wow oh wow bufotenine success!! Options
#201 Posted : 11/18/2009 7:08:44 PM

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that sounds amazingly familiar fractal..ive done so many FAILED bufo extractions..just trying and trying to find it...and finally..a SIMPLE and straight forward tek..thank you so much for posting it..and i hope you dont mind that i wrote it up..i just thought that it should be put on the wiki...because the d-limo purification tek doesnt quite do it..and i dont want people wasting their time on a weak bufo extraction tek...

and fractal..if you mix a little bit of dmt in 10-20mg it REALLY opens up the bufotenine visuals very nicely...and makes it a bit more psychedelic...while still allowing you to keep your head on straight...a trait of bufotenine...

once again..i love hearing stories about this magnificent molecule...i think we have the most information about it here at the nexus..and i cant wait to really fill in the holes....but i think this extraction tek is going to enable a lot more people to experiment with it..and hopefully we can continue to open up this new tryptamine space
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#202 Posted : 11/18/2009 7:19:10 PM

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I am glad that you wrote it up so that other people can try it jorkest..bufotenine really is a cool tryptamine to work with..and the more experience I seem to have with it the deeper the visionary aspects of it seem to become..

I know what you mean about the DMT..I smoked a bit once with some bufotenine and caapi and it was extremely powerful..

I think I am going to do some experiments soon smoking a hit of full alkaloid mimosa stuff right at the peak of the bufo visuals.. along with some real high dose experiences with the bufo-only caapi mix..and then drink some aya and smoke the vilca changa at the same time as well...

small doses of mushrooms and the vilca changa durring the peak seem interesting..

And then there is salvia as well along with it...I have thought about that a few timesShocked..maybe quid a leaf or 2 right before taking the vilca could be interesting..

I think it's cool how people here at the nexus are into trying new things and exploring new and forgotten's real fun and interesting..and yes I agree this site is probabily one of the best resources on bufotenine..

I have 69ron to thank for getting me into bufotenine..all of his posts were a real inspiration to me when I first came here and read about all of his SWIMS adventures..especially with bufotenine..I was facinated with it..when i first tried these seeds maybe 5 years ago I wrote them off as poison, and thought I would never ever try them again..I tried a few times after and jsut kept feeling poisoned..after reading some of rons reports here I decided to order some seeds and learn about preparing them properly and try extractions..glad I did!
Long live the unwoke.
#203 Posted : 11/18/2009 7:28:06 PM

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nice dude! i love your thinking on this...while bufotenine is really cool by itself...i see it as a great booster for a lot of things...

its great because it doesnt overwhelm the mind at all...and the problem with most of these other drugs..such as lsd, aya, mushrooms, and dmt...they DO overwhelm sometimes when you get into the higher doses...which is what you need to reach the visionary state...but bufotenine can put you right in it...without you loosing any mental facilities...its absolutely fantastic!

and i have to thank 69ron too for showing us that it IS a GREAT showed me that it WAS possible...i just think this molecule..unlike some others...really makes the experimenter try and try and try..until they figure it out

i have vomited so many times from impure bufo extractions...passed out so hard no body could wake me...but this multi toast purification is obviously KEY...and go figure...its whats been used for THOUSANDS of years to purify these seeds..

it's a sound
#204 Posted : 11/18/2009 7:35:29 PM

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So when you smoke the changa with DMT you find that the DMT peaks a bit before the real bufotenine peak..or do you think that the maoi's and bufo potentiate the DMT so that it lasts right through the bufotenine peak?

I was thinking I would smoke DMT while peaking on the bufotene so that I could get the timing perfect..becasue bufo can take a bit to peak and last a real long time when harmalas are involved..but I guess the DMT would be prolonged as well..and I could always redose on some more of the bufo-DMT changa..

