Inner Paths wrote:
... Instead of creating boundaries between people that are enlightened or unenlightened, if you find yourself becoming more awakened to a newer and more authentic reality, find a way to bridge a gap toward the people that are still asleep to the possibilities? ...
... I guess the biggest hurdle of new knowledge is instead of using it to bring people along with you and creating more unity is that it can also easily create more boundaries between yourself and the rest of the herd ...
In my experience the term I developed for it/use for the phenomenon is lack of self awarenes. Once you reached this self awarenes yourself you got rid of your ego which all the time tells you to not look deeply. So you have seen yourself and the role you play on this planet in your society, your community, your family..
You may see things in your life that are not like you intended them to be and you may apply changes. This is what I found the most valuable lesson for the everyday life as human and to a lesser extend as a soul these experiences can provide you.
I even had dramatic insights on smoking weed after abstaining for years which produced immediate conciousnes and will to change. For me it is the loss of the ego that made the change, not the seeing of this parallel fantastic space in which everything seems possible. I first saw and felt this 15 Years ago so it's there and has been like gravity is you know.
But here comes the bad news, the more I want to adapt these concepts in interaction with others even if I just suggest and the more I go bejond the inner circle of family and closest friends, the more I LOOSE FOCUS of my own path.
It's so easy these days to get lost. Society is a System and we are in this System. To really be free, I recently realized, I would have to get as far away from any manifested system as possible.
Yes, Meditation works and it's awesome. I tried Zen and loved it but here's the catch, it's bound to the rules of the System if you go to a Dojo in your City and you are lucky, it's totally free.. But people need money to pay rent, NEO Zen Masters publish Books for money, Meditation Retreats cost hefty amounts of money and so on it goes..
Kind of everything you can do is bound to this how ever you may call it..
- Wer heute den Kopf in den Sand steckt knirscht morgen mit den Zähnen -