Crazyhorse wrote: he claims that it actually just represents a "tipping point", where our overall global consciousness goes from being weighted just slightly more on the negative side, to being slightly more positive, and that things will gradually gain momentum from there to just generally get better and better for us as a planet. I have no idea if there's any real truth to this or not, but I like the idea and hope that it turns out to be the case.
Maybe It sounds plausible and nothing to far fetched.
It could be looked at like this, Were are currently weighed right now by this whole 2012 idea, so weighed it's keeping us from everything.
And when this day passes and we realize nothing happened this could put on a more positive path.
I am starting to believe this happens, b/c for some reason we all have felt like we were living at the edge of time.
And maybe this has to happen through out civilization, b/c i am sure it was easy for us to get a little of track.
I can only hope this Day will only Bring new light, just like the day before, everyday is a new light, and another day to just be thankful.
How we have even become self conscious self reflecting beings still mind boggles me.
Another side note We are supposedly HumanBeings it's unfortunate That not all of us are human kind, I am sure the nexus family is human is all Human-kind b/c i see kindness all day. But everyone else in the world stuck in politics and thing that are not life, and just being and that's it.
All we can hope and pray for is that these people wake up!!!
"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness."
— Terence McKenna
"They Say It helps when you close yours eyes cowboy"