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Thanks for your detailed reply acacian. I plan to x chacruna so its either white shiny crystals of DMT or contamination with oxide. I plan to use xylene in response to the discussion that shellite is not pulling what it used to. Leaves take a long time to grow so I don't want to be throwing away good product. i also plan to add around 30g of salt to the basified aquas to increase yields. i tend to use the lextek as a guide. I do hope to one day x acacia. I tried acacia changa once and was well impressed. I got some lingering side effects though. I think it was from the d limonene contamination as the dmt was just salted out of d limo and evaped straight onto the leaf base. I reckon if I ever try d limo I will look into how to ensure that all the contaminates are removed so I don't react to it. Might be worth rebasifying then pulling with shellite but then the natural product element of the tek is gone. May as well just use xylene then I guess. Thanks for all your help folks. From where is the noise?
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Swim successfully pulled white crystals with shellite. However after pouring the shellite into another container and letting the jar drip dry upside down in the freezer, there is still an oily residue. It makes all the crystals smell of shellite. And the crystals turn to mush when touched with finger. It suggest shellite is still there. How does one remove this residue?
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Well on the shellitte ( diggers ) it seems to evap clean for me with just a type water mark left on the glass , I no that does not evap as clean as the zippo but I found the zippo pulled a lot of yellow in fact the zippo almost looked like high lighter yellow when it came outta the soup !!
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DMTpanda you should reX in heptane or hexane, zi@ppo may even work..
Something Ive noticed is companies leaving out details on their packaging so in the interests of safety check msds and be fully aware of what youre buying before decorating!
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An evap test on sc#%ys she##ite came out very well no mark at all seen. I do wonder what the effect the 5% of toluene would have on precipitation if any.
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DreaMTripper wrote:An evap test on sc#%ys she##ite came out very well no mark at all seen. I do wonder what the effect the 5% of toluene would have on precipitation if any. DreaMTripper I'm sure sceenys shellite is 5% toluene !
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Exactly my point! 
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Yay, I am so glad I found this thread.
Diggers shellite has been a total headfuck for me. my last batch (100g) I mixed my solution with shellite for 45 minutes with 10 minutes in between every 6-7 minutes of shaking to warm container back up to 50 degrees celcius.
1st 150ml pull yielded 0.1g
im going to try xylene - evap - re x with zippo. I use gas masks so xylene isn't so bad but toulene does sound appealing.
I have a few questions for you guys.
1. does sc6%eys shellite freeze precipitate?
2. what is your ideal temperatures when extracting? I feel like must be overdoing it.
3. how long do you guys mix each pull for?
4. has anyone tried the KCB shell yet?
5. has anyone had results using any acid other than fumaric for FASA?
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1) See post #17 in this thread 2) EDIT: 35-40*C, the warmer the naptha, the more it can hold (to a point). This goes the same as the polar solvent as well thou, so that's why I normally let it cool down to room temperature before adding hot naptha. You're trying to get the hot naptha to pull as much alkaloid before the base solution cools it down to same temperature. 3) I normally wait 1 hr for each pull (mixing it 4-5 times throughout, but waiting a good 10-15 minutes for everything to settle and clear up before I pull the naptha) 4) I haven't tried 5) People are getting great results with white-vinegar as the acid. This is also answered in the FAQ https://wiki.dmt-nexus.m...ent_acids_one_can_use.3FThroughout recorded time and long before, trees have stood as sentinels, wise yet silent, patiently accumulating their rings while the storms of history have raged around them --The living wisdom of trees, Fred Hageneder
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Yes I wonder whether the 5% of toluene in sc#$eys shelly makes that much difference. I suppose it depends on the ratio to spice. 200ml would have 10ml of toluene which could hold maybe up to 100mg(?) however once saturated it wouldnt be held by the hexane as spice isnt very soluble at all in cool hexane. Maybe the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. A test would be to dissolve a known ammount of spice and weigh how much precipitates the next day once its dry. The remainder could always be recovered by backsalting or evapping.
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Now thinking back to my last extraction I was over joyed just having a positive result but is anyone else abit annoyed at diggers
shellite's pulling power ?? It shouldn't take ten pulls to empty 100g ACRB of dmt FFS I no acacia does hold onto it's magic but 10
pulls !!
