There are a few problems with this idea.
1. If you want to use the laser to heat a plate which contains the are using conduction which is not a good way to vaporize. Convection is much better. Also if conduction is used almost any other form of heat source would be more reliable, easier to tune, and less expensive.
2. If you want to directly heat the material with a laser the last color in the world that you would want said material to be is white. White is white because it reflects most of the wavelengths of light from the visible spectrum. This means that only a tiny fraction of the power output would go to heating the material. The rest would be reflected to the environment or some poor shmucks retina.
3. Vaporizers are most easy to use when they are transparent so that the user can gauge if they are getting the right amount of heat. High power lasers can fry an area of your retina in milliseconds even from a slight reflection so mixing that with clear glass encasement is inviting danger.
Possible but ridiculous solutions to said problems:
CO2 Lasers - The highest visible wavelengths of red are between 650nm-700nm. CO2 lasers on the other hand are around 10600nm which is literally between light and physical heat. This allows them to impart their energy on almost any substance as almost none reflect this spectrum. CO2 lasers can easily cut mirrors for instance. Such a laser would just as happily heat a white powder as a black one.
The problem: CO2 lasers are big. You would need to devote an entire table to such a device. They are delicate CO2 filled glass tubes that require very high voltages to power and an external liquid cooling system. The beam is also entirely dont forget to turn it off before you walk in front of it.
Moral of the story - Stick with your Bic
OpeningPandorasBox is a fictional character created by a very imaginative but delusional person. Anything posted by OpeningPandorasBox should be considered nothing more than the incoherent ramblings of an imaginary alter ego. Under no circumstances should what is posted be considered true experiences, ideas, or advice. As far as matters of the law are concerned since OpeningPandorasBox only exists outside the realms of physical reality he is under no jurisdiction and no one within the physical world should attempt to recreate or reenact any of his fictional activity.