I lost a friend as a result of an unsafe DMT combo yesterday. Options
#1 Posted : 3/19/2023 6:18:01 AM

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I hate making a post like this, strictly because the negative light it can shine on something so beautiful, the loss of someone so profoundly good, and the potential it has to link this account to my identity.

A close friend of mine of 20+ years passed away last night as a result of blasting off while heavily intoxicated on other substances. Without an autopsy report available, we know he was excessively drunk and had taken his usual amount of Suboxone for addiction issues. (1mg twice a day if I remember correctly)

He used an electronic nail to hit some DMT when laying down for bed and aspirated while in hyperspace. Was found hours later, the coroner said he didn't struggle at all. He obviously was either unconscious or seriously at peace to override the choking reflex.

I need to post this though in order to reinforce that the powers we're messing with aren't completely benign. I myself have vomited from DMT a few times in the past, granted I do use it much more than the average DMT-interested individual. I've always made it a point to lay my head to the side and be slightly elevated, but I will forever be more careful about it now.

Please, take all precautions you can. If you have a sitter available, make use of them. Make sure you plan your setting correctly and take all preemptive measures you can.

I love you all, please learn from my friend's mistake. He wouldn't want the aether feared because of this, just enlightenment taken from his own mistake.

Stay safe friends <3

Edit: I don't believe it was DMT that *caused* this. It was definitely the alcohol. However, it's one thing to have the wherewithal to realize you're puking when you're in that half unconscious drunken state (something he dealt with frequently) than to be in that state and rip some spice on top of it. I've aspirated (then died and ended up in a coma for 5 days) before when I was young in an OD. It happens far easier than one would think.
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#2 Posted : 3/19/2023 8:17:41 AM

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I'm so very sorry for your sudden loss. This must have come as quite a shock and still be difficult to process and deal with.

Of course one cannot be too careful or safe.

But having said that I really see this as a strong reminder that sometimes combinations can have unexpected and synergistic effects. Also I can't help but wonder what the tox screen will show in terms of blood alcohol level.

I used to consume DMT with a disturbing degree of regularity at high dose over a period of years. Various outside stimuli and endogenous problems would occasionally require me to break out of trance and at least achieve a modicum of functioning in consensual reality. These times were difficult and sometimes did involve a purge but they were manageable. And I'm pretty sure this is because in particular in those early heavy use days I wasn't doing a lot of combinations and when I did combinations they were psychedelics.

I know of at least one other post from sometime between 2010 and 2015 that details somebody who fell into a river and drowned after smoking DMT at an aya retreat.

It bears saying that one must be careful and respectful when working with such powerful medicine. Remember the DMT plants are called the light and the MAOI plants are called the force. This is not a game.

I too keep my head elevated a bit using some pillows stacked against a wall. Live to smoalk another day.

Even without using combination at higher dose I need to take 3 solid hits and it's nice to have a sitter there to take that really hot pipe (which might have a slim chance of still having some molten DMT in it) from my hand when I have checked out of the room and I'm no longer able to handle that myself.

There is a post about somebody who gave DMT to an elder in their 70s who then had a cerebral vascular accident so I think for us older users it's good to have a sitter nearby who is calm, mature and has a solid 1st aid and CPR skill set.

Again one can never be too cautious around safety.

It bears repeating if you don't extract your own, then use Fentanyl strips.

Finally I want to remind at least Americans that in most parts of the country there are laws and regulations in place to protect people who are in dicey drug situations. You might get in trouble for possessing drugs but you won't get in trouble for being an end user, you won't get in legal trouble for ODing and you won't get in trouble for calling for help for an OD with self or other.

Thank you for sharing and please take care.

"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#3 Posted : 3/19/2023 9:26:00 AM

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Pandora wrote:

It bears repeating if you don't extract your own, then use Fentanyl strips.

Finally I want to remind at least Americans that in most parts of the country there are laws and regulations in place to protect people who are in dicey drug situations. You might get in trouble for possessing drugs but you won't get in trouble for being an end user, you won't get in legal trouble for ODing and you won't get in trouble for calling for help for an OD with self or other.

Thank you for sharing and please take care.


The reminder of Fentanyl testing and the suggestion for reporting due to US drug laws are a good reminder here, thanks Pandora. Unfortunately, this was an average day for him, and when he said he was going to bed, no extra thought was put into it by his roommates.