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Thankyou for the detailed response! i missed that #17 post.
I purchased some diggers xylene today and I did not miss the smell.
Do you guys warm your xylene or is powerful enough at room temperature?
Yes I am pretty frustrated with diggers shellite. I have a 2kg soup I have been working on for over a month now. I have pulled several times with shellite and yielded maybe 2-3g. the idea behind the large batch was so that I could concentrate the legal risk of my dmt supply to one extraction. but now it is dragging out so long, I am wary to hold onto my soup (in a 5 liter hdpe container).
would anyone be able to reccomend me how many ml of xylene I should use for each pull for 2kg, 3 liter soup? 100ml for every 200g of material would leave me with 1 liter per pull which seems ridiculous but maybe not. If that is the case, it is possible as I will be able to re-use my 1 liter of xylene via salting.
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omnilucident wrote:Thankyou for the detailed response! i missed that #17 post.
I purchased some diggers xylene today and I did not miss the smell.
Do you guys warm your xylene or is powerful enough at room temperature?
Yes I am pretty frustrated with diggers shellite. I have a 2kg soup I have been working on for over a month now. I have pulled several times with shellite and yielded maybe 2-3g. the idea behind the large batch was so that I could concentrate the legal risk of my dmt supply to one extraction. but now it is dragging out so long, I am wary to hold onto my soup (in a 5 liter hdpe container).
would anyone be able to reccomend me how many ml of xylene I should use for each pull for 2kg, 3 liter soup? 100ml for every 200g of material would leave me with 1 liter per pull which seems ridiculous but maybe not. If that is the case, it is possible as I will be able to re-use my 1 liter of xylene via salting.
The usual rule of thumb in 1g bark = 1ml solvent , but as you say it would be about 2 lt , I no that you should be getting more then 1-2 g per pull and I no that xylene will pull some of the fats that are in the bark , And answering you're previous question ;- 1 - yes the shellite does freeze precipe and I do my pulls with soup at room temp and shellite is hot , the reasoning with room Temp soup is you will pull more fats when the soup is warm ( don't no if this is fact ) but I've herd this from quite a fair few Experianced ACRB users ! 2 - water baths should be about 45 degrees 3 - I mix my pulls for a few minutes and seperate 4 times ! 4 - Kcb is from supercheap and haven't here much about it ! 5 - I use everyday cooking white vinegar with good result !
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Well I think I've just discovered the perfect solvent
I was left with around 500ml of diggers shellite from last extraction
But I mixed 250ml zippo with the 500ml and just did a Cybs salt TEK with 50g ACRB and
Pulled with the mix of shellite and zippo x 3 pulls and had crystals crashing out as I was
Pulling ! Be interested to see if the next extract of bark does the same ! Keep yas posted !
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Nice find man! Could be a low cost option as zippo seems the only real viable option in Aus for a pull then straight to precip all the others either dont hold enough (undu) and expensive (undu) or pull too little like shellite or have toluene in such as sceneys which would possibly keep some dissolved during a freeze precip. How are the crystals? Greasy or nice and crisp??
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Why are you back-salting if the solvent pulls fine? couldn't you just precip straight away?
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The KCB shellite from supercheap works fine
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DreaMTripper wrote:Nice find man! Could be a low cost option as zippo seems the only real viable option in Aus for a pull then straight to precip all the others either dont hold enough (undu) and expensive (undu) or pull too little like shellite or have toluene in such as sceneys which would possibly keep some dissolved during a freeze precip. How are the crystals? Greasy or nice and crisp?? No there fine DreaMTripper , nice an fluffy I'll post a pic once it's been scraped up , the only problem was most were floaters but it wasn't a problem !
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Hieronymous wrote:The KCB shellite from supercheap works fine freeze precipitation? what exactly do i ask for to get hold of some? thankyou very much, you made things a lot easier for me. 
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 307 Joined: 06-Feb-2013 Last visit: 24-Sep-2014 Location: Nirvana
Yeah it works fine for freeze precip. The sceneys brand seemed to pick up a lot more oils and didn't precip properly.
I just look in the section where they keep the solvents, if you have to ask for it Shellite is used in some older camp stoves.