We have legal cannabis in the USA!!! Options
#41 Posted : 11/8/2012 12:30:28 PM
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a1pha wrote:
jamie wrote:
Does this mean those states will release prisoners they are holding for non violent cannabis "crimes"?

No. Doesn't work that way.

I would hope that such people would be released. Sure they broke laws, but one day those laws will be gone and we'll still be punishing people for things that are no longer considered wrong. I would say that they broke the laws of a old regime of government, and so it's the old regime's duty to punish them. When the old regime is overthrown, it is not the duty of younger generations to continue punishing people for participating in activities that are now considered natural rights. If you bought a house and there happened to be a person locked up in the basement by a previous owner, you would say "wtf were they thinking?" and let them go.

All prisoners are political prisoners, and so shifts in policy should be accompanied by correction of the effects of abandoned policies. What I'm trying to say is that it should work that way, though I know it doesn't. I understand that I live in the US, and so progression of policy is always 50 years behind progression of popular values.

But anyways, this is very very exciting. I bet we'll see weed legalized nationally in 3 or 4 presidential election cycles. Maybe sooner if things progress quickly. Maybe longer if the federal government resists and civil war breaks out.
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#42 Posted : 11/8/2012 12:41:36 PM

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Jealous doesn't quite cut it. This needs to be global!
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#43 Posted : 11/8/2012 1:03:48 PM

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The DEA is already saying 'not so fast', unfortunately they still can make this pretty ugly. We'll likely be subject to an increased 'drug awareness' campaign, informing us to be above the influence. They need to remind us how tasty our brains our on drugs, I do love eggs.

The Federal Gov has a bad historical habit of forcing its weight onto states by cutting funding to states that don't follow their rule. There is also possibility with ObamaCare becoming more prevalent we'll likely see more and more pressures on federal regulation of what you put on your body. Of course these are my views, and there isn't absolute truth here.. Hopefully enough people will stand up and push to allow these laws to be kept.

And regarding the release of people already incarcerated unfortunately that's quite unlikely to occur. Historically its extremely uncommon, and in this case this is still going to be legal grey area.
#44 Posted : 11/8/2012 5:48:00 PM

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This id def not only about usa, the message from that act has waaay bigger impact then it will have on those 2 states. Countries where it would most likely be totally impossible just went to possible. It can force other countries who refuse to hear about cannabis. like: "WHAT THEY MADE CANNABIS LEGAL IN WASHINGTON. maybe I was wrong about cannabis.". This is bigger then the usa at this point. It has given hope to countries who have far worse drug politics.

For example: Swedens most disgusting news paper even talked about it. Here its almost unthinkable to even talk about cannabis, even in the younger generation. Its regarded as herorin and meth here. Not by all, but many people do see it that way. And those news might loosen up their ignorant ways.

I see people get stuck on minor details, like the fed and how long people have tried this and failed(lets forget the past). and how many plants one can grow. gotta look at the larger picture and see past USA. Its legalized!!! a bully or two against those states is nothing but a minor setback. The snowball just started rolling!

I hope to see a stoned future instead of a drunk one. Maybe it will be both. Either way, cannabis could help alot of people who have lived in extreme stress for along time.
#45 Posted : 11/8/2012 6:19:18 PM

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yea, they could do that. I dont think thats whats gonna happen, maybe im just optimistic. I think this has been coming for a long time. Ive noticed more and more references to it in the media, a lot more discussion about it, people are more informed about it now and its becoming more and more socially acceptable. Just look at it in comparison to tobbacco. Ive watched more and more laws passed restricting tobacco, less references to it in the media, my place of work along with many others dont even allow it on the property anymore. In the meantime medical marijuana is legalized in what, 13 states, 14 now? and now recreational? And compared to when California started the medical thing way back the feds are being relatively quiet about this from what ive understood. I think that without obama having to worry about being reelected maybe everybody will just chill out a little bit and start thinking a little more rationally. Its going to be just like what happened in colorado with medical marijuana. It was a big success, didnt cause any problems, so they took it further and legalized it recreationally. That will be a huge success again and the rest of the country and the world is soon to follow. I think this kind of optimisitic positive thinking is actually a very powerful and influental force.
That being said i dont think it would be smart to run out to colorado and start a huge farm or try to put up a coffee shop just yet. But i really dont think the dea is going to be busting in your door for growing 5 or 6 of your own plants for personal use, and thats all im interested in anyway.
#46 Posted : 11/8/2012 6:28:41 PM

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Tokapelli: Totally agree!! you took the words out of my mouth
The Traveler
#47 Posted : 11/8/2012 6:46:32 PM

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Here is my tip for all who are living in Colorado or Washington: Start a snack shop, success guaranteed with all the future stoners. Thumbs up

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#48 Posted : 11/8/2012 6:56:49 PM


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We have 18 Medical Marijuana states now. Thumbs up

Big ups to Massachusetts for becoming #18 in last Tuesday's election. Cool
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#49 Posted : 11/8/2012 7:47:32 PM

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VIII wrote:
The Traveler wrote:
a1pha wrote:
jamie wrote:
Does this mean those states will release prisoners they are holding for non violent cannabis "crimes"?

No. Doesn't work that way.

I understood from Ice House that a certain group of people would be pardoned. So what is the actual status on this?

Kind regards,

The Traveler

I haven't seen any mention of individuals with past marijuana offenses in the text for either Colorado or Washinton. It is my understanding that they still broke the law, as it was at the time of the crime, so the convictions would stand. Unless I overlooked something.