I reeally really like how bufotenine last so long..for a long time my favorite thing to do was take some mushroom tea at night and lay there in bed for hours having visions with beautiful music playing..hard to do with smoked DMT..but with the bufotneine I can do it like that..and if it will potentiate the DMT and spread it out that would be so perfect..
Long live the unwoke.
#205 Posted : 11/18/2009 7:38:34 PM

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It really is alot more like ayahuasca and mushrooms and other oral tryptamines than just DMT changa...I wonder what some curranderos in south america would think of it if you gave it to them..would bo cool if we could have some type of gathering with indigenous shamans and share our magic with them! ideas and techniques..
Long live the unwoke.
#206 Posted : 11/18/2009 8:01:46 PM

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"I wonder what some curranderos in south america would think of it if you gave it to them..would bo cool if we could have some type of gathering with indigenous shamans and share our magic with them! ideas and techniques.."

i think they would be pretty impressed...

but anyway...the dmt is in such low doses when you smoke the bufojam changa..that it doesnt really peak like it usually seems to just potentiate the bufotenine...but you can feel the dmt in there..and it seems to stick around for as long as the bufotenine does...and the GREAT part is like you can just keep smoking little bits of the bufojam if you start to feel a valley start..and it puts you right back at the peak in a few was so nice just laying in bed smoking this whenever i felt like it..and just staying in that space...redosing didnt seem to INCREASE the effects too much...but just kept the peak going

i want to smoke it again and figure out more of these tiny variables...its so exciting though..because i would almost rather smoke this combo than dmt alone or bufotenine alone...
it's a sound
#207 Posted : 11/20/2009 8:46:28 PM

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I took a low dose of my vilca changa early this morning..just for the empathic euphoria and mild visuals..while listening to some music..and I smoked it slowly, real small hits and drank ginger and peppermint tea right before it..

It was really nice, and the nausea and constriction was almost non existant..the ginger seems to work nicely as a mild vasodialator..blocking some of the constriction..I was feeling nice and relaxed and real euphoric for about an hour.

Planning on another high visionary dose tonight.
Long live the unwoke.
#208 Posted : 11/21/2009 5:33:58 AM

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So I took a nice fair dose of the vilca changa after taking some ginger..

I had candles set up in the dark and some juice beside me..citar music playing..blew out the clandles and lay back when I felt I couldnt smoke anymore..

once it really hit visually it was like I saw this grid with these shadow figures in my visual field waving their arms and doing things, but I dont know what and I couldnt make them out..they were sort of inmy peripheral vision..t

Then there was a gridded dome extending down toward was made of intricate elctric blue grids, sort of like visual data..I got sort of sucked into the space that it was in..sort of semi hyperspace..this thing was moving..rotating, and in the centre of it it was spiraling and opening up..unwinding..unwinding into some other geometric form. It was beautiful and I was floating through it, the data moving through me..

At some point I passed out..this happenes at times to me with bufo and psilocybin, I get so relaxed into it lying in my bed..but I dont really pass out..I just sort of fall into a mental trance of thought..hard to explain..I know that i was thinking about the nexus..all I can remember is that I was sort of talking to people on the dreaming but not dreaming..

I snapped out of it and realized I was having very clear and vivid detailed CEV..a grid again, this time in yellowish red, more vibrant, and it was made of all these circles with distinct chavin faces in them(I really understand chavin artwork now, i bet they saw these guys too!)..there were many of them and they seemed to be more sysmbols than living beings..I got the impression the whole thing was more a gateway to the real hyperspace..and if I wanted to go there I needed to take a larger dose..I didnt.

Next I was in some sort of room, or looked sort of like a kitchen..but it was made of the most beautiful trepoid spirals and lotus flower type geomtry, really intricate building actaul objects..I looked at it for about a minute and then everything faded and no more visions came..

I have the feeling I need to take a higher dose because I get to these points where everything starts to build up, and I see these sort of gates(in the form of geometric colorful memranes)..and I know if I pass them there is like another universe on the other side.
Long live the unwoke.
#209 Posted : 11/21/2009 6:14:34 AM

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I also now remember a clear liquid substance that seperated me from the geometric dome in my was clear like liquid crystal or glass but I could see the liquidy consistancy of it..
Long live the unwoke.
#210 Posted : 11/23/2009 7:05:51 AM

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69ron wrote:
Crisp wrote:
Ron: So would the plan be to heat at 300f, powder, cover in ammonia, then heat at 300f again until it evaporates? approximately how long should it be heated?

30-60 minutes for the freebased material. You’ll see smoke rise from the material for a few minutes.

SWIM has found toasting the final freebased product to be more effective at removing the toxins than toasting before it’s freebased.

Note that Jorkest noted in one post that toasting the seeds seemed to reduce the potency for sublingual use. But we are not talking about sublingual use here.

