Dimitrius, I can think of several other things besides smoke.

Crystals: I ALWAYS, ALWAYS have rose quartz nearby, which is supposed to be the crystal of love energy. I always feel safe. Sometimes I keep pieces of selenite, which is supposed to invite crown chakra/angelic energies. I get extremely sensitive to crystals under the influence, and have a whole whack of them, depending on what feels appropriate. Some are often too strong, like lapis and fluorite. I keep rose quartz in the changa bong chamber, too, as water is supposed to take on the structure of the crystal placed inside.
If you have any Rose of Jericho plants, apparently the water in the bowl can also be used as a smudge, instead of smoke, just sprinkled around the area of ceremony. You can get them from Maya... they are beautiful, immortal plants used in healing. Worth checking out, at the very least.
There have been a few rare occasions where I haven't been able to smudge, either before preparing a sacrament or journeying; in these cases, I've lit candles and prayed, played music on a flute, something just to establish conscious space and acknowledge the energies, thank them and ask for cooperation. Sometimes I do yoga as a preparation/offering.
Theoretically, everything is just mind, anyway, so it is the spirit of the offering. I personally find any kind of ritual attached to the intention makes the intention stronger and clearer, if it involves a synchronization of body, mind, and spirit. Perhaps a bit exoteric, but it's a great way for me to tune my focus.
Altar bells are also nice!

Maybe I'm just lucky, but I've never, ever been interrupted with any form of negative energy during a ceremony. It's worked hundreds of times.

I don't mean to sound arrogant in any way, just saying the extra bit of focus and time goes a long way. I feel like the spirits will match whatever energy I invest, so if I keep it clean and invest goodness, that is generally returned (sometimes tenfold <3 ).
I always repeat over and over while I am smoking, "I am here in love, I am here in gratitude, I am here to learn." It seems to ease the launch and color the journey. With the tea, I take time before drinking to make a statement of intentions, as well. Would never go without...
Some things will come easy, some will be a test