So I spoke in TONGUES for the first time... Options
#1 Posted : 12/26/2009 2:06:20 AM

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Has anyone here ever spoken in tongues, in any kind of ceremony? Ayahuasca, Pentacostal, whatever?

Does anyone have any delicious reads about how and why the brain does this?

My mind... My rational mind has no comment for the situation, other than, "YES! I observed a wall within dissolve and the higher intelligence governing this organism of collective bacterial consciousness speak in timeless word-soup. Yes... I was there."

While it happened, I was so far into vision, I could also see through my eyelids, see my skeleton through my skin, through my eyelids... how my consciousness constructed, maintained, and manifested my body as an organism of intelligent light...

I am in awe. This is a milestone. This did not come from "me," "myself," it came from... Within Myself. Can an experience about the mechanisms that precede an experience of language be discussed?

If no one minds too terribly, I typed up a small report for the only other forum I love as much as the Nexus, and will post it below.

My mind is ROCKED!!!

Last night, among other things, I asked to tap into the holiday mysteries... Elves, Santa Amanita, Saturnalia, the whole nine... I wanted to be shown something about the real power behind the symbolism passed in different forms throughout the ages...

The medicine felt and tasted stronger than usual. A fierce windstorm was blowing outside...

My previous encounters with this particular brew were very gentle. Things began as normal, but continued to intensify... barely managed to relocate to my bed (wasn't quite walking in this earth dimension) and snuggle under many layers of blankets...

My abdomen was lifted open, much like lifting up the hood on a car to perform work. Hands reached inside, and as they calibrated my body, my intestines writhed.

Eventually, I was unable to move at all and overcome with visions of death, that were a challenge to my ego. Dead animals, dead people, destruction... the residual energy left in any decaying body, broken city.. and fierce and powerful...

My arms were pulled apart and outstretched, one ankle was crossed atop the other, and I was pushed into a typical crucifixion posture. I opened to embrace the entire world... all the death in the world... I became so passive, observing, accepting... The dance of life and death were all the play of divine imagination, contained within the expanse of my arms...

I like the Gayatri Mantra to help navigate rough times of fear, but for some reason, the Hail Mary was the only thing my mind could grab (I had Catholic influences in my very early childhood, but it's not something I practiced since I was 12).

Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord blah blah blah...
Hail Mary, full of Grace...
Hail Mary, full of, full...
Hail Mary, full...
Hail Mary, Hail Mary...

If the information of language is like a string of beads, when we learn to speak, as children, the string of beads becomes wound and twisted in a very specific way. We go through life, holding onto this string twisted into this same pattern, forever... Some people are fortunate enough to speak several languages, but even then, the knot is still bound by several types of syntax.

I lost it. Just like going into yoga... like stretching... like cells replicating... like an orgasm... like lightning... like that flash of inspiration in the bathtub... This knot in my brain... Language, syntax, form, vocabulary, dissolved.

This rigid structure fell into what felt like a wet spaghetti noodle. There were no words, no syntax, no idea... only a flow of PURE LANGUAGE. I began to speak in tongues!

My rational mind observed the situation as it happened, and still stands with its hands in the air, completely unable to offer any explanation.

I've never witnessed a person speak in tongues. I've never youtubed it. It wasn't in my mind. Sure, I've heard about it. It wasn't even some weird language I picked up when I was two years old when I stayed with the babysitter from Nibiru... this was beyond. It came from this insane place, outside, yet inside, of me.

I'm so dumbfounded. It was so deep. I just slipped and collapsed into a state of total neuro-linguistic plasticity.

Now that I can speak again, I am honestly too beside myself to even ask, WTF? One for the scrapbooks.

All I could ask at the time (when I could finally speak), was, "What am I?"

And, in retrospect, "What is possible?!"
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#2 Posted : 12/26/2009 2:16:48 AM

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I've had mushrooms make me dance before; they literally picked me up and made me do some weird dance. When Eleanor Rigby- The Beatles came on

No speaking in tongues though.
#3 Posted : 12/26/2009 2:17:33 AM

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I dunno about speaking in tounges but I have been forced to make really strange harmonic noises before while on psilocybin and DMT..moreso with psilocybin.