I’m not so sure about using ammonia though. SWIM uses either sodium carbonate or calcium hydroxide and a little water. He’s shied away from using calcium hydroxide because it reacts with bufotenine. There are three stages of reaction between bufotenine and calcium hydroxide which are time dependant, the first is that it gets freebased, the second is that it gets converted to a different more hallucinogenic nicer compound of unknown identity, and if reacted further, it seems to inactivate it (at least for vaporization purposes). Sodium carbonate can only freebase bufotenine and doesn’t react with it. I don’t know why, but that’s the case.

The problem with using calcium hydroxide is that if left to react for too long, it alters the bufotenine making it inactive by vaporization, thereby ruining your extract. If only reacted for a few minutes, it just freebases it, and all is well. However, the intermediate reaction between freebasing and ruining your bufotenine, is an extremely nice compound, much better than bufotenine, DMT, etc. It is the best psychedelic SWIM knows of, but unfortunately to make it requires that the reaction time be just right. Too little time and the bufotenine is just freebased, too much time and your bufotenine can no longer be vaporized. I don’t know the optimal time to use. SWIM tried many tests and could not find a time frame that always worked. What he knows is that 24 hours is too long and converts the bufotenine into a non-vaporizable compound. 15 minutes is not enough and just freebases it. The time needed is somewhere between 2-6 hours, and seems to vary every time. The safest reaction time is 2 hours. That seems not to be enough time to get to the third reaction stage. And if it doesn’t work, and just freebases the bufotenine, and then you can do another 2 hours and it will usually work.

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND PLAYING AROUND WITH THIS REACTION. When the calcium hydroxide reaction hits stage 2, the results are nothing short of amazing. But when it hits stage 3 your fucked. So don’t do the reaction with all of your bufotenine. That’s why SWIM doesn’t use calcium hydroxide for extractions, and uses sodium carbonate instead. With sodium carbonate there’s no worry about ruining your entire extract, but with calcium hydroxide there is. I think probably sodium hydroxide would have similar reactions with bufotenine so it also shouldn’t be used for extraction.

The product of the stage 2 reaction with calcium hydroxide is smokeable, about 1/2 the potency of bufotenine, has the same duration of effects (2-3 hours), the same onset of effects (2-5 minutes), and same peak (10-15 minutes). It’s visuals are of a completely different character. It’s more DMT-like, but much nicer than DMT. It’s extremely euphoric, up there with mescaline in that respect, and completely without side effects. It has a much milder feel on the body compared with bufotenine. It feels like an entirely different compound. It’s actually SWIM’s favorite psychedelic (bufotenine is his next), but since it has no name and it’s structure is unknown, SWIM doesn’t refer to it normally when talking about psychedelics. It is without the “mind fuck” of DMT, but visually almost identical.

When Yopo is made properly, the effect you get is from this stage 2 compound. It’s very DMT-like, and you might easily mistake it for DMT, except that the duration is 2-3 hours even when smoked and it lacks the “mind fuck” of DMT. Also you feel “grounded” with this compound whereas with DMT you can feel disoriented. It’s like a friendlier version of DMT. I think most people would prefer it over DMT. SWIM has given some to other friends and they all liked it more than DMT. However, that’s not the case with bufotenine. Some people like it, some don’t, and some people don’t get much visual effects from it. SWIM likes them both very much, but prefers the unknown stage 2 compound. It’s more visual and far more euphoric, and feels more body friendly.

In regards to the stage two compound of bufotenine. If any one hasn't yet read the article on erowids titled 'vaporized extract' under the bufotenine vault authored by Baron, they would be advised to do so. This Baron has possibly found out what the mysterious compound of bufotenine is during stage two (Possibly 5-O-DMT). It may be what he calls 'calcium bufotenine,' but other chemists have argued it is actually 5-O-DMT (read posts below).

SWIM has not yet gotten his seeds but plans on getting them and extracting soon. He has devised a tek that would (theoretically) yield a ~90% pure 5-O-DMT, one of the most enjoyed psychedelics know by those who have done it; when compared to the many other psychedelics they have also done.

The tek goes as follows. If anyone has experience with parts of this tek and see's possible flaws, suggestions will be most grateful.

-Bake powdered seeds for ~30 mins at 350 F.

-Freebase powdered seeds with sodium carbonate and water.

-Put dried freebase powdered seeds into an herbal percolator (search this site if not sure what this is).

-Run 600ml of acetone through the percolator at least 10 times. Can and should repeat this with fresh acetone to get all the bufotenine.

-Add FASA to the 600ml of acetone, let sit, filter out the powder/crystal and weigh.