Unless he'd seriously relapsed, it should just be DMT, alcohol, and buprenorphine (and THC i suppose) in his blood. Like you, I'm interested in what his BAC was. This was a person who didn't drink every day, but could easily put a 5th down to themselves twice a week. Even then, they were an outstandingly loving person, and someone the world will greatly miss </3
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#4 Posted : 3/20/2023 11:08:30 PM

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Man that is tragic. So sorry for the loss.

Let us know if you end up finding out about the toxicology report. I know at least one case of someone having serotonin syndrome from one use of suboxone. But if he asphyxiated on vomit, then the combination of all 3 could have led to him to throwing up while unconscious.

I have smoked DMT while drunk a number of times, but never a heroic dose. I really enjoy laying flat on my back, but maybe from now on I will make sure I am elevated somewhat.
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"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness." - Terence McKenna
🙌 "Dang, that's really impressive for a first extraction. Those xtals are nicely resolved." - Benzyme 🙌

#5 Posted : 3/22/2023 8:41:48 AM

In Silence I Been

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So sorry to hear this my friend, sorry for your immense loss. Thank you for sharing this to the community even though you had very valid concerns not too. It is important knowledge. Well prepared and covering all our bases and taking all precautions is extremely important when dealing with these powerful entheogens.

I wish him peace as he journeys to the next realm. Peace be with you and yours and his family and friends during this time. Honour his spirit. Honour the light he brought into this world. Aum shanti shanti shanti aum 🪷
mama matrix most mysterious

In the gforce of the carrier wave when my ego starts melting away I truly realize that I am who I am and yet everything that I say and say I did is an illusion. Any similarities in any name, form or experiences to a human being (past, present or future) is purely coincidental and no harm was intended first do harmalas
#6 Posted : 3/22/2023 11:12:21 AM

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Sorry for your loss, condolences to his family and friends.
The best time to sow a seed was 5 years ago.... the next best time is right now.
#7 Posted : 3/22/2023 5:41:23 PM

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My sincerest condolences. My sympathy and heart goes out to you.

This may seem like a weird idea, but perhaps we could all coordinate a time to simultaneously blast off in honor of your friend and their memory.

Sending much love as you mourn and heal through this hardship.

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
#8 Posted : 3/22/2023 7:33:47 PM

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Voidmatrix wrote:
My sincerest condolences. My sympathy and heart goes out to you.

This may seem like a weird idea, but perhaps we could all coordinate a time to simultaneously blast off in honor of your friend and their memory.

Sending much love as you mourn and heal through this hardship.

One love

I would really, seriously appreciate that. As would have he. His name was Lucas, his 30th birthday would have been on April 8th, that seems like it would be proper if we could seriously set something like that up. That's about as far as I'll go with identifying information, but i feel like that could be relevant for people to set intention for it.

He was hands down my best friend, and this has been really tough for me. We've been inseparable since I moved to town when we were 10. Way more like my brother than my own older brother. He was my daughter's Godparent and "uncle". I don't know if its been harder losing my best friend or holding my daughter's hand through her first big death and one of her 3 favorite people. (She's 6)

I really appreciate the sentiment, Void.
Without growth, what's the point?

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#9 Posted : 3/22/2023 7:40:17 PM

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PsyloCiBeen wrote:

I wish him peace as he journeys to the next realm. Peace be with you and yours and his family and friends during this time. Honour his spirit. Honour the light he brought into this world. Aum shanti shanti shanti aum 🪷

That was beautiful man, thank you <3
Without growth, what's the point?

Avid gardener and Ethnobotany enthusiast
#10 Posted : 3/22/2023 8:37:37 PM

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Th3k1d93 wrote:
Voidmatrix wrote:
My sincerest condolences. My sympathy and heart goes out to you.

This may seem like a weird idea, but perhaps we could all coordinate a time to simultaneously blast off in honor of your friend and their memory.

Sending much love as you mourn and heal through this hardship.

One love

I would really, seriously appreciate that. As would have he. His name was Lucas, his 30th birthday would have been on April 8th, that seems like it would be proper if we could seriously set something like that up. That's about as far as I'll go with identifying information, but i feel like that could be relevant for people to set intention for it.

He was hands down my best friend, and this has been really tough for me. We've been inseparable since I moved to town when we were 10. Way more like my brother than my own older brother. He was my daughter's Godparent and "uncle". I don't know if its been harder losing my best friend or holding my daughter's hand through her first big death and one of her 3 favorite people. (She's 6)

I really appreciate the sentiment, Void.

