how do you just let go.. Options
#1 Posted : 7/15/2009 8:56:46 PM

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Swim had his fourth high dose experience earlier today AND WOAHHHH visuals were amazing as being in mario land 3d tripping. The colors were bright and vibrant and everything just looked digital. Does anyone get the feeling that they want to just immerse themselves in the trip but for some reason just can't? Swim's mind just can't stop thinking about how anxious he feels and how akward he must look to his trip sitter. Overall all paranoid feeling. Almost like swims concious sober brain is just watching the visuals. can't really explain the feeling in words but someone else must have exdperienced this before.Confused any insights?

Is dosing with weed causing this? Smoking used to be an enjoyable euphoric high but now it causes more paranoia and anxiety than anything.

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#2 Posted : 7/15/2009 9:01:58 PM


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relax. ponder your intentions. love the possibilities.'ll get better at navigating. be comfortable, be healthy, be happy.
For a while SWIM was smoking 50mg of pure n, n not realizing I could easily break through with less than half of that. Yes, SWIM is with Antrocles on this one...20mg breakthroughs especially when working with mullein.
so maybe try a lower dose and get comfortable, then work your way up to find your sweet spot?
it helps to be somewhere beautiful, and alive, like a forest...but the amazing thing about spice is it sometimes doesn't matter.
sometimes all you need is darkness, silence, it's all right there.

p.s. I also see no point in combining ganja with spice and maoi. As much as SWIM love's ganja...they just don't mix well IMHO.
#3 Posted : 7/15/2009 9:03:56 PM

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Try it ALONE. I've never been able to break thru in the presence of others.
And I was alone the first 20-30 problem.
Any experiences I or SWIM mention have happened only in my nightly dreams.
#4 Posted : 7/15/2009 9:03:58 PM
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I myself just took my 4th dose today. Although i am fairly new to spice i have found with mushrooms that meditating before the journey can greatly diminish anxiety and slow the mind. To truley clear the mind though is a different story and needs to be practiced on a regular basis to get any better at it.

Are your negitive thoughts contributing to negitive visuals?
Anything posted is for entertainment only and should not be taken seriously.
#5 Posted : 7/15/2009 11:16:19 PM

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^^Agreed. Doing a simple breathing meditation before blasting off is definitely helpful.
#6 Posted : 7/15/2009 11:51:42 PM

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slide, I haven't tried it with an MAOI yet. Maybe it will ease the anxiety cause most of it comes just before I hit the bong. Ingesting it will give me more time to calm down before I take off..

boypony, I'll definitely try it on my next hike thanks

iwbn, The visuals are beautiful but I feel like my thought process during a trip keeps me from enjoying the experience. It's like all the negative thoughts I've ever thought about myself crash down on me all at once during the trip and I just get nervouse. Excuse the shitty explanations while I try to piece it together.
Bill Cipher
#7 Posted : 7/16/2009 12:27:29 AM

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What is your dosage? Could be that it's too low. At a certain point, you will experience total ego dissolution, regardless of your readiness to surrender.

Not trying to flippant or anything - it's certainly no casual thing. And upping the dose when you're already scared is a fairly mind-numbing prospect, but SWIM finds that truly ego-shattering breakthroughs are actually less stressful than subs, because he is no longer there to fear it.
#8 Posted : 7/16/2009 2:02:36 AM

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This is a journal entry my cousin's mother's sister's son wrote:

40-50 everytime. Currently I've experienced 3 different kinds of trips. On a low dose everything looks similar to coming up on acid. Then there are 2 where it was bright colors and everything was digital, similar to 4 hits of blotter in intensity but so unlike eachother at the same time. That's the kind I had today. Another time I had a friend who kept loading gravity bong hits for me and I've never been so out of touch with reality. It took the digital world to a whole other level that didn't seem probable. It's like I saw this "world" in detail previously unseen yet it was so chaotic at the same time. I'm not sure of the dosage on this one but the first bowl had 40 in it and I have no idea how much was put in the second bowl.

I want to be able to enjoy a non breakthrough trip though. Even if a breakthrough makes me lose all these negative thoughts and anxiety, I want to become a master of my mind on sub-breakthrough doses. I want to trip and be able to talk and show emotion without being so selfconcious and akward.
#9 Posted : 7/16/2009 3:41:11 AM


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SanMan wrote:

It's all in your head!

Heads are too small even for a central nervous system,
especially one that connects with all,
forming the macrocosmic "Scaffolding" as opti'd say.
What I mean is, I beg to differ. Laughing

It's all in your head until you get sucked up somewhere ..... else .....

That static everyone sees sober it's just behind it, just need something to gather more data; the other neurotransmitter!

