what a breakthru! Options
#21 Posted : 3/29/2010 6:43:01 PM

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Xenogears wrote:
UniverseCannon wrote:
DeMenTed wrote:

the visuals after this are unexplainable. every mad image you can imagine was presented to me, cartoons aliens weird stuff while alien ladies are rushing thru my body and coming out my mouth. They were spewing and pouring liquid all over me (i didnt feel wet or anythin) i started to really understand everything, i knew that they knew that i knew what its all about.

I closed my eyes even tighter and got shot thru into another level of deep understanding and true love. The visuals now were so intensely bizarre that i couldnt believe it! lol. Heaven is in hyperspace Very happy

The entities said i will meet the boss one day, im not sure if that means when i die or if i take 100mg or something lol.

Anyway best thing ever the end. Baz.

So thats the ultimate understanding that they knew you knew that they knew...trippy cartoon alien images?

good luck meeting "the boss"...lay off the video games maybe.?

I hate posts like this.

What do you expect him to be saying that he saw God and angels because he smoked DMT and all of a sudden the next day he is going to be spitting enlightenment like he is the Buddha himself?

Maybe for some people all DMT does is give them a deeper appreciation for life, more motivation, and shows them how beautiful life can actually be? Why do people think because other people don't have their experiences that they are a lesser being?

Maybe he should apologize because his experience wasn't as religious as yours are...

That is quite egocentric for someone acting like they "know it all"...

The feeling of understanding he was talking about was just that, a feeling, I am sure he doesn't actually believe he knows everything about hyperspace now.

And also, what in THE FUCK, is wrong with video games?

I wasn't trying to say I know it all or that he didn't have moments of understanding, or that my experiences are more meaningful spiritually or anything like that. That was not my intention at all with that post. I should have rephrased it better, because i came off as an arrogant asshole..for that i apologize. My point was, as others have already pointed out, is that it seems like the trip was mainly a reflection of his psyche. The contents of the mind take on unbelievable new characteristics on dmt. Demented had been raving about meeting the boss of hyperspace in the chat and suggested we all watch tv on dmt..this is the main reason for my reaction, i just couldn't see why one would approach hyperspace with the idea that it's like a videogame.

peace and <3

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"

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#22 Posted : 3/29/2010 6:57:27 PM


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Xenogears wrote:
You are giving me motivation to attempt a real breakthrough dose for the first time in a little bit tonight!

I hope it goes as well as yours have been!

You broke through twice in two days, and took less on the second day, you didn't notice any tolerance correct?

No tolerance at all, reduced tolerance maybe Very happy Dmt is truly the spirit molecule. Yes i took 60mg the first breakthru and 45 the third, the third was more profound i think. Ive actually had 3 breakthrus in two days. The second one i haven talked about, all i can remember of it is alien basslines and rythyms and my body pulsing and vibrating, i dont remember the visuals Smile i think this trip was around 58mg.

I'm sure when ur breakthrough comes it will be as good as mine, happy travels in hyperspace Very happy
#23 Posted : 3/29/2010 7:03:02 PM


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Pandora wrote:
Hi DeMenTed,

Sounds like a great experience. It also sounds like perhaps on these journeys you might be the boss of hyperspace. I do not know of course, but it did cross my mind.

Respectfully, may I ask if you are still pre-dosing with anything other than mj for your spice journeys or are you to the point of just launching after a joint?

Peace & Love,

It was wonderful Pandora Smile
I dont think i was the boss (if there is one) but who knows lol.

Just mj before blastoff now, no other things at all, i could appreciate this experience much more without the medicine i took the other night there.

Thanks Pandora for all ur invaluable advice, much loveness Smile x
#24 Posted : 3/29/2010 7:05:23 PM


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۩ wrote:
And also, what in THE FUCK, is wrong with video games?

Well, this guy couldn't stop ranting about "finding the boss of hyperspace" and that he IS the boss of hyperspace, etc.
Obviously, his sub breakthrough hyperspace journeys are a direct reflection of his psyche;
Bosses, naked chicks, and all.


Do you think this was a sub breakthru experience? I dont think it was, i was in hyperspace and then i got shot into a deeper hyperspace, i know theres further levels tho. Maybe the boss lives in a higher level Razz

peace bro.
#25 Posted : 3/29/2010 7:14:01 PM


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Demented had been raving about meeting the boss of hyperspace in the chat and suggested we all watch tv on dmt..this is the main reason for my reaction, i just couldn't see why one would approach hyperspace with the idea that it's like a videogame."