Well, we definitely have a day (Saturday April 8th). How does 5pm MST sound?

And anyone else interested please chime in.

I will set a reminder and bump the thread.

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
#11 Posted : 3/23/2023 12:58:48 AM

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I will gladly join in honor of your friend.
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"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness." - Terence McKenna
🙌 "Dang, that's really impressive for a first extraction. Those xtals are nicely resolved." - Benzyme 🙌

#12 Posted : 3/23/2023 2:08:05 AM

In Silence I Been

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I'm in. I will be there (here) 🙏
mama matrix most mysterious

In the gforce of the carrier wave when my ego starts melting away I truly realize that I am who I am and yet everything that I say and say I did is an illusion. Any similarities in any name, form or experiences to a human being (past, present or future) is purely coincidental and no harm was intended first do harmalas
#13 Posted : 3/26/2023 7:10:47 AM

In Silence I Been

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Smoalking together in tribute to your friend Th3k1d93 would be an honour. I have been saving my last bit of changa for a while now to smoalk for a special occasion, to do so as part of the honour guard for Lucas is indeed that sacred and special. Void I also like your date and time setting, it aligns well for me personally and I have come to realise that alignments like these are no mere coincidences. Below is my favourite quote on the magick of coincidences. If anyone feels or notices any alignments in their lives I encourage you to join us in tribute.

If you live right, the coincidences will build up for you in unexpected and surprising and beneficial ways.
John Lilly -- Simulations of God

Edited: corrected spelling and shortened quote
mama matrix most mysterious

In the gforce of the carrier wave when my ego starts melting away I truly realize that I am who I am and yet everything that I say and say I did is an illusion. Any similarities in any name, form or experiences to a human being (past, present or future) is purely coincidental and no harm was intended first do harmalas
#14 Posted : 3/26/2023 2:06:45 PM

Got Naloxone?

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There is a possibility I could join in with a very strong set intention but I'm not sure it would be a breakthrough dose and to be honest I'm not sure I would be home from work by then but this seems like a very touching idea.

I like the idea of a SHE to honor a close psychonaut who has passed because although I have no real answers I have my suspicions about hyperspace being a view into what's next.

I'm not very plugged in socially in the real world but I have been thinking about your loss a lot and the few people I know who either consume DMT or understand that I infequently attend DMT church again have been informed about what happened and advised to tell anyone who does this to not lay flat on their back but to prop themselves up at least a little bit.

The crevasses left from staggering losses can never be filled in. Yet, perhaps others can benefit from this knowledge. Perhaps if we spread the word we can prevent this from happening to anyone else.
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#15 Posted : 4/6/2023 2:31:38 PM

Got Naloxone?

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Are we still down for memorial SHE Saturday April 8th at 5 PM MST?

Please let me know if this is going to happen and maybe we can make a separate post in the SHE section.

Also can we get your friend's name or username Th3k1d93? It might be nice to try to meditate on helping him on his path as we go in.
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#16 Posted : 4/6/2023 2:36:36 PM

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Pandora wrote:
Are we still down for memorial SHE Saturday April 8th at 5 PM MST?

Please let me know if this is going to happen and maybe we can make a separate post in the SHE section.

Also can we get your friend's name or username Th3k1d93? It might be nice to try to meditate on helping him on his path as we go in.

We're still on. Thank you for asking. I was going to post a reminder today. And yep same time. You or I can make a post in the SHE section.

Also, his name is Lucas and it would be his 30th birthday on the day of this remembrance.


One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
#17 Posted : 4/6/2023 6:01:57 PM

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Could always go into a sub chat room, either way I'll be starting at the allotted time.
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"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness." - Terence McKenna
🙌 "Dang, that's really impressive for a first extraction. Those xtals are nicely resolved." - Benzyme 🙌

#18 Posted : 4/7/2023 1:59:01 PM

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I'm very sorry for your loss. I'm interested in honoring the passing of Lucas tomorrow. My heart goes out to his friends and family. โค
#19 Posted : 10/19/2023 1:11:11 AM

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Love and vibes being sent your way. Sorry for your loss <3 :'( Life is too short.
One can drive himself to madness in the obsessing goal of reason, without the knowledge of love and laughter.
#20 Posted : 10/19/2023 2:40:42 AM

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My deepest condolences. Stay safe everyone.
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