i suspect alot of this stuff leans toward guys cuz of education.
as i progressed thru school, affluence, mom being a doctor,
and gram being a chemist, kinda pushed me along in the sciences.
in HS biology it was about half girls.
chem and physics maybe 25%
in college, the numbers went way down.
all my friends ran off with boys and had kids.
by the time i had a few degrees, most of my girlfriends lived on other planets.
of course, friends with kids arent doing home lab.
nor do they want their families exposed to lab rats.
all my housewife girlfriends, dont want ME anywhere near their kitchen. ( or husbands)
and, when im around kids on hallucinogens, they might as well be munchkins or elves.
this is discouraging in alot of ways, and sorta lonely.
but me and the maid , keep calm and carry on.
someone has to be crazy cactus lady.
that said, the few of us that do " break bad",
seem to find each other anyway...............
i do know other girl led alchemy groups.
but like me , they are insular, and only play in limited ways with others.
i originally started my crusade on "topia"
cuz it
had pry the strongest girl contingent/ attitude.
but i forgot to account for social class differences even among ourselves.
ive noted that girl power doesnt count for much on the forums.
you would think since there are so few of us, we would have a commonality.
lol.........i REALLY thought grow arts and alchemy would over ride cats........
^hopefully that will change in time.
hopefully i said that PC enough.
naturally i would word it differently in person.
"loph girl incarnate / lab rabbits included"
kids dont try anything annie does at home ,
for for scientific / educational review only.