I think that speaking in tounges is some sort of neuro-linguistic seizure, sort of like a huge primal release of linguistic energy..devoid of any coherant meaning..maybe it has a some sort of recalibration is going on..

Interesting report.
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#4 Posted : 12/26/2009 2:54:05 AM

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I have been trying to speak this language for years, I hear it so well, but my mouth doesn't go like thatConfused It mostly sounds like English mixed up backwards and sideways to me. I think it is accessible from a variety of altered states of consciousness. For some reason, the Uberspracken is more discernible when I am moving around, as opposed to lying quietly. I think maybe this has something to do with why it is common in Pentecostal [I think] type of congregations, which involve a more somatic approach to spirituality. I have argued before that speaking in tongues and feeling the raw power of the spirit is no actual proof of any particular deity or entity, only that there is something very strange going on.

I suppose that iyam a genuine straight edge Gnostic, in that if there is a higher power, it ought to be well enough observable and detectable if it is to have any actuality at all. An unobservable, nonactive deity is no deity at all.
#5 Posted : 12/26/2009 3:22:59 AM


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McKenna's 'glossalalia' perhaps?

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#6 Posted : 12/26/2009 4:08:11 AM

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Sounds like a very intense and interesting experience! I've encountered a type or UrSprack like this on salvia and it was extremely strange, haven't spoke it since. As I begin to come down from my trip my friend takes another water jeeber hit and begins to look at me in pure horror and speaking in that sort of backwards english babble talk that sounds truly hilarious and i could understand everything he was saying to me.. I can't explain how or why or anything. i'd been thinking about mckenna's experiences with this and all sorts of weird ideas lately and also came across another trip report i read where someone claimed it happened so it was very intriguing and ironic when this similar linguistic activity was occurring.

I heard in some churches and religious the followers speak in tongues. The religious part of your trip sounds really interesting. Its funny because this guy I tripped with was a brainwashed homeschooled born again christian, (turns out nothing I can do helps this fact) and got legitimately freaked out by the experience. After he left i went in again. I was smoking 60x out of a water jeeber which is drastic over kill but it was the only thing that was working for me at the time. I don't remember any of what happened on the trip except that I was basically forced or automatically talking in the glossilalia to the pine tree for a few minutes only it wasn't just a pine tree it was another intelligent organism and it was the best feeling of my life. I'd climbed that tree a lot during my childhood to

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#7 Posted : 1/2/2010 2:29:16 AM

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Not uncommon, I often "speak in tongues" when I am Spicing. Granted, I generally like to smoke about 1 to 2 grams of harmaloid freebase couple with 1 to 3 grams of pure white DMT Spice in a 4 to 6 hour period. When I reach a certain level after smoking then any time I open my mouth and try to speak it is strictly in tongues. It is a very spiritual and emotional experience. I love it.
#8 Posted : 1/2/2010 5:16:43 AM

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EZ4U2Shoot wrote:
Not uncommon, I often "speak in tongues" when I am Spicing. Granted, I generally like to smoke about 1 to 2 grams of harmaloid freebase couple with 1 to 3 grams of pure white DMT Spice in a 4 to 6 hour period. When I reach a certain level after smoking then any time I open my mouth and try to speak it is strictly in tongues. It is a very spiritual and emotional experience. I love it.

Do you try to speak regular (in English or whatever)and your tongue wont let you?
#9 Posted : 1/2/2010 5:28:37 AM

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EZ4U2Shoot wrote:
Not uncommon, I often "speak in tongues" when I am Spicing. Granted, I generally like to smoke about 1 to 2 grams of harmaloid freebase couple with 1 to 3 grams of pure white DMT Spice in a 4 to 6 hour period. When I reach a certain level after smoking then any time I open my mouth and try to speak it is strictly in tongues. It is a very spiritual and emotional experience. I love it.

1-2g of harmalas and 1-3 GRAMS of dmt in 4-6 hours?! Confused

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#10 Posted : 1/2/2010 7:25:50 AM

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Yea, sorry EZ4U2Shoot, I don't mean this as an attack, but I seriously doubt you're toking, combined, 2 to 5 grams of any freebase substance in a couple hours, let alone Harmine and DMT...

