Anti-Cancer Foods - Please Give Me Advice Options
#21 Posted : 10/15/2011 7:20:49 PM


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This one was very interesting and very topical
Q21Q21's Tek: A comprehensive guide to extracting DMT
The 2 teks use non-toxic lime and vinegar and Tek 1: d-Limonene or Xylene or Tek 2: Naptha to produce very quick high yields with the greatest of ease.

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#22 Posted : 11/2/2011 4:57:18 PM
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I remember a son being healed from cancer by his dad, giving him Cannabis Oil. Can't find the video right now, but it was a news-flash I saw on youtube once.
Studies in rats have shown that cancer cell-growth is MASSIVELY slowed down and even reversed in some cases. Yet again I cannot recall the exact source, but a google search should help you find this study. It's scattered all over the internet, in between plenty of misinformation & hollow claims. But some credible, scientific data about reversing cancer growth is out there. Just my 2 cents. Goodluck and may your search be fruitfull.
#23 Posted : 11/2/2011 10:26:10 PM

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Fractal wrote:
I know if I ever had cancer at all, I would immediatly stop eating for at least 3 months and just do a fruit juice and vegetable juice feast...with ALOT of green juices.

This is exactly what I would do as well. I would also make sure I was getting some sea weed in the diet.

I'd also probably rotate which juices were consumed on which day's. I'd spend a lot of time researching which juices would have complimentary vitamins for absorption and such.

But no doubt I would stop eating for approximately 3 months as well and survive on a juice fast...and quite honestly I might even go longer. Your body will let you know when it is time to break the fast.

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#24 Posted : 11/3/2011 1:52:27 AM

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Don't know if this has been mentioned but here are some I know
-Tomatoes- Lycopene prevents testicular cancer(and prostate too I think)
-Coffee- said to be beneficial
-Green Tea- Anti-oxidants
-Dark Chocolate(above 70%)- Contains flavanoids which have anti-oxidant properties, don't overdo it on chocolate though. One piece at night before bed would be OK
The good thing is all these are delicious, so enjoy!

EDIT: sorry, I forgot you were trying to find cancer-fighting foods, not preventing. I still think this post is relevant though, so I'll leave it. We all need less cancer in our lives!Smile
#25 Posted : 11/3/2011 7:00:03 AM

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bindu wrote:

BTW high dose intravenous VitC is bs as a cancer treatment

what sources do you have about this? I read Paulings stuff and have had great success using high dose vitamin C for other fairly serious illnesses.
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#26 Posted : 11/3/2011 7:48:47 AM


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nemo wrote:
bindu wrote:

BTW high dose intravenous VitC is bs as a cancer treatment

what sources do you have about this? I read Paulings stuff and have had great success using high dose vitamin C for other fairly serious illnesses.

sources i have is personal observation working with cancer patients over several years. There are way better treatments out there. VitC is important but no need for extremely high doses, i think its a waste of time when there are several really working treatments out there.

Success stories about it i attribute to other therapies that have been given in combination and the placebo effect, which should not be underestimated. For most! cancer cases the mind is a huge factor, id subjectively attribute 50%. So get it up to maximum clarity and efficiency.

For diet, check for nutritional deficiencies with a simple blood test.

A diet that a majority of people react well to is the Budwig diet.

blessed be all forms of intelligence
#27 Posted : 11/3/2011 1:42:10 PM

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Vitamin D, either through sun exposure, or if unablen due to location/time of year, or cancer is of the skin, then suppliments.
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And it is this...

Existence that multiplied itself
For sheer delight of being
And plunged into numberless trillions of forms
So that it might
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#28 Posted : 11/4/2011 6:28:18 PM

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bindu wrote:

...VitC is important but no need for extremely high doses...

... For most! cancer cases the mind is a huge factor...

For diet, check for nutritional deficiencies with a simple blood test.

A diet that a majority of people react well to is the Budwig diet.

I see. When I was reading about Pauling's experience treating cancer patients I tried to get a feeling for what their experience must have been like.. I can only imagine their psychological health was a key priority in the treatment as Pauling had a very positive personality and understood the experience of the patient is of primary importance, not simply survival at any cost. I can't help but think this must have been a motivating factor for him to push vitamin C therapy so much, to try to provide a middle ground alternative, or at least lay the groundwork for one. Also in his books its important to note he had his patients on a full range of supplements, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, omega-3s, plant extracts, etc., as well as diets tailored to nutritional needs, so this fits with what you are saying of course.

No single key.. it all goes together I suppose.
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#29 Posted : 11/16/2011 11:20:09 AM

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"Remember the apricot and almond seeds..."


(he called it Amygdaline, we now call it B17, one of the strongest anticarcenic substances on the planet - if not the strongest)

Please read up on this, this is what I'd do.

Here's a direct (translated) quote from Hipocrates:

"What maintains health is the equal distribution and precise mixture into the body of the forces (=isonomy) of dry, wet, cold, sweet, bitter, sour and salty.

Illness is caused by the domination of one (=monarchy). Therapy is achieved with the reestablishment of the disturbed equilibrium, through the method of the opposite from the dominating force."
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..Who said that?
#30 Posted : 11/16/2011 9:43:03 PM

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I have heard that if the ph-balance in your body is as it should be, cancer can not grow. To follow a diet to alkilize the body Im sure can be quite hard in this society, but it might be very worth it!! I guess you can find a lot of info on the internet... He should then be vegan and eating mostly raw food I think. When my grandfather had cancer, he was at this center that gave him alternative treatment. And they said that sugar make cancer grow quicker and garlic can help the growing slow. So my grandfather ate a lot of carlic and no sugar... I have read that the stone in the apricot can cure cancer. Also ayahuasca can stop cancer growth I have heard. It is also a lot of alternative treatment that he could get. The treatment you get from the doctors are not very safe, and many people die from it...
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