'overdose' strategy's Options
#21 Posted : 7/10/2009 11:11:15 PM

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Crystal LSD does indeed exist. I haven't done it personally, but i had an Australian neighbor a few years ago who told be he got LSD crystals once (or maybe even just one crystal). He told me it's the most concentrated form of acid. You have to mix it in water to dilute it. He said they got to the end of the little jar they had it in and there were little tiny chunks left on the bottom, so he stuck his finger in and ate them... not a good idea. He went into the bathroom and could here his brother voice comming from the drain on the floor. So he kept calling his name. His friends all thought it was hilarious and my friend couldn't figure out if they were laughing cuz there was no voice coming from the drain or because it was obvious that there was. he also mentioned loads of bugs crawling all over him, etc. That was the first and only time i've heard of LSD crystal. Sounds a bit hardcore if you ask me.

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#22 Posted : 7/11/2009 4:27:49 PM

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That's BS, a visible dosage of LSD would absolutely rock one's world or cause one to die of heart failure. "Tiny little CHUNKS" implies something like 10mg+, no way in hell is someone coming out of that too well.
#23 Posted : 7/11/2009 4:37:43 PM

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DoingKermit wrote:
Since we are on the subject of bad trips and overdoses, i thought i would share a story of someone i was sort of friends with when i lived in italy.

I had a friend who was having some of his "friends" over for a mushroom session. I feel so bad for this guy cuz he was really cool and trusted the people he was with. The so called "friends" were all going to take some mushrooms called "Goofy" (from a local head shop in Switzerland i think). His friends said they had already done theirs before he arrived and then ended up giving him the doses they were going to take as well (he took all three at once... maybe 10-12 grams dried at a guess). He was loving it in the beginning of the trip. They were sitting on the couch watching the Playstation visuals which can be set to go along with music. He was astounded by all the shapes and colors forming out of the TV. He looked at his so called buddies, who were just sitting calmly and talking normally. He couldn't understand how they weren't tripping their tits off.

They then came clean with him and said they didn't take any of the shrooms and had actually fed him all 3 doses. Instead of guiding him through his mental trip, they decided to completely fuck with him. Mind loops occur naturally on psychedelics, but these dudes decided to take it further and started saying sentences of what he had done earlier in the day over and over. For example, they kept repeating events which happened, like going to a pub, then skating, etc, but over and over again. I don't think i explained that part very clearly, but you get the gist of it. They were attempting to fuck the poor guy up, basically, by playing with his mind and thought process.

He explained it as a dark nightmare creeping in on him. He tried to fight it, but it came over him so strong and hard he completely freaked out. I don't know all the details of the story, but i think he had no where to go cuz he wasn't at his house and they were in the mountains in Switzerland. I saw him a month after that had happened and he said he kept having flashbacks every day and kept reliving dark moments of the trip. He was totally spaced out.

I couldn't think of anything worse. You go somewhere where you think you are with people who care about you and who are supposedly your friends, but turn out to be your worst enemy. That would be pretty much my worst nightmare. They were quite young at the time... maybe 16 or 17. This happened about 7 years ago, but the story stuck with me because of the depth of hell this guy went into. I don't think the two guys he was with knew what they were actually doing. I think maybe they thought it was like any other prank you pull on friends sometimes. Not sure how he is now, but i pray he's alright. Poor guy

Dude, thats so sick..those kids need therapy or something, either that or to be locked up.
Long live the unwoke.
#24 Posted : 7/11/2009 6:39:36 PM

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embracethevoid wrote:
That's BS, a visible dosage of LSD would absolutely rock one's world or cause one to die of heart failure. "Tiny little CHUNKS" implies something like 10mg+, no way in hell is someone coming out of that too well.

I'm gonna have to agree with ETV here, LSD is put onto blotter paper because the dose is so small there is no way to gauge a dose without a very sophisticated (expensive) scale. Much less deal with it in an easy way.
LSD doses are measured in micrograms, even a huge dose, like enough for 50 people or more is not going to be very easy to see with your naked eye.

Put it this way, 50 milligrams (the average breakthrough dose for DMT) is equal to 50,000 micrograms!!!
So a pure LSD crystal, that was visible to the naked eye, would probably be more than enough to dose a small city!!

