DMT through a bong? Options
#21 Posted : 1/24/2009 5:48:29 PM

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I smoked some Spice 45mins ago through my glass bong.. Its my 2nd time ever and starting low and working up, but i can confirm that its very smooth indeed. I'm using a bit of ganja as my bed and top layer.

But damn this stuff smells weird and lingers too!!
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#22 Posted : 1/27/2009 7:06:05 PM

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BeelzeBOB wrote:
SWIM just recently got into spice experimenting and was looking for the best way to smoke and the bong is right up SWIM's alley and he was wondering how much spice you use(like normal hit or recommended herbal mixture) and do you use a butane flame and would a heat lamp be safer at melting the spice than the heat from a flame.

SWIM uses a small, glazed ceramic perculator-style bong w/ a fat ball of copper screen in the bowl. This is SWIM's sacramental piece, dedicated strictly to spice. SWIM smokes a dime-sized pile (not sure of mg) each hit, which, SWIM adds, is quite a large hit. If one gently melts the spice into the screen, then allows it to cool before smoking, one will receive the best hit possible. SWIM also uses a bic, although a common mistake made by many is burning the spice. SWIM suggests not actually touching the flame to the bowl/screen, but holding it off about 1/8-1/4 of an inch while toking.
#23 Posted : 1/27/2009 7:10:04 PM

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69ron wrote:
Big Inhale wrote:
shoe wrote:
My only concern, having witnessed the glass pipe method, is that a bong would permamently taste of DMT. Its pretty pungent, I hear...
yea I have two D bowls that reek of the old elf funkLaughing

Yeah, you should have one devoted only to spice. Any residual spice left behind from a previous session could get vaporized unexpectedly while using the pipe for something else, catapulting you into an unexpected DMT trip.

Absolutely. Besides, if one is smoking pure-white spice the residual flavors from previous herbal sessions will make it taste like ass (even though it doesn't necessarily taste like cotton candy as is).
#24 Posted : 1/30/2009 12:31:08 PM

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SWIM is curious of this method as he has been using a jar with 2 holes in the lid so far. It works but the glass on the jar is a little thick so it takes time to heat and the spice runs everywhere and when nearing hyperspace it's impossible to track the precious liquid let alone carefully vape it.

What's got SWIM's curiosity is people saying one rip is all that's needed. I can imagine this has a much smoother effect on taking off and a much more efficient way of staying there, but what SWIM need's to know is how big are people bongs they are using? SWIM has a small glass bong with a main chamber a little smaller than a fist with a 5 inch neck that has a 1 inch diameter. If he gets the vapor as thick as he can and then hits it, would this be enough space to vape a large dose all in one? SWIM would just experiment himself but his supply is getting quite low and he wants to see it out with a bang.

Thanks in advance Smile
#25 Posted : 1/30/2009 7:51:29 PM

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soulfood wrote:
SWIM is curious of this method as he has been using a jar with 2 holes in the lid so far. It works but the glass on the jar is a little thick so it takes time to heat and the spice runs everywhere and when nearing hyperspace it's impossible to track the precious liquid let alone carefully vape it.

What's got SWIM's curiosity is people saying one rip is all that's needed. I can imagine this has a much smoother effect on taking off and a much more efficient way of staying there, but what SWIM need's to know is how big are people bongs they are using? SWIM has a small glass bong with a main chamber a little smaller than a fist with a 5 inch neck that has a 1 inch diameter. If he gets the vapor as thick as he can and then hits it, would this be enough space to vape a large dose all in one? SWIM would just experiment himself but his supply is getting quite low and he wants to see it out with a bang.

Thanks in advance Smile

No question, soulfizzood. Who wouldn't want to put their last little bit of magic to the best use possible?

SWIM says: bong size isn't necessarily important; hit size is. Therefore, SWIM would offer that his preferred bong method (as well as overall preferred method) is crack-style, using a chunk of pre-burnt copper scouring scrubber for a screen. Personally, SWIM likes this better than vaporizing off of glass (similar to how people who smoke methamphetamine do it) because one can take bigger, harder hits faster. Keep in mind that it benefits to melt one's jungle seasoning into the screen before toking (less product burnt off & no spillage), and that it is recommended that one go easy on flame-to-screen direct contact.

