there was a strong inter-species alliance between the Eleven-Eleven of the Half-way Realm, their Seraphic Associates,and their flesh-and-blood friend, a common mortal. Much was accomplished, many profited, and, there’s only one regret...They could have achieved so much more...

All Hypnotizing Hypnotizes Hypnotizing
Rgeular Dudess
#98 Posted : 3/22/2010 7:07:28 PM
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Observant: Are we supposed to be able to read the second quote? At least for me the font is way too small.
#99 Posted : 3/22/2010 7:12:11 PM

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Rgeular Dudess wrote:
Observant: Are we supposed to be able to read the second quote? At least for me the font is way too small.

Sorry , I wanted to keep it small , My pc displays it as readable . You might copy and paste it in a text program .
(spoilered it)
Had he more quickly realized just who they were,he would have shown them more respect.Had he tried harder to fathom their brilliant minds,he would have taken more of their teachings to heart.Had he more clearly understood the purpose of their being,
he would have more vigorously tried to assist them.They were truly honorable; he was sadly prejudiced.
They were exceedingly well informed; he was grossly ignorant.They were totally indefatigable; he so often, and so quickly,gave up. Still, for many years there was a strong inter-species alliance between the Eleven-Eleven of the Half-way Realm, their Seraphic Associates,and their flesh-and-blood friend, a common mortal. Much was accomplished, many profited, and, there’s only one regret...They could have achieved so much more...

All Hypnotizing Hypnotizes Hypnotizing
#100 Posted : 3/22/2010 7:13:53 PM

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small computer and old eyes at this connection point ...

PS LMFOA at your location!
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
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