Maybe it is all in your a broadcast blaring from somewhere...
receiving the transmission
call upon the mathematicians to decode
into the next level. 1up* see ya there!

If it feels like something is about to snap....or something is about to it!!!!!!! Don't hold it in! Be confident in your dose.

love excitement love frontiers love death love life love possibility love aliens love timeless physiclessness what's there to fear? metaprogram psyche initiated. over and out for now...
#10 Posted : 7/16/2009 4:04:43 AM

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In actualy you are in your head. Meaning the realm of subjective experience exists inside of a brain. There is thus no brain in you, as far as you can see is contained inside of a skull. We live in a little model of reality created by our brain. Everything that we experience or think is highly processed prior to becoming conscious.

One does not need a break through to get something out of the experience. SWIM thinks one should become very comfortable with DMT prior to attempting a break through. With a break through it doesn't matter if you "let go" or not your going... at the same time there is nothing to be scared of as it all happens so rapid there is little time to really process what is going on and just know that no matter what you will be fine in a matter of minutes.
Bill Cipher
#11 Posted : 7/16/2009 5:31:49 AM

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Please don't misunderstand me. I'm not judging your experience (or dosage, or anything else) in any way. SWIM has had many more subs than breakthroughs, and I am also of the mind that you don't need to achieve ego death in order to make the experience worthwhile. I wouldn't get hung up on not being self-conscious or able to control your trip though - and if maintaining control, being able to talk and express yourself while in the midst of it are really your priorities, there are a lot less immersive (and less dysphoric) psychedelics which may be more conducive.

SWIM has been a whole bunch of times, and he's never not been scared at some point in the process. Trying to be "master of your mind" in that space will always lead to anxiety.

So, how do you just let go? Giving up on that goal is a pretty good place to start, in my opinion...
#12 Posted : 7/16/2009 6:23:54 AM

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during the hyperspace event we were in a group of about 8 people. everyone was kind of nervous about being in a group so we turned off the lights sat in a circle and put on some shpongle. when everyone blasted off, i opened my eyes several times through out and looked at all my friends and everyone was just moving and rolling their heads around. they looked really silly to me but i was not judging cause as soon as i closed my eyes i was doing the same thing. you just need to be with people that make you comfortable. who cares what they think of you when you are doing this. this should be the perfect opportunity for you to just let go and be yourself. i guarantee you would look alot stupider if you were to get drunk and make a fool of yourself. just make sure your comfortable with the environment and let go...being reserved is not fun. your experience will be so much better if you let go.
#13 Posted : 7/16/2009 2:52:45 PM

The Great Namah

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Fiashly wrote:
SWIM may be in the minority here but is there really a "need" to breakthrough? SWIM has similar fears the deeper SWIM goes but SWIM is not out to get to any magical destination either. SWIM is quite sure that SWIM has never had a so called breakthrough and honestly SWIM doesn't want to. But SWIM has had many very fulfilling experiences with smoking and taking orally with an MAOI.

One thing that might help if SWIY is determined to breakthrough is to have a few small tokes, get SWIY's feet wet, get comfortable.

For some yes, the whole reason to partake of the spice is to breakthrough to another dimension (be it in the mind or an actual other dimension).

If you use it differently, that is fine! No one is going to tell you that you have to use Spice in a certian way. If you find a benefit from small spread out doses then you are using it correctly.

Personally, I cannot stand sub-breakthrough doses. They are uncomfortable and leave me feeling very empty, like I missed out on something wonderful. Maybe this is because most of my experiences have been breakthroughs.

I will say this, if you have NEVER had a fully breakthrough (if you've seen anything like your avatar you have broken through in my opinion though) you should try it AT LEAST ONCE!

If it's not your cup of tea, fine, but you should experience it once IMHO.
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#14 Posted : 7/16/2009 5:14:08 PM

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thats ok too. the spice will suck you in whether you like it or not when youre ready
#15 Posted : 7/16/2009 5:34:52 PM

The Great Namah

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To answer the original question:

1) Clear you space...don't spice up in a cluttered, dirty room that smells of funk. Light some insence that isn't too strong, something mild. Maybe burn a bit of white sage.

2) sit down with EVERYTHING ready to go in front of you...don't scramble around getting everything ready and then just blast off. Now take a few minutes to RELAX. Physically relax your muscles, relax your eyes by closing them for a few minutes. Try and get the clutter of the day out of your concious mind. Breathe deeply, don't smoke cigs or MJ while doing this, clear out your lungs.

3) While smoking the spice: think of happy things

4) SMILE! this sounds silly, and when I first heard it I thought it was rather silly myself, but it helps!