On the other hand, many prefer the "oreo method", which generally involves (w/o a screen, of course) a layer of plant material, on top of which goes the magic, on top of which goes an additional layer of plant material (so as not to scorch off all of the magic before it happens). As mentioned, many enjoy this method. SWIM does not prefer it.

Word ta' mutha'
#26 Posted : 1/30/2009 8:29:37 PM
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Foaf has started using parsley ash instead of parsley and it's much smoother- far less smoke and taste. Will have to try with copper scourer... he uses a palm-sized mini glass bong with just enough of a bulb to hold a hit's worth of smoke (no water).
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#27 Posted : 1/31/2009 10:44:22 AM

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Cheers for replies.

SWIM ended up going ahead with the bong using a thin layer of parsley followed by a thin layer of ash and then a fat layer of parsley. The top layer of parsley caught the flame by mistake, but just so the very top of it was slightly glowing. SO SWIM ripped it slowly by which time the thing was filled with thick smoke then inhaled all. Then he filled the chamber again thinking he may have just inhaled parsley smoke, by which time he couldn't put the bong down quick enough. Complete body separation and a light show like never seen before followed.

SWIM feels stupid for trying all these stupid smoking methods when this is by far the best. He does however need to get some scales. As amazing as that eyeballed dose was... well fuck, he was NOT expecting that Smile

After coming back he ran down-stairs like a child at Christmas to tell his house-mates about this amazing thing. They were non too impressed. Some people...

Thanks to all again!
#28 Posted : 2/4/2009 11:01:08 PM

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I love my bong Shocked

I'm using ganja for my layers and the hits go down soooo smooth!
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#29 Posted : 2/4/2009 11:23:09 PM

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A bong will work but it is by no means the best method. It is quite harsh at times. It is also fairly easy to burn the DMT which is painful and unpleasant tasting.
I started out using this method but I just bought a vaporgenie which is much much smother and certainly more efficient.
#30 Posted : 2/5/2009 12:32:44 AM

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SWIM's afraid of burning it, that's one of the reasons he uses a copper mesh in the bowl, rather than leaf. It's quite easy to gauge how efficiently you're vaporizing, as you can clearly see what's happening (whether it's melting or if you're burning it). SWIM never experiences any burn unless he builds an extremely thick cloud, but not even necessarily then. SWIM only gets a bad taste in the mouth if he continues to smoke through the night and hasn't been drinking water (lemon water is probably the best way to go). SWIM also smokes with water in the bong (there's really no reason not to).
#31 Posted : 7/7/2009 2:12:49 AM

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OH MY GOD!!!!!!! Shredded Caapi vine and Jungle Spice through a two foot bong has just simply got to be the best thing ever IMO. I honestly think that a bong is the most efficient way to smoke spice because as opposed to progressively filling your lungs over the course of a few hits with a pipe, you can usually vape your whole dose in one or two swift, furious rips. Then it all hits you at once before you even have time to react to it. Complete and utter madness, I tells ya!Very happy
Please note that I am completely and totally off the wall stark raving mad, and that anything I post is simply a reflection of my poor mental hygiene, and is in no way meant to be taken seriously by anyone.

Thank you ....
#32 Posted : 7/7/2009 12:12:19 PM

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I tried it in a glass bulb.. I've tried it in a glass bulb I modified to actually attach to my homemade glass piece.. It worked somewhat.. but the method that has worked best for me is the aforementioned sandwiching method through a bong.. I guess warmer water might help the DMT not condense out fo the smoke onto the bong walls as fast.. if you need to leave some smoke in the bong between hits, that'd be useful possibly.. I'm not sure what the rate the freebase condenses out of the smoke or if it'd make much of a difference.. A hit from a bong with iced water the other night was no different for me subjectively than any other water.. many times it's from the tap's coldest setting, many times room temp, sometimes iced (which helps get a big hit down in the first place so you don't leave any smoke in the chamber anyway)..

Good luck, and yes, I'd recommend it.. It's the only method I have good results with.. relatively pure DMT seems to not be so bad that way depending on the herbal blend I use.. BBB's k2 standard has it's own effect (most likely a cannabinoid blend of some sort) but it's slight and not sleepy like some others.. it always works well to sandwich with.. sometimes I sprinkle XXX Chillin on top, which in the cannabinoid blend world is the creme of the crop.. really trippy, mainly CB1 receptor effects I think.. Never tiring at all.. barely any redeye or dry mouth at all.. It's a good addition.. it's sorta like if you had cannabis you knew wasn't sedating much at all and was really clearheaded.. you'd know it wouldn't hurt the experience, so it's ok for sandwiching for me..