Although, I have heard of a certain "brand" of LSD named "Crystal Fluff", but it wasn't pure LSD crystals (although it may have been sold as such...Rolling eyes ), it was said to be a silvery/whitish powder that was probably about 1%-3% LSD. The rest would be filler, to make it easier to handle & measure out etc...
LSD in the 60's was normally found in pill form & the doses where sometimes 200-to-1000 times larger(**) than what you might find on a blotter today.
Even still, the bulk of those pills were just bonding agent, or filler, to form the pill & hold it all together.

So unfortunately, that dude was probably exaggeration a bit to you, or just straight up telling BS stories.

Out of all the psychoactives out there, LSD has sooooo many ridicules tales of crazy, unrealistic crap to go along with it!
If you are not familiar with it yet, is an invaluable resource for confirming or denying a whole lot of the tall-tales you may encounter throughout your journeying!
Erowid is also hands down the most comprehensive "drug-encyclopedia" out there & it's free of charge!! Check it out!


**Side Note:
I read a statistic a few years ago that said something like today you might find 100-200 micrograms of actual LSD on a hit of acid.
However, back in the 60's, a tab of acid might have 500-to-1200 micrograms of actual LSD in it!!
The idea being that most folks are looking for a bit of a change in perception to add to an evening of partying, but when acid originaly hit the scene, the idea was more about turning on to a completely new way of get out of your normal state of being 100%
All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#25 Posted : 7/11/2009 9:58:05 PM
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I think an amount of 2 to 5 mg would be just visible. Such an amount isn't lethal, it's about 100 times the threshold dosis. an average blotter contains about 100 to 150 micrograms. At a dose of around 1000 micrograms, wich is one miligram, there is a sigificant decrease in the increase of strength. This means that you hardly notice the difference between 1000 micrograms and 2000 micrograms.
I once took 8 microdots that where supposed to contain 500 micrograms. I know that dealers tend to exagerate the amount of acid per unit they sell, so it must have been less. On average the amounts are exagerated to twice the real amount, so it must have been about 2000 micrograms in total, that i took then. That would be a just visible amount of acid. And i'm not only still alive, but doing very fine as well.
#26 Posted : 7/11/2009 10:28:22 PM

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By "break through" I call that when you get out from the 3rd dimension into that other one (from where the 3rd dimension can be seen/experienced as a created, subordinate dimension). Common experiences related to that realm are: telephatic communication with seemingly independently existing spiritual beings, instant knowledge (understanding without thinking), a sense of awakening from the dream of earthly life, a firm conviction that this newly found reality is more real than earthly life, a rememberance that this realm was known before one got born into earthly existence - so this realm is not really "newly found", but rather re-remembered -, the activation of hitherto unknown sensory organs and capacities (again with the familiar sense that these organs were all present while in earthly consciousness but they were lying dormant therefore not identified as such), a timeless experience of a series of lives of which the current earthly life is just one particular (probably current?) instance. There are more.

"Now in my vicinity, I talked to a lot of people, participated in local psychedelic forums, and could find NOBODY who had this experience. I was completely left alone. When I was talking about these things, I felt that nobody got it. For other people, tripping was about something else. They were even slightly afraid of me, when they saw how dedicated I am to this thing. They could not understand that inner fire. So I was quite relieved when after 10 years of living in solitude with this information, I found the Nexus - and with it, dozens of people who seemingly shared this same experience. Now I can let it all loose again. Smile"


this post of yours makes me feel good. I am new here but I had a "break through" as it where last week on shrooms for the first time. It rocked my world and changed me as a person. I feel I am a better person but now I have this burden of "knowing" even others that where there at the time but must not have had what I did... refuse almost all together to talk about it. It feels good to read these stories thanks you all for sharing. Makes me feel less out there ya know?

the word smile will never sound the same to me. its every where I look in a manner of speaking.

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#27 Posted : 7/12/2009 9:53:37 AM

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DoingKermit wrote:
Crystal LSD does indeed exist. I haven't done it personally, but i had an Australian neighbor a few years ago who told be he got LSD crystals once (or maybe even just one crystal). He told me it's the most concentrated form of acid. You have to mix it in water to dilute it. He said they got to the end of the little jar they had it in and there were little tiny chunks left on the bottom, so he stuck his finger in and ate them... not a good idea. He went into the bathroom and could here his brother voice comming from the drain on the floor. So he kept calling his name. His friends all thought it was hilarious and my friend couldn't figure out if they were laughing cuz there was no voice coming from the drain or because it was obvious that there was. he also mentioned loads of bugs crawling all over him, etc. That was the first and only time i've heard of LSD crystal. Sounds a bit hardcore if you ask me.