-Weigh out in equal weight calcium hydroxide (hydrated lime).

-Add powder/crystals to a small amount of IPA to make a syrup liquid, add an equal amount of fresh water to syrupy liquid.

-Mix in calcium hydroxide, mix well, no clumps.

-Let sit for ~5 hours (6 is reported to have worked and is suggested, yet as of now SWIM is going to do 5 hours).

-Evaporate the liquid by baking at 350 F, cook if desired, this will help get rid of the bad stuff.

-Add to a large amount of fresh acetone (exact amount unknown), mix well, let sit for an hour or more, till dark amber in color, pour through filter and keep acetone.

-Repeat step above. Add fresh acetone to the filtered out goo. Do this until the acetone no longer is becoming amber in color.

-Combine acetone and evaporate to get ~90% pure 5-O-DMT.

-Experiment with vaporizing and sublingual use. Have fun and be safe.

Does this look okay? Hope this tek helps some people get the desired bufo they want.

This calcium hydroxide can be mixed into hydrochloric acid and that product can be mixed with more calcium bufotenine to get a blended product that is different in effects then the two separate.

#211 Posted : 11/23/2009 7:26:20 AM

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I think calcium butotenate was proven to not only exists in solution..once out of solution it does not exist.

I dont believe it exists..the reports, including this one describe EXACTLY how it goes when I smoke freebase bufotenine.

This is what freebase bufotenine is like for me when I get a real good dose..

"After about 5 minutes the sweating stopped, and I felt much more relaxed. The visuals were still extremely intense. I could also hear faint voices and sounds from all around that weren’t actually there. I decided to close my eyes, I suddenly started seeing all sorts of fantastic complex morphing shapes pulsating and changing all at a really intense speed. They were more intense and faster moving that previous experiences with DMT. I could hear unusual hypnotic rhythmic sounds playing in my mind. My body disappeared and I was floating engulfed in the most amazing visual experience I had ever had. Colorful neon lights were zooming past me. Fantastic 3-dimensional shape shifting objects were dancing all around me. I felt like I was traveling through a sea of visual data. Everything was pulsating and moving at an incredible speed. This continued for a good ten minutes."

That is basically freebase bufo in a nutshell IMO..

I dont know what ron and jorkest created before..but I dont think it is calcium bufotenate..maybe dehydro bufotenine or some other compound..but if I remember correctly..Ron said that for his SWIM it was less potent per weight than Bufotenine..needing about twice the dose of bufotenine to get decent effects.
Long live the unwoke.
#212 Posted : 11/23/2009 7:49:58 AM

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Can someone with more chemistry knowledge give a better opinion on this calcium bufotenate thing..I remember someoone explaining to me why it has to loose the calcium when out of solution simply becoming freebase bufotenine..but I cannot remember the details..

I have seen pics of bufo nice crystals from folks over at edot that have tried the different teks and they also said they had tried this "calcium bufotenate" tek and it was not at all different from freebase bufo..
Long live the unwoke.
#213 Posted : 11/23/2009 8:00:53 AM

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Check out the second post in this thread..

..Im going to try it this week..but the effects mentioned still sound identical to what I experience with freebase bufotenine.

I will do it the way the amazonians do it..that way I can be sure I am getting whatever itis they get..

So if I take some seashells which I have tons of, powder them and then burn them in the oven and then mix them with the seed powder and add water that is essentially the same thing as the traditional prep right?..if I understnad correctly burning the powdered shells will form calcium oxide and adding water will create calcium hydroxide?

Also what temperature should I burn the shells at?
Long live the unwoke.
#214 Posted : 11/23/2009 12:32:58 PM

Cosmic Dragon

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^Why not just use calcium hydroxide?


I think calcium butotenate was proven to not only exists in solution..once out of solution it does not exist.

I dont believe it exists..the reports, including this one describe EXACTLY how it goes when I smoke freebase bufotenine.

This is what freebase bufotenine is like for me when I get a real good dose..

I read that thread and it would seem to point to the possiblity that the stage two compound is actually 5-O-DMT and not calcium bufotenate.

First lets look at the quote in hand.