Others just use parsley or something with no psychoactivity.. I could see Mullein being a great one.. it's tbe base for many of the previously mentioned blends, and it's a fluffy herbal material some sources say are good for the lungs, even when smoking.. or at least better for them than some others.. relatively tasteless and light smoke.. Would be perfect.. someone on a board I was on took a microscopic pic and it has these sort of trichrome looking things that he said would be ideal for the blend bases because the way it was structured would be ideal for soaking up the cannabinoids.. I'd imagine DMT melting onto it, it'd catch it all well but still burn up well.. most of my mullein based blends other than xxx/smoke are sleepier though so I don't use those.. just the trippy ones.
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#33 Posted : 7/7/2009 12:19:41 PM

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I'm a recent convert to the bong-and-changa method, and I gotta say, it really is the only way to fly smoking spice...I mean, AWESOME...worth splashing out on a nice bong just for this purpose methinks, even if you've never had a bong before...many thanks to smokeydaze for the heads up on that Very happy
#34 Posted : 7/7/2009 2:06:13 PM

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Bancopuma wrote:
I'm a recent convert to the bong-and-changa method, and I gotta say, it really is the only way to fly smoking spice...I mean, AWESOME...worth splashing out on a nice bong just for this purpose methinks, even if you've never had a bong before...many thanks to smokeydaze for the heads up on that Very happy

Yep its the one... although I have yet to try pure spice not in changa, meaning to try some soon..
I also find, that I can hardly do more than one hit, before my arms turn to patterns and I have trouble putting the bong down!! You can really pack the bong and if you're a seasoned smoker can potentially take in a lot in one go Twisted Evil

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#35 Posted : 7/7/2009 3:08:02 PM

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Another question! Very happy

Has anyone ever tried a gravity bong or as they are called in the uk a bucket???

I can imagine with practise you could get everything in one hit...Shocked

acolon_5 wrote:
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#36 Posted : 7/8/2009 4:51:41 PM

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thepureskunk wrote:
Another question! Very happy

Has anyone ever tried a gravity bong or as they are called in the uk a bucket???

I can imagine with practise you could get everything in one hit...Shocked


Haha, a bucket would be a sure way of maxing ur spice intake, defo!!
Have not done one in a few years... Pleased

But a good idea nonetheless!
TBH - I am getting enough from my small bong atm, but when I feel its time to upgrade I may well try this.
balaganist is a fictional character who loves playing the game of infinite existence. he amuses himself by posting stories about his made up life in our plane of physical reality. his origins are in other dimensions... he merely comes here to play.
#37 Posted : 7/8/2009 5:19:32 PM

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I like my small bong because I have gone to far on it, but any smaller and it would be a pain.

I imagine a scale malfunction + a gravity bong = OH MY FFFFFFF.... what?!?
#38 Posted : 7/8/2009 5:40:30 PM

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this method actually has proven itself very effective to me. i personally have not tried it, but i have been in the room to witness a breakthrough or two with this method. personally, smoking it through a pipe topped with a little weed really does the trick. i seem to have a very high tolerance for things of this nature and it took smoking dmt at least 15 times before any kind of breakthough happened for me. im going to have to give this method a try.
#39 Posted : 7/8/2009 6:05:25 PM

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DarkShaman wrote:
On the other hand, many prefer the "oreo method", which generally involves (w/o a screen, of course) a layer of plant material, on top of which goes the magic, on top of which goes an additional layer of plant material (so as not to scorch off all of the magic before it happens).

Word ta' mutha'

Please DO use a screen. You will end up sucking a bunch of stuff through that could have been vaporized.

Personally, I don't use a pull through bong for spice. It seems like a giant waste to me. I will double or triple up the screens and find that some spice does melt through and gets caught on the screen.
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
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I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#40 Posted : 7/10/2009 2:10:18 AM

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I have used a bong which has worked very nicely... i was very bored recently and made one of those light bulb vaporizors... it doesn't look very pretty and my sis might think i'm a crack fiend (or meth maybe). Has anyone had much luck with the light bulb method or should i just stick to my beloved bong?
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