looks like they didn't make it
"Update #20: ups & downs & reality
Posted 6 days ago
You should have heard from Amazon recently, refunding you for our Kickstarter project. If you haven't β you will soon. NB: that if you did not receive all the money that you originally pledged β you will receive it in the next week or so.I am still working towards the completion of the film and I do encourage you to contribute to the film via paypal, using the donation button on my site:
www.neuronirvana.netThe reason the KICKSTARTER project failed was that there were a number of individuals who pledged but did not cover their pledgeβ possibly because they had difficulties with their banks and their credit card companies or... In any case some of the pledges that did not come through were quite large. As you can imagine the fail was not too pleasant to discover after the initial hurrah we made it moment. (Ahh, but such is life : )
I have been in communications with Kickstarter and they will be labeling the project as unsuccessful in its fundraising goal. So, here we are. I can promise you a digital copy of the work once it is complete for any donations at $25 or over and a digital download and a DVD for donations over $120. that the film will be extensive, insightful, engaging and necessary, and that it will be completed mid to late 2012 come hell or high water. I will have to forgo some shoots, some interviews, some travels, extra animations, and cut down on other expenses β but you can count on me to follow up on my promises of a completed work.I do want to thank you for your support on this project.
Do let me know if you do decide to help out via paypal β so I can keep you listed to receive the film.
www.neuronirvana.netPeace / LightOliver"
luckily they're still going on with production and people can donate on their website :]
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"