my buddy has never seen anything but good doses. he is very lucky to have good friends who know their stuff. but remember: the print means nothing. it's jsut a pretty picture. you can have two of the same prints, in the same week, that are of two completely differnt qualities.
thankfully, this thread is only about artwork. there is no "dose" on them. wish i knew where lucy was these days. i've only heard of her.
as for all of the questions/mentioning of sources/selling...please stop everyone. i know that looking at these pics will make anyone's mouth water but we have to remember that the nexus is not a trading post (at least not for substances). we're here to share experiences, not drugs.
I am the original poster and would appreciate it if everyone would please use a bit of discretion here. the public forum is not the place to fish for hookups. anyone with a search engine can find these threads. let's not discuss any form of distribution on the forum. use a phone...not a bullhorn...
embrace your's all you are...