Well this is an awesome thread! I was about to make one like it but then "UTFSE" creeped up in the back of my mind! I know it is old but I have a dream/nightmare/DMT-like vision to add to this discussion and perhaps others will get a kick out this thread:
So the other night I found myself in a dream, a very vivid and lucid one. I was standing in the yard of an average looking house. White paneling with blue shutters around the windows. It had stairs that lead up to a porch. Average. I walked up the stairs and went inside. Upon doing so I felt complete and utter dread flow over me...there were people inside the house, some I knew from work, others I had never seen. The weirdest person was a pale girl with black silky hair, wandering around with a butcher knife... Someone noticed me staring at her...
"oh her? yeah she is harmless, don't worry about that..."
But I was worried and she looked at me and grinned, "Look, it is dull anyway...the knife...is dull..."
And she proceeded to gently stab her hand and her navel to prove that it was dull. It didn't look dull to me. This provided no comfort whatsoever. I started moving about in the house while knife girl followed me around. No matter where I went, she followed. If I didn't keep a close eye on her at all times, she would get really close to me until I would turn around and she would flash an evil grin as I put space between us again,
"That's okay..." She said. "Just wait until he arrives...then we will..."
She trailed off...
At this point, I was standing in the kitchen of this house. As she trailed off, I started hearing hyperspace-y clicks and clacks mixed with electronic sounding beeps and blips all rolled into what I have come to know as the "carrier wave." The dreamworld shifted and it felt like I was about to be traveling to hyperspace...
"He's coming..." and her smile widened. So she personally knows an entity? Like on a first name, friendship style basis? WTF is happening right now? Who? How? "Nevermind, I'm getting out of here..." I thought to myself. And I turned and sprinted out the door.
As soon as my feet hit the yard, I was lifted into the air against my will. It was almost like I was flying but I couldn't really control it. I could feel the wind blowing all around me and it was if the "dream entity" wasn't allowing me to leave. I was being sucked into the gravity of the house which was turning into a hyperspace style object. Every time I tried to fly away, when I landed I was back at the house and the sequence would repeat itself. Flying away and then being drawn back in. I never went back into the house and I don't know what happened to the creepy girl who apparently summons entities or could at least sense them before they arrived.
Then I woke up.
Normally, I don't even remember my dreams and I definitely don't have extremely vivid ones. I can't say that my consumption of DMT has anything to do with it but it was very strange to be seeing and hearing things that I have encountered in hyperspace before. I've heard that dreams are your brain working things out or going over events that have happened among a multitude of other theories. So perhaps it was just my brain revisiting certain aspects of the DMT experience through recall/memory.
I don't really know but it was one of the strangest and slightly nightmare-ish dreams I've ever had.
benzyme wrote:i'm tellin ya, it's the memory of a dmt experience you may have in a dream, not an actual dmt experience.
there's no evidence at all that active doses of dmt are produced during REM sleep, or ANY time of the day (it's present in low nanomolar concentrations). this is why Rogan is a tool.
This is basically what I was trying to say above about it being due to recall/memory.
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