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#21 Posted : 1/30/2010 12:50:08 PM

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obliguhl wrote:
I really wonder if the sub breakthrough experiences are some kind of "test" or more "training" to get you ready for the real deal.

Obliguhl, that is interesting and it was something I was thinking about. The only problem that I have with it is that all of the sub breakthrough doses that I had were like shaping my fingers into the shape of a gun compared to firing a rocket launcher off of my shoulder and then having that rocket redirected to my face. To me, the sub breakthroughs were just pretty colors with no clue as to what lies beyond.

After experiencing this, I don't think DMT will ever be a very popular drug, at least for smoking. The overwhelming majority of people would not welcome this experience and would have a meltdown. They would flee at the very mention of DMT. Even most drug users wouldn't want to do it again. It's too much, too intense. Well it's nice to be part of such a rare breed of fucking nutty bastards who actually seek this experience over and over and over! DMT is some strange shit. I can't believe there are not teams of scientists all over the world researching this stuff. This should be a priority for scientific study.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#22 Posted : 1/30/2010 12:52:54 PM

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Ice House Shaman wrote:
Joe I'm curious to know what the dosage was.

I'm not sure what the dose was. There was a ton of resin in the glass bowl and I added about 30mg, so it was mix of the two. I think the fresh spice was what did it though. Oh, and after I pulled it away from the flame a huge smoke ball erupted and I took that in. I'd never seen it go up like that before. Probably naptha, LOL! j/k
#23 Posted : 1/30/2010 3:44:09 PM

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obliguhl wrote:

I figure, it's no good to have a person in hyperspace who is not capable of handling it or can't put it to good use. Maybe that could be a reason for not beeing allowed to hyperspace.

Or maybe you really need to discover & refine a smoking method that allows you to get a big enough dose to reach that overload point.
Not all vaporizing methods work well for everyone, & not all pipes work as well as others for the same technique.

Above all, you can't ever say "oh that's enough" while smoking, you have to keep hitting it until you can have that thought anymore.

It took me about a year to find another good DMT pipe, after breaking a great little bubbler I had while moving.
And I'm like you, breakthroughs don't come easy, but I'm telling ya, just keep searching for that perfect hitting pipe...for you!

This is what works for me, 100% breakthroughs since I started using this lil guy!!

Got it here

Good Luck!!

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#24 Posted : 1/30/2010 5:56:54 PM

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I KNOW that it is this way with salvia. At least in my experience. The first time they were trying to mock and scare me, the second time, they were somewhat pleased to see me and acted totally differently.

My friend can't wait to try his new cooling device. He doesn't have time at them moment.
He owned exactly the same tiny bubbler you've posted before he broke it. He used to put some brillo and water in it worked but required constant vaporisation. He almost everytime put too much heat on it while halfway gone ...lots of burnt spice.

Above all, you can't ever say "oh that's enough" while smoking, you have to keep hitting it until you can have that thought anymore.

Well, that'S definatly a problem. Sometimes, he had to stop vapng because he couldn't hit the bowl with his flame and feared burning his face or something. But sometimes, he just can't resist the urge to just stop and to close the eyes. He sometimes fears, that the trip is over until he get's enough vapor in, so he closes his eyes.
#25 Posted : 1/30/2010 6:46:06 PM

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obliguhl wrote:
But sometimes, he just can't resist the urge to just stop and to close the eyes. He sometimes fears, that the trip is over until he get's enough vapor in, so he closes his eyes.

That is the exact time to take one more!!
I know you have to make yourself do it, but you have to, to really get over.

He owned exactly the same tiny bubbler you've posted before he broke it. He used to put some brillo and water in it worked but required constant vaporisation

Exactly!! You hold the flame over the bowl the whole time & fill the chamber...clear it with the thumb-carb...fill it...clear it...fill it...clear it. Until you've filled your lungs with a number of smaller hits that you couldn't feel, or taste!!

Do that 3-4 times & your there.

He owned exactly the same tiny bubbler you've posted before he broke it.