5) when the spice starts coming on, mentally tell yourself that this will be over soon, take another deep breath and relax your muscles again. Be laying in a very comfortable position, maybe even with a pillow or two. I find that a bed is perfect for this.

6) DON'T OPEN YOUR EYES!!! This is important, it is 1000 times harder to let go with your eyes open.

7) If you find yourself panicing simply take another deep breath, keep your eyes closed, and SMILE

Cool also, make sure there will be no distractions. Turn off the cell phone, the TV, the computer speakers. Lock the door, make sure the ringer is off on the home phone, and ask friends/family to not enter the room (or if they are already in the room to be silent for you).

9) soft soothing music at a very low level can speed metal

10) keep the lights to a minimum. Low level lighting can help ALOT.

These are the best tips I can give. This is what I do to make my spice voyages as enjoyable and meaningful as possible. It doesn't always work... I do panic, even after 100+ voyages, but I've learned to quickly move past the panic, with breathing and a mental mantra (om mani padme hum).
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#16 Posted : 7/16/2009 7:07:45 PM

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SanMan wrote:
"(on the visual spectrum alone, it has been well known since Newton we normally perceive less than .05% (one half of one) of all known pulsations)" - r.a.wilson

I think that's one half of one tenth of one percent. I think.

This is only because of the physical impossibility of perceiving more. All of the photons emitted from a light source do not fall on the retina. Also our retina is only evolved to detect certain wave lengths of the electromagnetic field as these are the most important and useful to our survival and reproduction. Do not be fooled we use 100% of our brains. Hallucinogens can not create sensory organs. Hallucinogens do not allow us to see things which we can normal not see, they act on the higher level circuits of the CNS to create novel complex experiences. Dreams are a prime example of the fact that complex organized experiences can occur independently of sensory input. These dreams can have beings and information.... they seem real however they are generations of the mind. However even waking experience is a generation of the mind how well does these really relate to physical reality?

Try taking large inhalations and holding each in for 20-30 seconds. 4-5 should do the trick. The just lay back and relax in a comfortable setting (although it is likely to make only a small difference in the intensity but can influence the feel of the trip. Also close your eyes, as the CEV are more intense typicaly than OEV.
#17 Posted : 7/17/2009 12:50:29 AM

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These suggestions are great thanks. All swim can do is keep doing it and grow more comfortable with it.

Acolon, Come to think of it swim has never conciously closed his eyes during a voyage. The opened eyed visuals of stuff in the room are too fun to watch. Though one time he couldn't tell if his eyes were open or not. Is that a breakthrough?
Bill Cipher
#18 Posted : 7/17/2009 1:07:50 AM

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What SWIM characterizes as a breakthrough is the point of ego-dissolution, but certainly if you are unaware whether your eyes are open or closed, you're not so very far from it.

SWIM is with Acolon 100% - closed eyes are absolutely essential for going really deep. These are just too very distinct and separate experiences (open and closed eyed), but the true magic occurs within (IMO), and if you don't consciously close them (and keep them closed throughout), you are honestly missing out.

Try a sleep mask next time - very, very helpful.
#19 Posted : 7/17/2009 1:08:37 AM

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bufoman wrote:

This is only because of the physical impossibility of perceiving more. All of the photons emitted from a light source do not fall on the retina. Also our retina is only evolved to detect certain wave lengths of the electromagnetic field as these are the most important and useful to our survival and reproduction. Do not be fooled we use 100% of our brains. Hallucinogens can not create sensory organs. Hallucinogens do not allow us to see things which we can normal not see, they act on the higher level circuits of the CNS to create novel complex experiences. Dreams are a prime example of the fact that complex organized experiences can occur independently of sensory input. These dreams can have beings and information.... they seem real however they are generations of the mind. However even waking experience is a generation of the mind how well does these really relate to physical reality?

If waking experience is a generation of mind... and so are hallucinations and dreams... then why are they so different? I think they are not so different. Just that one is linked to physical reality and the others are not (necessarily). Waking life also contains many beings and information, we call them our friends, family, people, animals, and we constantly take in information presented to our senses... and use it to paint our reality. Most of what we see in other people is just internal projection; I believe that one of the aspects of an enlightened being is the ability to consistently see a more objective reality not coloured by imagination and fear.

Reality is not as simple as if we can measure it it is real if we cant it isnt!! IMO....

(sorry to hijack the thread I just wanted to comment on that)
balaganist is a fictional character who loves playing the game of infinite existence. he amuses himself by posting stories about his made up life in our plane of physical reality. his origins are in other dimensions... he merely comes here to play.
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