Colorado Amendment 64
Washington Initiative 502

My understanding of ex post facto law, or after the fact, in the US is that if a person brakes the law while it is a law then the conviction stands -- even after decriminalization or legalization. Of course, there isn't much precedent for this and it will probably be put before the courts in the next few years if marijuana legalization continues. So far, this is purely textbook.

Clause 3 of Article I, Section 9 of the United States Constitution:
No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.
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#50 Posted : 11/8/2012 7:51:31 PM

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The Traveler wrote:
Here is my tip for all who are living in Colorado or Washington: Start a snack shop, success guaranteed with all the future stoners. Thumbs up

Good advice, Trav! Big grin

dreamer042 wrote:
Big ups to Massachusetts for becoming #18 in last Tuesday's election. Cool

Such great news. I'm really glad this state finally decided, with the help of her people, to make medical marijuana a reality.

And to Colorado and Washington, you guys are paving these new roads for us all!! Keep it up!
Super Radical wrote:
Naww. MJ sandwich is the way to go the first time.
Then next time after the WTFOMG moment, realize your ready to changa things up.

It's more special that way.

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#51 Posted : 11/8/2012 8:54:10 PM

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Not that I want to be the party pooper on this thread...but until state vs fed MJ law clarifies, I think there are more cons to what happened in CO and WA than there are pros. And that applies to where this goes in both the short term and long term.

There's plenty to read today if you google "federal Colorado marijuana law" etc...
Here is one such discussion, and as is often the case, the comments are most telling:
feds vs states re "legal" MJ

Note one user/reader commented that his user friends in WA actually voted AGAINST the law.

What happened here in CA regarding our MJ dispensaries was not only a disheartening lesson in how pathetic our "democracy" can be when "it counts", but it was downright fascist-scary if you were a law-abiding business owner or landlord.

Go back to Johnson vs Goldwater...maybe the last big-name "conservative" who's soul hadn't been hijacked by the religious right nutcases: pro abortion, pro legalization, pro immigration, pro gayrights....if the Republican "leadership" ever wants to win another election, they might want to dust off his memory.

Just for the record, I'm not a user, but I can't wait until Obama personally legalizes 7-pau-3-LVTD!
#52 Posted : 11/8/2012 11:57:14 PM

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The feds are already warning banks that they cannot accept money into the banking system which arises from the "narcotics trade."
#53 Posted : 11/9/2012 12:07:24 AM

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SWIMfriend wrote:
The feds are already warning banks that they cannot accept money into the banking system which arises from the "narcotics trade."

Which is rather ironic considering that much of the only liquid capital available during the 2008 meltdown was drug money that was traced back to the Mexican cartels and held by Wachovia (now Wells Fargo).
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Ice House
#54 Posted : 11/9/2012 3:03:46 AM

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As a legal resident of Washington I must say I am very pleased.

About fucking time Washington

It will be officially legal as of December 6, 2012, posess up to 28 grams of cannabis for recreational use for legal residents, 21 years and older. No matter what the Feds say.


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#55 Posted : 11/9/2012 10:02:34 AM

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If you wish to discuss the effects of cannabis on driving, please do it here. Thanks Pleased
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I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block

Simon Jester wrote:
"WTF n00b, buy the $100 vapor pipe or GTFO"

Ignorance of the law does not protect you from prosecution
#56 Posted : 11/9/2012 2:33:21 PM

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Feds vs state.....
I vote to form a Militia, capture and imprison any federal agents that are trying to break state laws.
Sell DEA agents back to the feds, or trade them for osmocote, we're gonna need it.
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#57 Posted : 11/9/2012 9:18:18 PM

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Ringworm, your militia idea - however much in jest you proposed it - clearly shows how this issue hearkens back to the founding of the United States: the power of the states vs the power of the federal government. At the founding, power was to rest with states, and until recently, the states have generally prevailed in important court cases. However, recent Dem AND Rep administrations are shifting that balance. If they prevail in the courts (in part by selecting judges favorable to centralized power) then this will no longer be the United States.
#58 Posted : 11/9/2012 9:23:15 PM


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pau wrote:
If they prevail in the courts (in part by selecting judges favorable to centralized power) then this will no longer be the United States.'ll just be the (police) state Twisted Evil Neutral Sad Mad

in many ways it already is

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#59 Posted : 11/9/2012 11:05:59 PM

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I completely agree about the centralization of power. The system that best preserves people's rights and liberties is a strong state government and a less powerful federal government. How can blanket legislation treat everyone fairly? You can't tell me that every policy that works for New York works well for Washington state, or Texas. And look at the showdown looming about a lawfully passed measure for marijuana. The federal government is already gearing up to trounce on the rights of the people who voted.

And I think you may be a wee bit late on when this started. It began with Teddy Roosevelt. He drastically changed the image of the position of president, and it's just snowballed since then. I think the only president in the last century to try to curb this trend was JFK, but unfortunately he as cut short. You brought up my favorite point. It's the United STATES of America, not the Federation of America or some such nonsense. We are supposed to be a collection of state governments, not a government with a collection of states.
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Ice House
#60 Posted : 11/10/2012 12:39:06 AM

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No matter how you break it down, as of Dec 6, 2012, It is legal to possess up to 28 grams of weed for recreational purposes as long as you are at least. 21 years of age.

The feds aren't coming here to bust individuals for possession.

Anything you have heard about WA state regulating tax and sales is another story. The law is legalization of cannabis for recreational use ages 21 and over.

That has passed and will remain in effect unless overturned by a vote of the people.

The feds could tell the state not to regulate and sell. That could happen.

Our right to smoke weed recreationally cant be taken away by the feds.

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