I dont think there is much evidence at all that is solid and can be held against astrology. I dont buy the BS individual horoscopes I see in the paper etc though.
Why wouldn't the planets have some effects on us? People menstrate according to the moon cycles..the tides move becasue of the moon..solar storms effect electro magnetic activily in the atmosphere..we are a part of the earth and the things that effect the earth effect us as well.
We have hormonal cycles that are tuned to lunar cycles etc..the planets are not THAT far away when you think about it. I dont think there is conclusive evidence discrediting it. I would be happy to read it if any does have any.
I am not saying I read my horoscope or anything..yet I am pisces and it fits me..I have even had many many people say things like "oh you must be pisces etc.." ..and met other people that are very much like me that are pisces as well.
It might go agaisnt some of my logic yet things still seem to match up.
I dont know why it seems so unscientific that environmental cycles can have effects on people.
Long live the unwoke.