I've spoken in tongues, I can't really remember much of it. I know I've done it in a mumbled sort of fashion on vaped DMT. On my 400mg oral dosage, I had a section of journeying where pro_bert was trying to communicate with me and while I could understand him, I know I was not replying in english and have no clue what sort of language to describe it as other than some sort of mishmashed non-romance language. My memory of this is really fuzzy, sorry I can't give more detail.
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#11 Posted : 1/2/2010 7:41:11 AM

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I find it hard to believe anyone is smoking 3 grams of DMT in a few hours...

and if you are...mmm uh..maybe try a new smoking method?

But if you are smoking that much and getting full effects than your mind must be quite blown afterwords!... ...since that is like 20-60 strong breakthroughs in a few hours at say 50mg harmalas...Shocked is that even possible?

Just in case someone reads this and doesnt know dosages and thinks they too can smoke 3 grams in a few hours!...that is one HUGE pile of spice...a gram of white spice smoked with harmalas for me is like 20-40 doses..and that is breakthrough doses
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#12 Posted : 1/2/2010 8:18:20 AM

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opticuswrangler, I love that you are here. Much appreciation.

The last time SWIM spoke in tongues was on anahuasca while rolling in a puddle of his own vomit with "Apocalypse Now" in the background.
#13 Posted : 1/2/2010 8:39:00 AM

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opticuswrangler wrote:

I have been trying to speak this language for years, I hear it so well, but my mouth doesn't go like thatConfused It mostly sounds like English mixed up backwards and sideways to me. I think it is accessible from a variety of altered states of consciousness. For some reason, the Uberspracken is more discernible when I am moving around, as opposed to lying quietly. I think maybe this has something to do with why it is common in Pentecostal [I think] type of congregations, which involve a more somatic approach to spirituality. I have argued before that speaking in tongues and feeling the raw power of the spirit is no actual proof of any particular deity or entity, only that there is something very strange going on.

I suppose that iyam a genuine straight edge Gnostic, in that if there is a higher power, it ought to be well enough observable and detectable if it is to have any actuality at all. An unobservable, nonactive deity is no deity at all.

Laughing Laughing

I almost posted earlier in this thread about me and my Pentecostal friend who I attended church with for nearly a year! She invited me and being the student of religion that I am I could not refuse.

Pentecostals do not listen to music in church! Music is the Devils tool so they read from the bible clap there hands and stomp there feet. And when the trance and self hypothesis kicks in they speak in tongues. It was fascinating! I did my best to embrace the trance but no effect for me. Hypnosis only works on people who are suspectable to it and believe in it. You can not hypnotize someone against there will. Of course hypnosis and SELF hypnosis plays a huge role in many religions.

I have experienced the voice in the head trip many times sometimes its english that makes no sense other times a indescribable language. It is a real phenomena with out a doubt.

The real trick is to provide some information that the person speaking in tongues could not possibly know, something to prove it really means something. So far for me at least its very interesting a unusual phenomena that provides nothing more than a rare experience.


#14 Posted : 1/2/2010 9:00:25 AM

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To me, it felt like the dissolution of language. Is there any meaning to what is being expressed when language dissolves? I don't think it's something that can really be translated into linear, systematic, scientific thought.

If it communicates anything... I'd imagine it would be more like the beat of the heart, waves against the shore, beams of light spilling through a window. (OM?)

But language and symbolic thought are such rigid mental structures, our thoughts and concepts are so bound up in them. That the mind can even relax to do away with syntax is amazing.
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#15 Posted : 1/2/2010 4:04:09 PM

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its interesting, I've had my own version of speaking in tongues it was actually scary. I thought i was loosing my mind or had a stroke. the flow of words from some center location in my mind was unstoppable. Even as I was coming back to relative normal it still persisted.
At the time it was a crazy moment in my storyline. The word flow was a mix of random real words and made up words all flowing in to each other . It was a no-stop flow of crazyness that was also funny very funny. It felt like it was interferring with my thought processes and that was the scary part. Word flow and me laughing out loud Eventually it passed after quite a while. THe interesting part is the experience was also tied into my initial jouney that left me asking the same questions . what am I ? who am I ? what is reality? I was left with the distinct and defineite feeling that there are multiple realities and the one we experience day to day is only one possibility.
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#16 Posted : 1/2/2010 8:01:25 PM

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fractal enchantment wrote:
I dunno about speaking in tounges but I have been forced to make really strange harmonic noises before while on psilocybin and DMT..moreso with psilocybin.

