I use to be an athiest, but after reading about different world religions I started think a lot about karma and reincarnation, and how this life is really nothing but a test for what lies ahead.
After smoking DMT, this belief was strengthened in me. The first time I ever smoked it I took way to large of a dose, probably around 60-70mg, I did not weigh it. This caused complete ego death and the world around me to melt away into a completely different realm, where all I could see was orbs of energy pulsing around me and floating around. I could feel that these were not just orbs of light, but rather peoples consciousness's that were residing in this place.
It showed me that our life does not end with death. Our bodies may stop breathing and living, but our souls/consciousness/whatever you want to call it, lives on. Sometimes it lives on in another body, or another form of life on this planet where the living can still interact with us, and other times it breaks free from the cycle of reincarnation, but only when you have done nothing but good in your life and have done nothing but give and love, and care for those around you. By doing this, even if your given a completely dirty rotten life experience, then you can ascend above the others and break free of the cycle.
I believe those orbs that I witnessed were just that, peoples consciousness that have broken the cycle and travel the planet watching out for those they love. I feel like on of them was even my aunt, who had passed away in the very same spot that I had blasted off. I hope that all makes sense.
Everything published by Gone-and-Back are the mad rantings and ravings of a mind who yearns to be free and thinks he knows what he is talking about. However, these are just delusions made to feel that freedom, because that freedom will never come. Any experiments done are purely figments of the imagination, and are falsified to the highest degree. Nothing should be taken seriously from a crazy mans mind.