Loveall wrote:Congrats BlackRose ✨️
Your work and reports are a great contribution. I think it confirms that when pulling in a warm environment EA may pick up too much water and subsequently goo forms. Also, temperature fluctuations where xtalization is colder than pulling could cause water to drop out of EA and form goo.
This temperature sensitivity could be one of the reasons why some people would get goo. The rest of us working on a colder/more controlled temperarure could not reproduce it.
Other issues could arise of course (e.g. squeezing to hard and pushing water out with the french press, innactive starting material, starting paste too whet, etc).
Bottom line: the fridge rest step should make the TEK more robust. It is now part of the standard TEK. Thanks again for your contributions and enjoy the fruits of your labor 🙂
Thank you very much. I am happy to have helped.
I think your theory makes very much sense. My second jar that I salted at room temperature now started crystallising too. I will also salt the last jar now and not dry with K2CO3.
I will most certainly enjoy my crystals soon.
Thank you for the amazing TEK and the great help.