Does anyone know anything about Chris Young? He is very active in recruiting new customers still, and very inactive in being straight forward. I'd love to know about any experiences anyone has had with him.
I'm curious about the finances of soul quest as well. He is one of those who claims to be "working on" scholarships for needy populations, veterans in particular, but has not to anyone's knowledge actually provided anything.
If he is truly running an unsafe aya parlor and the allegations of everything from sexual abuse to carelessness leading to death to unsanitary conditions to financial crimes are of any merit and credibility, and he is actively seeking more people to come to his place,then he needs to be put out of business and face the legal repercussions sooner than later.
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
*γνῶθι σεαυτόν*