Trouble Sleeping after LSD Options
The Day Tripper
#21 Posted : 7/9/2012 8:06:10 PM

Rennasauce Man

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Try THP (tetrahydropalmatine). Its an alkaloid from cordyalis, i know it works very good as a non-addictive sleep aid for me. Also, its dopamine antagonist affects really help with turning off some of the mescaline stimulation associated with its dopaminergic affects. I know lsd has affects on dopamine as well, perhaps THP could be useful for those who don't want to (or trust themselves enough Wink ) to use benzos to get to sleep after tripping.
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#22 Posted : 5/15/2016 11:08:05 AM
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#23 Posted : 5/15/2016 4:43:47 PM


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I gave up on trying to sleep after LSD and it was for the better

If i eat some good fruits, drink plenty of water or some nice herbal tea like passionflower, and keep my mind stimulated with some kind of activity (cannabis + music is great too on the comedown), then I'm far more satisfied compared to just laying in bed pretending I'm ready for a sleep that won't come for hours anyways.

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#24 Posted : 5/18/2016 10:42:23 AM

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I agree with UC. IME trying to sleep when still coming down of acid can become frustrating. Its best to just give up and let it happen naturally in those cases.

I tend to prefer taking acid in the late morning. It means I get to sleep at a fairly normal hour and usually wake up feeling quite refreshed the next morning. Plus I find the after-glow more enjoyable the next day after I've had some sleep.
#25 Posted : 5/18/2016 2:41:26 PM

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universecannon wrote:
I gave up on trying to sleep after LSD and it was for the better

If i eat some good fruits, drink plenty of water or some nice herbal tea like passionflower, and keep my mind stimulated with some kind of activity (cannabis + music is great too on the comedown), then I'm far more satisfied compared to just laying in bed pretending I'm ready for a sleep that won't come for hours anyways.

Thumbs up

In the beginning of my LSD encounters I once thought that I have to go to sleep now, just because of the idea that I need some sleep and the long "time" since my last sleep, unconsidering that I was not feeling tired at all. So I went to bed and tried to sleep and it was a nightmare!

I want to add, "hangig around with good friends (like a pile of cats) " is a beatuiful setting for the afterglow. Love

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#26 Posted : 3/22/2017 2:20:19 AM

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Well, this is a tricky one. I usually fix that problem by dosing very early, typically 8am but I imagine most people can't do it and neither can I lately.

If you dose that early, I've found that by 9pm you'll be completely down, even if you might experience an afterglow. I usually fall asleep by 1 or 2 in the morning regardless of how early I got up so I'm not a perfect example, but still that's not bad either.

Also don't just throw yourself in the bed once you think it's time to sleep, take it easy. Relax, eat something light, put some mellow tunes on, have a shower, brush your teeth, dress comfy perhaps meditate for a bit and than turn of the lights, cover yourself up and put up a show or a movie until you daze off.

If you dose it later, which most people prefer since it is a recreational drug after all try to have the next day of and you'll catch up even if it's in intervals, though you might miss the afterglow this way.

I don't advise on combining drugs like some others do, it may do the job but it isn't the solution long term. Deal with the fact that all drugs have consequences, and the thing with LSD is that it will keep you up unless you do it really early or even than actually. You better of ride it out, since the brain will easier adapt to just one thing being off than another one being thrown in the mix the counter the effects of the first. It has less of work to do to get back in balance in the long run.
#27 Posted : 3/24/2017 10:44:15 PM

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A few beers or a little wine after the trip is over has always worked for me.Thumbs up
#28 Posted : 3/26/2017 1:39:22 PM

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SpartanII wrote:
A few beers or a little wine after the trip is over has always worked for me.Thumbs up

I concur Smile

Actually with LSD or mescaline once I'm through the peak all I really want to do is drink beer and explore.

But yes... dosing at least 12-14 hours before required bedtime is good advice. That and balls to walls commitment to actually sleeping should be handy.

I generally reserve any type of downer such as benzos for lingering DOM trips rather than LSD. But even then I think the need to close a trip or sleep sooner than a trip will allow is the result of bad planning.
#29 Posted : 3/27/2017 4:01:22 AM

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I had an interesting dream concept while trying to sleep on lsd once.
It was basically a product that you could buy that had a dose of Lsd in it.
It had great product packaging like an Apple product or something.
It came with a cardboard life size door that unfolded. Once unfolded it became a doorway that you could pass through into a special dimensional space that was a town. The doorway would let you off in a field outside the town. You would then proceed to walk around the town. There were many different scenarios or scenes you could get involved with if you chose to or you could just walk around and observe. The basic concept was this place was a safe little universe you could go with no police to hassle you where you could basically hang out until you were able to fall asleep while on LSD.
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#30 Posted : 3/28/2017 8:27:45 PM

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universecannon wrote:
I gave up on trying to sleep after LSD and it was for the better

If i eat some good fruits, drink plenty of water or some nice herbal tea like passionflower, and keep my mind stimulated with some kind of activity (cannabis + music is great too on the comedown), then I'm far more satisfied compared to just laying in bed pretending I'm ready for a sleep that won't come for hours anyways.

Yeah, i either don't try, and then i just relax for a day...

I do find though, that cannabis realy helps. Or rather, when i smoked cannabis during my LSD-experience, or when i've taken oral cannabis along with the LSD, then for some reason i feel much more drowsy and sleepy afterwards.

Cannabis is a huge booster of psychedelic effects though, so maybe it's wise to dose carefully if you have no experience with combining the two.
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