The 5-HO-DMT (bufotenine) react with the calcium hydroxide, to form a compound Ca + 5 O-DMT (calcium bufotenate), but splits in the acetone solution leaving 5-O-DMT in solution'
So basically calcium bufotenate only exists in solution' or as of when Bufotenine is in physical contact with calcium hydroxide' as a compound'

Calcium Bufotenine/nate is only existent within the reaction'

The end product is 5 O-DMT'~

69ron quote from dehydrobufotenine thread.
His friend says that before being exposed to pH 12, freebase bufotenine is soluble in acetone, but after being exposed to pH 12 for 24 hours, the result is a compound that is no longer soluble in acetone, but very soluble in alcohol or water. It is also insoluble in non-polar solvents and can't be turned back into bufotenine by the addition of any acids. His friend is unable to verify that it is transformed into dehydrobufotenine, but believes this to be the case.

Maybe if the reaction between bufotenine and calcium hydroxide lasted only 6 hours or so the 5-O-DMT would be created and just stable enough to not further break down into dehydrobufotenine (which is inactive when smoked and is supposedly created when bufotenine is reacted with calcium hydroxide for 24 hours).

69ron from earlier in this thread.
What he knows is that 24 hours is too long and converts the bufotenine into a non-vaporizable compound. 15 minutes is not enough and just freebases it. The time needed is somewhere between 2-6 hours, and seems to vary every time. The safest reaction time is 2 hours. That seems not to be enough time to get to the third reaction stage. And if it doesn’t work, and just freebases the bufotenine, and then you can do another 2 hours and it will usually work.

What do you think?

#215 Posted : 11/23/2009 12:57:06 PM

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This is interesting.
I was chatting on-line with several chemists last weekend about using calcium hydroxide to create 5-O-DMT from 5-HO-DMT (bufotenine). They all agree that about this part. However, one chemist said “If you take 5-O-DMT and dissolve it in concentrated ascorbic acid it will become DMT”. So this is what he says happens essentially:

Proposal A - Free Base DMT from Bufotenine via Vitamin C (the antioxidant known as ascorbic acid)

Step A1 - free base 5-HO-DMT + calcium hydroxide = calcium 5-O-DMT
Step A2 - calcium 5-O-DMT + ascorbic acid = DMT ascorbate + calcium ascorbate
Step A3 - DMT ascorbate + calcium hydroxide = free base DMT + calcium ascorbate

They all agreed about step A1, citing the “phenol to phenoxide” reaction with strong bases. This makes sense since 5-HO-DMT is a phenolic compound. We can argue this also, if any one likes. They all agreed about step A3 also.
Now what I really want to talk about is step A2. The chemists all argued about step A2.

One of the chemists said the oxygen bond at the 5 position is too strong for the antioxidant property of ascorbic acid to remove it. He said this would happen:

Proposal B

Step B1 - free base 5-HO-DMT + calcium hydroxide = calcium 5-O-DMT
Step B2 - calcium 5-O-DMT + ascorbic acid = 5-O-DMT ascorbate + calcium ascorbate
Step B3 - 5-O-DMT ascorbate + calcium hydroxide = calcium 5-O-DMT + calcium ascorbate

The others argued about step B2, stating the reversal of the “phenol to phenoxide” reaction would take place. Basically saying that as soon as the 5-O-DMT is exposed to the acid it becomes free base again and then 5-O-DMT becomes 5-HO-DMT and forms a salt with the acid like this:

Proposal C

Step C1 - free base 5-HO-DMT + calcium hydroxide = calcium 5-O-DMT
Step C2 - calcium 5-O-DMT + ascorbic acid = 5-HO-DMT ascorbate + calcium ascorbate
Step C3 - 5-HO-DMT ascorbate + calcium hydroxide = calcium 5-O-DMT + calcium ascorbate

If either Proposal B or Proposal C happens, then this is a pretty uninteresting reaction.

But if Proposal A actually happens, then this is exciting news isn’t it?

Anadenanthera colubrina seeds contain up to 12% (actually I heard some people claim 20% with the right extraction tech) bufotenine. So if Proposal A happens, then Anadenanthera colubrina could be the best natural source for DMT using a simple reaction.

The one chemist I was chatting with on-line insisting that “Proposal A” happens claims to have done it and bioassayed it.

Is he full of crap?

Or is he the genius of the group?

Has anyone else done “Proposal A” before?

Does this actually work?

The idea of turning 5-O-DMT into freebase DMT seems unlikely, but this quote does say that every chemist agreed on part one of the reaction, turning 5-HO-DMT into 5-O-DMT using calcium hydroxide.