Didnt you rave about your early experiences? Im sure you did dude.
I was referring to watching tv like on low trippy doses, if you cant get that mindset mate then each to their own. I dont treat hyperspace as a videogame, i treat it for what it is with no preconeptions or anything. The video game terminology is only a means to explain to the less experienced psychonauts that anything is possible, much like video games you get me now?
#26 Posted : 3/29/2010 8:13:40 PM

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Thank you for apologizing, UniverseCannon!

Hyperspace has always met me where the work needed doing. I do not think we gain anything as individuals or a community by criticizing the form journeys of others take. The symbiotic process between individual aspirant and the Spice doesn't need any judgement from us. Support and advice can help the most, I believe.

DeMenTed, thank you for sharing your journeys with us. Many of us have seen people treat our medicines with extreme disrespect, and much frustration with that attitude can come flowing out. Please do not lose your enthusiasm! EDIT: I apologize for attempting to interpret House's statements to others.

Be excellent to each other Very happy
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#27 Posted : 3/29/2010 8:19:10 PM


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۩ wrote:
And also, what in THE FUCK, is wrong with video games?

Well, this guy couldn't stop ranting about "finding the boss of hyperspace" and that he IS the boss of hyperspace, etc.
Obviously, his sub breakthrough hyperspace journeys are a direct reflection of his psyche;
Bosses, naked chicks, and all.


im kinda coming round to your way of thinking. I just remembered that last night pre blast off, my girlfriend was pouring water over me in the bath and in hyperspace the female digital entity ladies were pouring luminous colourful liquid all over me too.

There must be a connection somehow, Maybe its me guiding the trip somehow?
#28 Posted : 3/29/2010 8:20:58 PM


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Definitely, D.

There is a way to get past your own projections.
If you keep it up, you will soon see what I mean :]
#29 Posted : 3/29/2010 8:33:20 PM


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۩ wrote:
Definitely, D.

There is a way to get past your own projections.
If you keep it up, you will soon see what I mean :]

I wa asking to get taken to the ultimate whatever that is (the boss) you know what i mean.
I will take an 80 dose thru the week and let you know if my ego dissolves etc etc...

Peace dude Smile
#30 Posted : 3/29/2010 8:36:37 PM


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The first hyperspace i entered im now thinking was directly influenced by my psyche and love of beautiful women but the second hyperspace i entered i honestly had no control over whatso ever. It was just crazy, further journeys will teach me much more im sure Very happy
#31 Posted : 3/29/2010 9:46:12 PM

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UniverseCannon wrote:
Xenogears wrote:
UniverseCannon wrote:
DeMenTed wrote:

the visuals after this are unexplainable. every mad image you can imagine was presented to me, cartoons aliens weird stuff while alien ladies are rushing thru my body and coming out my mouth. They were spewing and pouring liquid all over me (i didnt feel wet or anythin) i started to really understand everything, i knew that they knew that i knew what its all about.

I closed my eyes even tighter and got shot thru into another level of deep understanding and true love. The visuals now were so intensely bizarre that i couldnt believe it! lol. Heaven is in hyperspace Very happy

The entities said i will meet the boss one day, im not sure if that means when i die or if i take 100mg or something lol.

Anyway best thing ever the end. Baz.

So thats the ultimate understanding that they knew you knew that they knew...trippy cartoon alien images?

good luck meeting "the boss"...lay off the video games maybe.?

I hate posts like this.

What do you expect him to be saying that he saw God and angels because he smoked DMT and all of a sudden the next day he is going to be spitting enlightenment like he is the Buddha himself?

Maybe for some people all DMT does is give them a deeper appreciation for life, more motivation, and shows them how beautiful life can actually be? Why do people think because other people don't have their experiences that they are a lesser being?

Maybe he should apologize because his experience wasn't as religious as yours are...

That is quite egocentric for someone acting like they "know it all"...

The feeling of understanding he was talking about was just that, a feeling, I am sure he doesn't actually believe he knows everything about hyperspace now.

And also, what in THE FUCK, is wrong with video games?

