Hello everybody who read this 
Let me start by saying that I love each and everyone of you!
Now, let me address some of your questions.
Hey Uncle Knucles 
I completely understand what angered you and I apologies for any bad feelings that my post may have produced! But as to help you to understand me either, let me tell you a funny thing that happened with Archimedes once:
Archimedes reportedly proclaimed
"Eureka!" (“I have found it!” in Ancient Greek) when he stepped into a bath and noticed that the water level rose — he suddenly understood that the volume of water displaced must be equal to the volume of the part of his body he had submerged. This meant that the volume of irregular objects could be calculated with precision,
a previously intractable problem. He is said to have been so eager to share his realization that he leapt out of his bathtub and ran through the streets of his town
naked, crying “Eureka! Eureka!!!”
Well, back to then, when I posted my commentary to Feanor’s book, I have had such a ‘Eureka-moment’. I was struck with the lightning bolt of a sudden realization, so I totally forgot to ‘dress my message up’ and by so doing have apparently delivered some discomfort to you! I am really sorry and now, with a calm mind, I would like to paraphrase my previous message:
“From the empirical findings of my
personal DMT experiences, I have come to a
subjective conclusion, that there is a definite bottom in the DMT and any other psychedelic experience. The bottom line is not a thing, visual, God, angel, demon or any other creature or experience. But a cold-shivering realization, that we, human beings, have some sort of a connection device built-in in our brain, capable or receiving and transmitting information other then by the means of the known 5 senses. And there is something on the other side of the line, calling and calling and calling and calling and calling us, wanting us to ‘answer the phone’ and to start communicating!”
subjective proof of this is that I can induce the same mental trance-state, open for receiving/transmitting information, by the means of at least 2 different psychedelics: DMT and marijuana. Therefore, a logical conclusion would be that all of the tested psychedelics open up the same area in our brain/sub-consciousness and thus must be serving the same purpose in general. But neither of the 2 mentioned psychedelics was capable of doing it before ‘The End of the Line’ breakthrough on DMT. Thus, I consider a DMT ‘the End of the Line’ type of breakthrough to be the absolute reaching point, which sets in motion a lot of processes, ultimately leading to the opening of ‘The Channel’ (took around 4 months in my case to develop, starting time counting from my ‘The End of the Line’ breakthrough of 5-6 June 2010). More tests with more different psychedelics will follow.
All of the said above is simply
my humble personal subjective opinion regarding this matter and may not apply to anybody else
Hello DMTripper!
Well, let me first explain a little bit more about how such communication/channeling is taking place. I, for example, ask a question. Then I get some picture or flash in my mind, accompanied by a feeling that I know what they mean! And then I kind of start to daydream about it! Like I say the first things that come into my mind, intuitively, but it sounds as if they are talking to me, with their voice(s) and somehow guide my own inner-voice! Really strange feeling, like you are talking to yourself, but at the same time you are not! Also, I have a conviction that whatever I was ‘saying to myself’ was mere a rough estimate interpretation of what they actually tried to say to me, heavily limited by my (in-)ability to perceive, understand and interpret the information given to me in such a strange and uncommon way! Not so strange for a first-time channeler (discounting the time when I was speaking to them on my ‘The End of the Line’ breakthrough, but back to then, I was totally freaking out and wishing that crap to stop, without (a full) understanding of what was going on)

That’s why I asked for a testable proof, because even after 1.5 hour of interaction, I still had a nasty feeling that I may just as well be fooling myself. That I became paranoid and was now stressing myself into insanity. When I was fully going with the daydream flow, I had an absolute certainty that I was talking to them. But as soon as I was out of the flow, I started to question what I just experienced as I simply couldn’t wrap my mind around it. And then I was in the flow/daydream/trance again and then out, in, out, in. I can’t describe it more clearly now as I still don’t fully know how I did it. Maybe, after a couple or so transmissions, I will be able to grasp that concept more correctly.
I didn’t see the entities in their full glory, only their shadows or silhouettes. The dancing/waving entities looked like silhouettes/shadows of leprechauns or Irish dancers with a hat against a golden/yellow background! The woman’s silhouette was that of a caped woman, totally black against a golden/yellow background. The entities in the hyperspace looked like a crowd of totally black people against a green-black background. The Red Vortex emitting from my forehead looked like a red tunnel and was probably the clearest thing I perceived that night. Also, all of the 'hallucinations' (except for the hyperspace crowd) happened with my
eyes full open and I never saw any hallucinations while on weed in 8 years of my smoking 'carrier'. So it was truly amazing just to perceive something like that, I literally could't believe my eyes! Especially the vortex/tunnel was beautiful

I must add, that I don’t do and never did any meditation exercises, so my mental focus was very low and definitely played a role in my inability to perceive them visually so well. I will make meditation/focus exercises a part of my ‘homework’ for the next transmission, that’s for sure
I thank everybody for reading my posts and commenting on my experience! May Light and Love be always on your paths 
p.s. A little update on the receiving technique. A few hours ago, I got myself wondering, why is it so, that even if I am ‘talking to myself’, I still have a full conviction that some woman voice (sometimes mixed with other voices) is speaking to me out of her own? Well, after pondering my memory for a little while and connection some thoughts, I came to the following conclusion.
When I am in that trance/daydream state, I hear a clear woman voice and see some pictures flying by, I talk to her/them like I would talk to a normal woman/people. No mental control or conscious effort was seemingly needed from my side. But, when I, for some reason, started to lose focus and began coming out of that state, I saw the mechanics behind it. It’s me, or at least some part of me, who is composing it!!! And it was terrifying, like I suddenly woke up a little bit and started wondering: am I getting crazy, paranoid, lunatic, insane? The voice immediately became much less clear and then I had to work me back in that state again by asking the ‘how old are you?’ question. Or by asking: “I am asking questions?” and they always responded like:
“And we are giving answers!” After asking those questions a few times in a raw, I ‘got the feeling/tuned in/re-focused’ and our session continued.
I asked a few times: “Why can’t you be asking questions and I will be giving answers?” And they responded with something like:
“You are not ready yet/you can’t handle it yet.” But they nevertheless asked a few questions during our conversation and said things to me without asking from my side.
Funny, I also asked: “You are pretty cool guys, why did you need to start our conversation by scaring the living crap out of me back there?”
“It was the only way to get your attention.” I was like: “Really?!?” And they somehow made it very believable for me, like they showed a snap-shot of my state of being back to there. And I immediately got their point somehow

I took the red pill.