I think that speaking in tounges is some sort of neuro-linguistic seizure, sort of like a huge primal release of linguistic energy..devoid of any coherant meaning..maybe it has a some sort of recalibration is going on..

Interesting report.

Spirit - molecule??

I had a sorta session where i was accepting of incoming influnces, and acted on them, just to see what would happen. I think I know what you mean. Whether it was my higher self, or whatever, I don't know. I think so!

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#17 Posted : 1/2/2010 9:09:00 PM

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SWIM has had a number of journeys during which he spoke in tongues unknown. For some reason, SWIM has rarely had strong visuals on his journeys in the past. In fact, speaking in tongues has actually been a more common experience for SWIM than journeying through visual landscapes. SWIM has no idea why this is. SWIM has had very few experiences where he remembers the visual aspects of the trip.

Once, SWIM took a large hit on NN-spice whilst peaking on a strong dose of mushie tea. He remembers seeing his room dissolve into looked as if every object in the room was in every possible location within the room simultaneously. After this happened, SWIM remembers laying down on a blanket on the floor. As SWIM was laying there with his eyes closed, he suddenly took a LARGE breath and upon exhalation, he began to speak this strange (yet familiar) tongue. This particular language sounded very some sort of Intergalactic-Serpentine-Egyptian hybrid. It was very chant-like and reminded SWIM of the droning of a didgeridoo. SWIM believes he was channeling an actual language from the beyond, not just spouting off some random sounds.

SWIM wonders if this language is the standard language of hyperspace or if there are various dialects. For anyone who has spoken tongues on their journeys, could you remember what it sounded like? If so, could you report back and give some sort of description the characteristics of that language. That way, we can compare and see if it is indeed the same language. Perhaps we can have a special thread dedicated to the study of hyperspace linguistics. What do you guys think?

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Please note that all my posts are 99% fictional. The remaining 1% is a direct manifestation of my overactive imagination and exaggerated accounts of things that may or may not have happened. Therefore, I shall not be held accountable for any statements, beliefs, or ideas expressed here. Furthermore, by choosing to accept what I say as fact, you are subjecting yourself to the viewpoints of an individual who in accordance with societal standards, might just be considered "crazy".
#18 Posted : 1/2/2010 9:32:17 PM

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It is pretty sure that glossia typically is no known language. I suspect that it is probably a language deconstruction process.

This hasn't stopped me from gibbering like a garrulous elf, however. It seems to mean something at the time, somehow.
#19 Posted : 1/2/2010 9:48:51 PM

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MagikVenom wrote:

I almost posted earlier in this thread about me and my Pentecostal friend who I attended church with for nearly a year! She invited me and being the student of religion that I am I could not refuse.

Pentecostals do not listen to music in church! Music is the Devils tool so they read from the bible clap there hands and stomp there feet.

I've been to quite a few services they do play music more than most actually organ,drums,piano,guitar,bass and wind instruments sometimes. Almost all of them pray in tongues at will it seems like. Maybe it was a different sect different pentecostals have different beliefs one group believe they can handle snakes and not be poisoned so they bring snakes into the service, most other pentecostals would think that's crazy foolish behavior.
#20 Posted : 1/2/2010 10:44:40 PM

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Good song, on my ipod it says this song is by shpongle, but I dont know. Anyway the goofy language in the beginning kind of resembles what I've experienced, but i can't speak for others.

I don't know what this language thing is but I think This type of language phenomena is far more interesting and perhaps they are somehow related, one being a sort of precursor to the other. That is, if there is any validity to these things actually being more then us just talking gibberish!

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
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