You sure it was the same exact one?
Cause I've used plenty of them that looked similar, but didn't work for shit!!
The chamber is just big enough, but not too big...the bowl is deep & leaves about a half inch of room in the bowl above the Brillo, for a kind of buffer zone for the flame.
And most of all, the thumb-carb (which is necessary for this method to work well!) is nice & wide & towards the bottom of the chamber, so it easily clears the vapor 100% without pulling more from the bowl, or leaving a little below the carb, because the airflow isn't good enough.
Not to mention, it's totally clear, so I can see when the chamber is full so I can clear it right away & I can tell when I'm not getting good vapor!! Great for getting you flame technique down right!

I know it looks like every other little clear glass bong out there, but it really is designed much better than the most! Especially for DMT!
I bought & gave away about 10-15 bubblers, water-pipes & bongs in the past year, looking for a replacement for the last good DMT vaporizer pipe I had, but broke.
All the little details I mentioned above were the things I noticed as problems that hindered easy breakthrough doses with all the others & this 'lil guy answered them all.

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#26 Posted : 1/30/2010 6:51:25 PM

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We've been using a ROOR for changa and it works great.
Step forward into your cave. That's right. You're going deeper into your cave. And you're going to find, your power animal...

Imagine your pain as a white ball of healing light. It moves over your body, healing you. Now keep this going, remember to breathe, and step forward through the backdoor of the room. Where does it lead?
#27 Posted : 1/30/2010 8:49:15 PM
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joebono wrote:

After experiencing this, I don't think DMT will ever be a very popular drug, at least for smoking. The overwhelming majority of people would not welcome this experience and would have a meltdown. They would flee at the very mention of DMT. Even most drug users wouldn't want to do it again. It's too much, too intense. Well it's nice to be part of such a rare breed of fucking nutty bastards who actually seek this experience over and over and over! DMT is some strange shit. I can't believe there are not teams of scientists all over the world researching this stuff. This should be a priority for scientific study.

I had a similarly intense experience with smoked DMT about a month ago. Like you, I had a mix of a (somewhat unknown) amount of old DMT and some new DMT I was smoking. I don't wish to repeat that experience. When doing mushrooms (and I've done up to 4g dry), I always know I'm on a drug, and when I will be back. I might not have the presence of mind to calculate how long 6 hours is. I might not even know what city I'm in (once I wasn't sure if it was the city I live in now or the one I lived in a decade ago). But I always dose at a time such that I will be "back down" by sunset, I remember that if things get scary. I've never had a "bad trip" on mushrooms. I've had some annoying trips with lower doses, and I've gotten tired of the state once or twice on higher doses, but never really scared. But when I smoked DMT a month ago, I forgot that I even was on a drug. I thought I had somehow ended up in the middle of space after some cosmic catastrophe. Like you, I don't remember most of the trip. Once I was back down and saw the test tube and straw I had used to smoke, I remembered smoking it and the events that lead up to it. But my memory of the trip was smoking it, blacking out, then finding myself hurling through space with no recollection of how I got there. In subsequent days, I remembered slightly more, but still few details and the sequence seems out of order. For example, I remember some type of sound where I was sure I had died and left my body. But then I remember seeing a bunch of unrelated scenes, each lasting a fraction of a second in front of me - like I was watching a speeded-up video where a bunch of unrelated scenes were spliced together. Then I seem to remember trying to "hang on" and look at objects in the room, but each time I would feel some modest sense of stability BOOM another scene. Yet it seems logically like this must have happened before, not after I "left my body". Maybe I'm remembering a different trip. Anyway, it did leave me quite confused, and I spent plenty of time trying to piece everything together for a couple of weeks after the experience.

I think different people have widely different purposes for using DMT or any psychedelic drug. Like a good roller coaster, some people enjoy the ride. Others may enjoy the "bragging rights" that go with having a particularly intense trip. Still others may do it for the euphoric feelings. In that case, as you said, these drug users are likely to conclude that they do not want to use DMT again after a breakthrough experience. Personally, I use psychedelics to learn more about myself and gain insight into issues and decisions I face in my life. If there is euphoria involved, that's a plus, but its not my main goal. I've only had a handful of experiences with smoked DMT, but it never seemed like I was too successful in learning about myself or gaining insights from these experiences. None of my smoked DMT experiences were euphoric. They do, however, get a "10" for intensity Smile.


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