Large dose ->NDE-> not interesteed in life (in this body) anymore. Options
#21 Posted : 7/8/2009 4:51:08 AM

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I have no idea if he is a troll or not, but with an issue like this perhaps it is best to err on the side of caution and grace. I mean no disrespect to anyone.

He could be serious and if so then reply with help or redirect him to a more suitable place to discuss such things (unlike this place which is full of the excitement and joy of life and spice)

or do not acknowledge the troll he may be???

Give the spice a little smile... and cross the veil in style.

STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#22 Posted : 7/8/2009 5:03:12 AM
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Leap wrote:

Why no replies to the suggestions to find real help?

Once a little boy came to his dad who was "too busy" watching football game.
-Daaad, dad, how much is 5+7?
-Go away! I'm busy! - he said - take a calculator, it's not my job to do the math!
#23 Posted : 7/8/2009 5:18:04 AM

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MDMM wrote:
Leap wrote:

Why no replies to the suggestions to find real help?

Once a little boy came to his dad who was "too busy" watching football game.
-Daaad, dad, how much is 5+7?
-Go away! I'm busy! - he said - take a calculator, it's not my job to do the math!


the budda saidLaughing

this is no place
for the lies of the ego

posting lies and defending them has no place here friend.

The choice is yours and very simple
#24 Posted : 7/8/2009 5:27:19 AM
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Clearly a troll. Everyone knows DMT is life-affirming.
#25 Posted : 7/8/2009 5:44:02 AM

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Leap wrote:
AMAZING.. Amazing how someone could come so close to making a Master of Plants report.

Lame. Stay in school.

Hey LeapCool MOP is a little cocko in the brain pan. His nonsense is inhert and easy to tolorate as long as its not 10 posts a day.

Oh by the way MOP were you been are you going to let these lowly trolls and ego creatons occupi you rightful place on this form? We miss mop..............

This MOOK is in a different class all together and can not be trusted. Im no mind reader but I can smell his stench a mile a way. thru cyber space even.
#26 Posted : 7/8/2009 5:48:24 AM
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Trips wrote:
Clearly a troll. Everyone knows DMT is life-affirming.

Here! I'd like to make a point here.

Kids, don't hope that spice is happy life-affirming all the way to the LD50 (which has never been able to be found with DMT...Laughing )
It's not! There is a point where you will realize how dull this world is, how many thing you went through and how much you DON'T CARE about leaving it, how much more possible beyond it.

Don't experiment with DMT until you clearly understand that this is your preparation for the Transformation (aka Death, aka singularity, aka zero-consciousness, aka Nirvana). Once you make a big leap and get your full-blown NDE, it's not scary anymore. Your psycological barrier is broken, there's not much that can stop you.

I guess it can be successfully used for the terminal patients, but please, don't do TOO MUCH as a recreational substance if you hope to have some life ahead.
#27 Posted : 7/8/2009 5:50:12 AM

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My translation would be that this MDMM guy (if this really happened) has embarrassed and shamed himself in front of others. He took an extremely intense journey in the private residence of someone else (did he ask permission?) after coming down he proceeded to force his existentialism's on others. Pseudo-science makes people uncomfortable, militant spiritualism makes people uncomfortable. Its a bit like pulling down your pants in the middle of a room full of people trying to just chill and then masturbating. Your going to go through a ego/self/life-rejection where you find it hard to live with yourself after what you have done and also try and cover up that insecurity with denial and "bigger picture" dramas.

Wait those feelings out is all you can do.
I guess it's about time for our William Tell routine.
#28 Posted : 7/8/2009 5:50:29 AM

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Get lost

And who are you to give advice?
a lier
a moron

Knowledge and understanding are never bad things.....

But you are

speak moron speak we know who you areLaughing
Bill Cipher
#29 Posted : 7/8/2009 6:16:34 AM

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I've got a theory about your hidden motivations, Hysterix/Swimfrey/MDMM/WhoeverTheFuckYouPlanToShowUpAsTomorrow...

My guess is that you are some kind of Christian fundamentalist... Am I right? Am I close? Because that's the vibe you give off to me. My thinking is that the idea of DMT (and the possibility of having a genuine spiritual experience without dogma or collection plate) is offensive and unacceptable to you. What I'm saying is I think you're afraid of us - and of that which we gather to discuss.

So, I think you make it your mission to try and disrupt this in anyway possible - by baiting people into incriminating themselves, by scaring them away with your asinine tales of blue-hued breakthroughs and impossible doses, by posting your YouTube wank sessions. I think you like to fancy yourself some kind of crusader for justice - but the truth, I'm guessing, is that you are a tiny-dicked, ineffectual pipsqueak with a borderline personality disorder, for whom getting laid is out of the question, so you've created this bizarro outlet to give you purpose and fill up your evenings.

If I'm wrong, then seek help - but I know that I'm not. You're as transparent as they come. And what you will never, ever understand, is that you cannot effectively fake this experience to anyone who has had it. Go worship in whatever way that brings you closer to "it". Stop bothering people around here. Your game is sad and tiresome.
#30 Posted : 7/8/2009 6:20:35 AM

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Alright since this is clearly bullshixx & going nowhere good, I'm going to go ahead & lock this thread up.

MDMM, if you are truly feeling this way after smoking DMT you need to see a shrink!!
You've got some serious issues & an internet forum is not the place to find help for that!!

These are not normal effects of DMT!!
I don't care if it's your 1st use or 1,000,000,00th

Stop it!


All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
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