Small fry and kermit
lived happliy ever after
THE END.........................................................................................................................

hysterex loves picket fence

kermit where are your saftey glasses?
#28 Posted : 7/12/2009 12:45:12 PM

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on the topic of "2 year-long trips" and crystal acid: any drug story that involves the friend-of-a-friend is pretty much the kiss of death for any factual information. this also applies to neighbors, acquaintances, classmates, and work buddies.

i find the drug culture as a whole has a hard time dealing with the stigma of those that are just in it for getting "fucked up" and comparing dick sizes over who had more of what. it's the Achilles heel of drug law reformation.

your neighbor was probably just trying to impress you, kermit. IMO

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-Noam Chomsky

Do you think that the amoeba ever dreamed that it would evolve into the frog? Of course it didn't. And when that first frog shimmied out of the water and employed its vocal cords in order to attract a mate or to retard a predator, do you think that that frog ever imagined that that incipient croak would evolve into all the languages of the world, into all the literature of the world? Of course it fucking didn't. And just as that froggy could never possibly have conceived of Shakespeare, so we can never possibly imagine our destiny.
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#29 Posted : 7/12/2009 1:25:48 PM

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EVERY acid is in the form of crystal... Of course it exists! The thing is, lower down the scale of distribution it is rarely available as crystal, because to deal with it one needs to know what he is doing, and one needs to be manipulating thousands of doses. Few people are in this position and with such connections. So generally its dissolved in an alcohol solution or in blotters that were soaked with the acid solution and dried.

But what was said above about it being dissolved in water is not true.. Sometimes very lower down the scale when someone gets a few drops, he might want to put it in a water bottle to share with friends, but upper in the scale, nobody dissolves it in water.. Its dissolved in pure alcohol, or even some good vodka.

edit: ok too off topic, and dont want to be misunderstood as if Im recommending anything that might be dangerous Smile
#30 Posted : 7/12/2009 2:59:08 PM

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I've read about all this family stuff but I want to see some proof, not some elitist super hidden fairy tales where LSD is a sacrament of God and people's faith is tested by doses high enough to rock the socks off a blue whale (although that could very well be the case!). Apparently Robert Hunter, one of the Grateful Dead lyricists, took 0.25g of crystal LSD accidentally and came out of it fine.

IMO it sounds like this family stuff is closer to BS than truth given that one occasion where a large scale supply quantity of crystal LSD was mistaken for cocaine and so the peeps who discovered it decided to cut a few lines and rail them up. Big mistake, they didn't exactly have fun and the physical implications were not nice -

The biggest dose of LSD ever medically documented as taken by human beings occurred on the 29th of July, 1972 in San Francisco. It is documented here on The Lycaeum.

In this fascinating misadventure, eight people, four women and four men, ages 19 to 39 (to me these numbers just shout "sleazy old guys and young girls"Pleased, came across a white powder which they assumed to be cocaine, and snorted two lines each. It was in fact LSD, 80%-90% pure. The amount ingested is unknown, but was estimated to be several milligrams, each milligram being 10 times the usual dose of 100 micrograms. Within 5 minutes they realised their mistake.

When they arrived at San Francisco general hospital around 15 minutes after snorting the LSD, five of them were comatose. The medical problems that they experienced are various and sound dangerous, including "respiratory arrest" for three of them and "aspiration" for the two others. It's a fair guess that these people would have have died without medical help. However "Recovery was rapid and complete by 12 hours, but included a stage of hyperactivity and severe visual and auditory hallucinations." No kidding. All left the hospital within 48 hours.

The abstract of the original doctors' report can be found by searching PubMed (or just Google) for "Klock JC, Boerner U, Becker CE: Coma, hyperthermia, and bleeding associated with massive LSD overdose: A report of eight cases. Clin Toxicol 8:191, 1975".

Now a thumbprint will be from 10mg-120mg and I still don't see peeps coming out of that too nicely. We'll find out when a foolhardy tripper actually gets access to crystal and decides to thumbprint himself in full view of the public. Hyperactivity and "severe visual and auditory hallucinations" sounds far removed from the "complete ego death" described by those who have claimed to take a thumbprint.