I wasn't trying to say I know it all or that he didn't have moments of understanding, or that my experiences are more meaningful spiritually or anything like that. That was not my intention at all with that post. I should have rephrased it better, because i came off as an arrogant asshole..for that i apologize. My point was, as others have already pointed out, is that it seems like the trip was mainly a reflection of his psyche. The contents of the mind take on unbelievable new characteristics on dmt. Demented had been raving about meeting the boss of hyperspace in the chat and suggested we all watch tv on dmt..this is the main reason for my reaction, i just couldn't see why one would approach hyperspace with the idea that it's like a videogame.

peace and <3

Cool post man I see where your coming from, sorry if I came off as an asshole myself Pleased

I agree
#32 Posted : 3/29/2010 10:45:30 PM

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Amongst the first couple of journeys, I had a real snes of strong female presences, and, as you found, they tapped into a deep level of sexuality. During one journey, I found myself in what I called sexy chocolate jim jam ... it was dark, brown, pulsating, and deeply, deeply sexual - but there were no entities. I remember thinking, wow, this is precisely the feeling of total sexual pleasure I like most; exactly perfect.

We know, they said. That's why we're here.

I came away feeling like my neurology was being mapped; that an interface was being designed and built. And that the state of my psyche would determine the nature of the journey. Asd I am fond of saying, "you dance with the one what brung you".

The way I see it is this: if hyperspace is the universe, your psyche is the spaceship.

The "cosmogasm" I experienced that ghostman described earlier on this thread was far beyond beyond the sexy chocolateness - it was just total pleasure. Absolute, unconnected to any particular stimulus, total 100% maximum possible pleasure.

I was literally shouting at the top of my voice: whhhOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaa!!!!!! WWWWWWWWHhhhhhhHHHHHOOOOOAAAAAAAAA!!! for about ten minutes.

When I came out of that, I said to ghostman: "I haven't felt loved like that,so completely, since I was a baby."

It was an amazing experience that gave me a glimpse of the extraordinary power of this molecule; but I have never taken spice for the purpose of seeking pleasure, kicks, or entertainment. My relationship with spice has since grown, and I am humbled and awestruck by the profound depths of the shared consciousness that permeates this unfathomable infinity.

Sounds like you're having a wonderful welcome to hyperspace; and I truly hope you find in it's loving, fractal embrace whatever it is you are looking for.

Safe travels, friend
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#33 Posted : 3/29/2010 10:47:21 PM


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DeMenTed wrote:
۩ wrote:
And also, what in THE FUCK, is wrong with video games?

Well, this guy couldn't stop ranting about "finding the boss of hyperspace" and that he IS the boss of hyperspace, etc.
Obviously, his sub breakthrough hyperspace journeys are a direct reflection of his psyche;
Bosses, naked chicks, and all.


im kinda coming round to your way of thinking. I just remembered that last night pre blast off, my girlfriend was pouring water over me in the bath and in hyperspace the female digital entity ladies were pouring luminous colourful liquid all over me too.

There must be a connection somehow, Maybe its me guiding the trip somehow?

Another theory is that the intelligent digital ladies in hyperspace knew i enjoyed getting liquid poured over me and thats why they were doing it? Iwasnt asking for them to do it to me.
A deep understanding between me and the ladies Razz lol.

Respect and peace to you all!:evil: <the boss hah
#34 Posted : 3/30/2010 3:45:56 AM


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Safe travels, friend[/quote]

thank you Smile
#35 Posted : 4/5/2010 5:14:48 AM

Juju Stone

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yes, many people I know have had the liquid poured over them experiance...including me. what could it mean?
Nothing I write here should be taken with any measure of seriousness, because I have both a serious and non serious personality, which is why I derive so much satisfaction from writing non serious things and non-facts, under the pretense of serious and factual non-facts.
#36 Posted : 4/5/2010 1:54:12 PM

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Remapped wrote:
yes, many people I know have had the liquid poured over them experiance...including me. what could it mean?

It kinda feels like radiation. You soul has tuned to another "radio signal" and your crumbled up and balled up AND trow'n away into a little corner in this lit but dark room that looks like a maze of some sort or the inside of a pyramid with these glowing projections bursting out in front of you face..felin like your baking like an egg in a hot summer concrete in the Arizona desert.Very happy
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