Plus check this out. Yopo snuffs - Calcium Bufotenate?
#216 Posted : 11/23/2009 1:35:44 PM

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fractal enchantment wrote:
Check out the second post in this thread..

..Im going to try it this week..but the effects mentioned still sound identical to what I experience with freebase bufotenine.

I will do it the way the amazonians do it..that way I can be sure I am getting whatever itis they get..

So if I take some seashells which I have tons of, powder them and then burn them in the oven and then mix them with the seed powder and add water that is essentially the same thing as the traditional prep right?..if I understnad correctly burning the powdered shells will form calcium oxide and adding water will create calcium hydroxide?

Also what temperature should I burn the shells at?

It is going to be pretty difficult if not impossible to do it in a standard kitchen oven. The conversion requires high temperatures. Ideally, roasting the crushed seashells on a campfire overnight would do it.

Need to calculate between salts and freebases? Click here!
Need to calculate freebase or salt percentage at a given pH? Click here!

#217 Posted : 11/23/2009 5:24:54 PM

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-Bake powdered seeds for ~30 mins at 350 F.

-Put powdered seeds into an herbal percolator (search this site if not sure what this is).

-Run 600ml of acetone through the percolator at least 10 times. Can and should repeat this with fresh acetone to get all the bufotenine.

-Add FASA to the 600ml of acetone, let sit, filter out the powder/crystal and weigh.

-Weigh out in equal weight calcium hydroxide (hydrated lime).

-Add powder/crystals to a small amount of IPA to make a syrup liquid, add an equal amount of fresh water to syrupy liquid.

-Mix in calcium hydroxide, mix well, no clumps.

-Let sit for ~5 hours (6 is reported to have worked and is suggested, yet as of now SWIM is going to do 5 hours).

-Evaporate the liquid by baking at 350 F, cook if desired, this will help get rid of the bad stuff.

-Add to a large amount of fresh acetone (exact amount unknown), mix well, let sit for an hour or more, till dark amber in color, pour through filter and keep acetone.

-Repeat step above. Add fresh acetone to the filtered out goo. Do this until the acetone no longer is becoming amber in color.

-Combine acetone and evaporate to get ~90% calcium bufotenine.

-Experiment with vaporizing and sublingual use. Have fun and be safe.

well there is already a small problem with your extraction method...acetone does not hold bufotenine salts....and you have no freebasing step in the bufotenine will NOT go into the must freebase it first...and then you can pull with acetone and THEN you can FASA it out..

but if you can get this to work...that would be awesome!
it's a sound
#218 Posted : 11/23/2009 5:43:02 PM

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I think you'd be better off doing this:

1. Powderise + Freebase
2. Pull with acetone from THP until it comes out clear.
3. Add FASA and leave over night
4. Collect fumerate salts + freebase. (let this dry at room temperature, just to leave it to react more than anything. Obviously alter this step for calcium bufotenate, however I still recommend using sodium carbonate all through this tek and then experimenting with the end product to produce calcium bufotenate)
5. Pull from dry material with IPA until clear
6. Evap + toast, then repeat if required.

It's basically fractal enhancement's idea with the defatting from jorkests tek, so you won't necassarily get clear crystals, but it will be a dry product free from fats and the most noticeable toxins. If you have good seeds you will get an almost clear amber extract with this tek. Which can be purified further with the correct ratio of acetone:naptha, which I havn't figured out yet. But it's between 0.5:5 and 2:5 I THINK! Not sure there yet.
#219 Posted : 11/23/2009 5:49:57 PM

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[quote=InfundibulumIt is going to be pretty difficult if not impossible to do it in a standard kitchen oven. The conversion requires high temperatures. Ideally, roasting the crushed seashells on a campfire overnight would do it. [/quote]

It's just hard to find lime around here..I am sure some places carry it..Ijust need to find the right place.

If not I have a fire pit in my backyard..
Long live the unwoke.
#220 Posted : 11/24/2009 12:32:14 AM

Cosmic Dragon

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well there is already a small problem with your extraction method...acetone does not hold bufotenine salts....and you have no freebasing step in the bufotenine will NOT go into the must freebase it first...and then you can pull with acetone and THEN you can FASA it out..

but if you can get this to work...that would be awesome!

Oh yeah completely forgot about freebasing the powdered seeds first. That is an obvious step that I forgot, glad I posted this. I will edit the above and considering doing this tek with a few grams of seeds.
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