Notes . My opinion ---- >
A refreshing thread . Thanks .
Exchange the word walmart for capitalism .
And when we talk about capitalism please see a difference between capitalism and comercialism . The difference between money lending and buying and selling things .
Sneaky question time ---- >
@ US citizens . You live in the biggest capitalist country in the world . ARE YOU A CAPITALIST ? If not ...... what are you ? ( ROTFL ) ............. Remeber a capitalist is a person who has enough of our money to lend it back to us and live off the interest without spending the capital . If he spent the capital he wouldnt have it anymore = he couldnt lend it = He wouldnt be a capitalist anymore .
I dont buy in walmart because it went bankrupt because aldi is better and cheeper . Aldi is one of the few shops where a customer gets something for his money . They make profit but they also deliver quality . Not the top quality but also not the worst . Price worth products and not cheep and nasty junk poducts .
Some of us need to think about what we say and do ----- >
I understand people who steal food from shops . BUT ...... When we steal from walmart they put the prices up for us all . It costs them nothing . So thieves steal from us .
Can people who chant capitalist / faschistoid propoganda like " "You are to blame because you bought cheep products " PLEASE think about what they are saying . Poor people are not poor because they are lazy . They are poor because the people in control dont represent them they represent their rich friends and their interests . They are poor for example because they have no job because it was cheeper for walmart and co. to use child labour in bangladesh . YOU / WE / THEY mean nothing to walmart . The only thing that means anything to walmart is MONEY .
Others are payed so low wages that they have no choice . Capitalism doesnt mean freedom of choice . It means the only people that are free are the ones that can pay for it = The ones that have a monopoly on money . A monopoly on OUR money . Money is a medium of exchange one cant own it one can use it . It belongs to us all . If it flows freely it benefits a lot more people ( ALL of us ? ) .
AND ...... what choice have we ? Even the big expensive stores buy from slave labour factorys in asia .
One of the big problems is interest from money lending . Where should it come from ? The money in the world is suposed to represent the value of the goods , resources and labour in the world . When money is lent interest has to be payed . That means that that interest is " synthetic " = it doesnt realy exist except as as debts . BUT on paper it does . That means that the goods resouces and labour stay about the same but as there is now more money in the system the goods cost more and the money is worth less = Inflation and debt for ......... guess who ?............. = US .
The world as a game of monopoly where all the streets , hotels and houses are already owned by the criminaly rich . Where the whole population has to run round the bord like mice in a treadmill in circles and every time they pass go they have to pay taxes / interest . The rich and their poly-tricker front men dont pay taxes or interest or for anything ......... WE pay it for them .
When the inflation that they cause causes a crash and things get for example 1000 % more expensive WE cant pay it .... BUT .... they can ...... and still dont have to work .
Another EASY to see PROOF that things are not healthy , fair or honest is the state of the world . The majority of the world population doesnt want poverty or war or hunger or slavery . How can it be that the 1 % / THEM / the military industrial complex / the establishment/ the criminaly rich have " 99 % " of the money ? Because the rich and poly-trickers sell wars and profit from poverty ?
In capitalism money is suposed to flow freely . BUT ...... it never has . It flows from the bottom upwards and from the top to the top . That means that the governmments dont represent democracy = US ........ they represent the interests of the rich .
There are now only two classes . The international rich and their traitor poly-tricker friends and the rest of us . They have built themselves a state within a state useing the means that were ment to protect US from outside attack and crime . A parasitic state that floats on the top of us / society but seperate from us and the financial peasures that we " live " under .
Govenments have the right to tax us and to spend the money and we have the duty to pay those taxes . The governments borrow money from their rich capitalist / money lender friends and buy themselves things ......... from the same people they borrowed the money off ...... and we have to pay their debts . Thats why they keep talking about the need for growth . Its ponzi = borow more money than you can pay back and just pay the interest with the money from the " growth " . Sometime that bubble will break . MUST BREAK . Because ...... growth from what ? From where ?
Another word for capitalism is money lending . Another word for money lending is usary . Another word for usary is slavery ?
IF we want to see proof that the rich are criminals we could just take all our money back off them and give every single one of them a shovel and see how long it takes them to make a million $ doing honest work as a labourer on a building site or as a sower in a clothing factory in bamgladesh .
@ Beggars .......... I have had to beg to survive after being robbed . I stood outside food shops and asked for food in exchange for work . I was given food and didnt have to work . Thank you humans .
I give food to people who obviously need it . I dont give to profesional beggars and frauds .
Comments ? Ideas ? Thoughts ?
I am autism spectum ........ please dont burn me at the stake for being honest .