The global awakening happening now? Options
#41 Posted : 6/8/2011 4:04:18 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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its happening, its great =]

best way to wake up others is to work on your self

cant see how it is a bad thing... or a good thing, who is the one that defines 'things/events' into those labels?

i am grateful for the abundance of those that are 'sleeping' and inflicting/experiencing suffering, they have helped me greatly and in such, helped themselves =]
i hope that those that are truly awake (do not KNOW that they are awake but UNDERSTAND 'they' are) are surrounded by those sleeping who are wanting to listen to their wisdom.

at first it was frustrating to see others (friends family, most i would communicate too) being lost in their trance of personality/ego, watching someone fully chase after desires and searching for happyness in things/events from the future can be a unsettling at first, a cosmic smile later on! you cant exactly walk up to one and shake them awake yelling: "YOU'RE ALREADY HERE! ITS ALL HERE! IM YOU AND YOUR ME AND ITS ALL HAPPENING!! YOUR JUST WEARING THE MASK OF SO-AND-SO UNDER A GUISE OF THOUGHT! you cannot suffer or die because you cannot gain and were never born in the first place!" a ego is not pleased to be disproved and of course the label WACKO would be stamped onto 'me'.

so ultimately i do not think any of us can really do anything about this awakening, except watch it happen as it happens and help those that come searching...although its so paradoxical to try and name the nameless, and communicate what is RIGHT HERE. trying to force someone to wake up is like tearing the molding snakes skin off of it; its happening fast, its happening slow, its happening on a individual bases, its happening as a collective, its not even happening! really depends on where we are looking from, and the one who sees that he sees already knows what everyone else is up too! ha!

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#42 Posted : 6/8/2011 7:31:16 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 01-Dec-2011
thank you all who take the time to write. it helps me a lot. i get such strange messages and feelings all the time and worry a lot. I always come out ok, knowing somewhere inside that things are great, but the 'dark (k)night of the soul' certainly takes its overwhelming hold on occasion.
MooshyPeaches: your post is beautiful. (not to take away from all of the other beautiful posts Very happy)
great thread. 'it's' happening; all around to everyone and their mother Razz, definitely all at different paces.
#43 Posted : 6/10/2011 6:53:26 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 24
Joined: 22-Jan-2011
Last visit: 11-Jul-2011
Hi Jack Castle

I work as a Canvasser and activist for Greenpeace Canada, In a month I speak to close to 2000 people about environnemental issues. Amongst those 2000 there will be 20-30 that will be interested in joining us, a quarter will say they are interested but dont want to get involved, a sixteenth will say they don't give a damn about the environnement... but the remaining 1500 will find an excuse to get rid of us and go back to watch their TV, as saying NO is too hard.

Now not everybody agrees to our ideals and values, and we can discuss GPCs integrity for hours... but this is not my point, my point is that organisations struggling to protect the environnement and stop the destructive wave of imperialist industries... are marginalised and Misfitted, not only by the government and the medias, but by the population... most of the people who despise Greenpeace have never even bothered researching, or getting to know what it is.
People generally hate canvassers, as you 'disturb' them in the utmost privacy of their private property... well If people bothered, there wouldnt be any canvassing needed.

We live in a standardised society, where love has been officialised and transformed into a market, where family gathers only during commercial holidays, where people are more bothered by the smell of their underarms and the perfection of their beard shape... than the world that surrounds them.

Most people don't know their neighbors at all and will have a contact with them only when they call the police cuz of too much noise at night. Most people think vegetables absolutely need fertilizers and pesticides to grow, most people don't even know what a fucking Carrot plant looks like, or how it grows.

Sadly I think there is no such thing as a global awakening, only individual awakening and that is being repressed violently by government but also by the pharma/medica/scientific community.

I have crossed scores of people telling me ''Hey I am an awakened person'' while smoking cigarettes and wearing Nike shoes, people saying ''Id die for the planet'' while drinking a bottle of Coca Cola...

and most of the people I have crossed who are making the changes and have stopped using exploitive consumerism... tell me ''you should find peace with yourself, you can't change the world''

so.... who is lying... who is delusional? I don't know and If I was to overwhelm myself with such trivials... I wouldnt be able to smile when I wake up, and that would make my world... a world of shit. My suggestion is to keep working on the Awakening.... just remove the word ''global''. Work with your friends and neighbors.

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'The beginning of science is... I don't know'
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