On the other hand, traces of cocaine were found in our LSD fiend peeps and it's known that LSD and stimulants just don't mix. So that explains the insane heart rate and what not but where is this bleeding coming from?
#31 Posted : 7/12/2009 4:39:38 PM

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this is a pretty cool thread on the topic of thumbprints...

check out out the posts by chinacat72 and whiterasta...

#32 Posted : 7/12/2009 4:45:34 PM
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Let's not make this a debate on how much LSD you could take and still keep breathing properly. We all seem to agree that if you stay below hundred's of normal doses, it's still relatively safe. At least medically.
I started this thread as a sort of 'hyperspace-survival-guide' in case you would accidentally feel you've taken more then you desired.
We all know that all kinds of unforseen circumstances, wich we generally tend to call set and setting, can cause a dose of DMT to be weaker or stronger then it normally would be.
#33 Posted : 7/12/2009 8:22:01 PM

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MagikVenom wrote:
DoingKermit wrote:
Crystal LSD does indeed exist. I haven't done it personally, but i had an Australian neighbor a few years ago who told be he got LSD crystals once (or maybe even just one crystal). He told me it's the most concentrated form of acid. You have to mix it in water to dilute it. He said they got to the end of the little jar they had it in and there were little tiny chunks left on the bottom, so he stuck his finger in and ate them... not a good idea. He went into the bathroom and could here his brother voice comming from the drain on the floor. So he kept calling his name. His friends all thought it was hilarious and my friend couldn't figure out if they were laughing cuz there was no voice coming from the drain or because it was obvious that there was. he also mentioned loads of bugs crawling all over him, etc. That was the first and only time i've heard of LSD crystal. Sounds a bit hardcore if you ask me.

Small fry and kermit
lived happliy ever after
THE END.........................................................................................................................

hysterex loves picket fence

kermit where are your saftey glasses?

Who's small fry? and why would we live happily ever after? and who is hysterex and why does he love picket fences? Sorry, but i am a bit confuzzled Smile

That story could've easily have been a big steamy pile of bullshit. Since someone asked about crystal LSD it reminded me of that story... true or not. I was a bit gullible back then i guess. Peas
#34 Posted : 7/12/2009 8:27:46 PM

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mugwump77 wrote:
on the topic of "2 year-long trips" and crystal acid: any drug story that involves the friend-of-a-friend is pretty much the kiss of death for any factual information. this also applies to neighbors, acquaintances, classmates, and work buddies.

i find the drug culture as a whole has a hard time dealing with the stigma of those that are just in it for getting "fucked up" and comparing dick sizes over who had more of what. it's the Achilles heel of drug law reformation.

your neighbor was probably just trying to impress you, kermit. IMO

You are probably right about that, dude. I didn't know him that well, so his story could've easily have been BS. Unfortunately people do tend to embellish shit to try make themselves look cool.
#35 Posted : 7/12/2009 8:45:46 PM

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embracethevoid wrote:
That's BS, a visible dosage of LSD would absolutely rock one's world or cause one to die of heart failure. "Tiny little CHUNKS" implies something like 10mg+, no way in hell is someone coming out of that too well.

You are probably right!
#36 Posted : 7/12/2009 8:52:06 PM

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Achilles heel of drug law reformation


I see it differently. People lie all the time emblish things make up stories for what ever reason suit there purpose I consider that being "full of shit".

Its a spit in the eye of all humanity.

So before you type or speak please try to put your brain in drive Before your fingers or mouth are going at the speed of light.

glug glug glug....................


Your right Im done
#37 Posted : 7/12/2009 8:58:51 PM

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i guess we dont need the hostility....
it's a sound
#38 Posted : 7/12/2009 9:05:29 PM

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Are you referring to me?

If so that's a bit harsh, dude. I understand what your saying... but i wasn't saying it as FACT. I was just telling a story i heard from someone once. Sorry if it boiled your blood a bit. That wasn't my intent in the slightest.
Bill Cipher
#39 Posted : 7/12/2009 9:14:49 PM

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I actually believe Chinacat to be 100% on the level - and just as an aside, I believe he is no longer among the living.

He also has a story on The Shroomery about a 75mg IV DMT experience - which while completely inconceivable to me, also rings very true - and another about babysitting someone else for several days while the guy (literally) shit himself throughout his thumbprint dose.

And just for the sake of fairness, MV, I think Kermit's for real. Beavershots... not so much.
#40 Posted : 7/12/2009 9:50:38 PM

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