pure n, n Options
#1 Posted : 7/12/2009 6:17:21 PM


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A friend of mine has been experimenting with pure n, n lately.
He thought this would have been the perfect way to work with the spice.
Well, after a couple years of working with the yellow oils, and now pure n, n
he's wondering about something.

It seems like the white crystals are extremely intense. Way more so then the yellow oils.

You guys report that the jimjam is the best spice you've ever had.

Have you noticed unpleasant intensity with pure n, n?

My friend reports it's like being whipped by the creature...
I think phlux gave a similar report?

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#2 Posted : 7/12/2009 6:21:15 PM

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I think that the yellow oils that most people say they prefer, contain both n,n and the jungle spice..other yellow stuff is prob just n,n with some plant oils.
Long live the unwoke.
#3 Posted : 7/12/2009 6:22:00 PM


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right....apparently it smooths it
I would really appreciate anyones wisdom.
#4 Posted : 7/12/2009 6:42:32 PM

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well the white stuff is very awesome indeed..but SWIM has had most of his darkest journeys with that stuff..just coming back and being like...'what the fuck'... the jimjam is just way more pleasant and SWIM finds that his memory of the experience is a little better..but if you really want to be sent the white crystals are good too..its just how you feel at the time...its nice having both...white crystals go realllly well with some nice clean about eye candy...
it's a sound
#5 Posted : 7/12/2009 6:44:02 PM


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I still have so much work to do. I still find myself very afraid when up face to face with ... it...
Bill Cipher
#6 Posted : 7/12/2009 6:48:12 PM

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SWIM definitely finds the whiter crystals to be dramatically more intense. The oils and oxide do tend to buffer and alter the experience quite a bit. And the red jungle spice that a lot of people really flip for just doesn't do it for SWIM. The whole experience feels more organic than mechanistic, much less intimidating, less inscrutable, less "impossible" perhaps. It's still very nice, but always feels to SWIM a bit like DMT-lite.

He'll take the white shardy crystals EVERYTIME.
#7 Posted : 7/12/2009 6:51:01 PM


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thanks art. I feel the same way. I don't want to work within the realm of the light anymore. seems like the oils really flipped a light on and made everything full of love...which is nice...but the moment I first had some pure spice I found myself in a dark tunnel. I loved it there. I know I am supposed to be working with the pure's just not easy. I never assumed it would be...
Bill Cipher
#8 Posted : 7/12/2009 6:54:02 PM

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Nope. It can be just about the scariest thing imaginable. But the terror is in the complete and utter impossibility of what you are experiencing, and for SWIM at least, the white is what seems to take him the deepest.
#9 Posted : 7/12/2009 6:57:19 PM


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I completely resonate with that.
my life on this planet will never, ever, be the same! and not on this planet.

#10 Posted : 7/12/2009 7:00:58 PM


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pretty amazing. I never realized the subtle differences between the versions. they are certainly there.
#11 Posted : 7/12/2009 7:09:28 PM

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Well what people mean by prefering a little yellow stuff in front of the pure N,N-DMT is simply enjoying a little N,N-DMT-N-Oxide. Yeah, that's right. It's the oxide.

The pure N-Oxide seems to be a high-viscosity red liquid that just won't crystallize in room temperature, and can easily be formed by adding finely powdered pure N,N-DMT to an excess of H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) and evaporating. This will simply oxidize it to the almost pure oxide. A lot of variations can be used, like dissolving the DMT in naphtha before mixing with H2O2, or simply leaving the compound under slightly warm/humid conditions below a fan.

Well, this oxide is indeed potent. Exactly how potent, I'm not sure. In crudely extracted and evaporated DMT, small amounts will form which results in slightly off-white to strongly orange/red crystals/waxy substance. This is what many prefer over pure DMT, people often describe a more slow and gently fashion. Slightly guided.

But watch out, there's more inpurities that can yield an off-white product, which is not the oxide. One is simply fats and oils, something that often turn up from other sources than MHRB or when the extract is very crude (for example, evaporating instead of freeze precipitating). These are not active, and therefore may result in a weaker but still pure N,N-DMT-experience. Also there's at least another active substance MHRB-extractions with stronger solvents may yield, maybe a breakdown product of yuremamine, something often refered to as jungle spice.

So what I wanted to say is that pure DMT does not have to mean bad or weak DMT, because of the N-Oxide and the jungle alkaloid. Off-white DMT can mean bad and weak DMT though, especially if the yellow discolouration origins from something that is not the oxidized form and inactive. Less purity of DMT when DMT is the only active compound of course means weaker product.
There's a clear difference between what I say I do and what I actually do perform.
#12 Posted : 7/12/2009 7:12:37 PM

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Also, keep in mind that if you are using the same amount of pure DMT, that you were yellow-impure DMT, your are taking in much more of the actual active alkaloid now!!

If you weigh out .50mg of yellow oil, or darker colored wax, etc..., you've got DMT in there with a bunch of other crap making weigh 50mg.
So how much of that i actually DMT? 40mg...30mg...20ng of actual DMT?

However, if you weight out 50mg of pure clear/white DMT crystals (that are solid, unless pressed hard, or warmed), you've actually got 50mg of DMT in your bowl!! That's all.

So you may just be used to only vaporizing 20-40mg of actual DMT, with a bunch of shit to go along with it. Or smooth it out.

When I use Pure DMT, the effects are less physical in all ways!!
The vapor is less harsh & has less of that taste.
My body doesn't get tensed up at all.
My heart doesn't speed up, in fact I feel somewhat mellow & sedative-like physically.
The visual effects are more realistic & much more interactive, if I'm lucky enough to be able to do it in complete silence, I am more able to easily be there, 100% with pure DMT crystals!!

Where as with J-spice, or changa, or just a plain 'ole dirty-yellow extract (been quite some time since I've settled any thing yellow!Wink ), I get much more physical effects, the opposite of what I mentioned above!
I feel my heart rate speed up, my body & jaw tense up & sometimes I'll get cold!
All of which keep me too aware of my body & therefore grounded in my body.Crying or very sad

These side effects seem to become lessened or muted completely, if I take in enough to reach a breakthrough though.
But I have to inhale more of the impure stuff to breakthrough, so reaching that point where my body relaxes is even more rare.

I'll take the pure stuff too!! Even over a good clean J-Spice extract!!
I do dig the J-Spice from the D-Limo/FASW tek, especially mixed into changa.
Although, it always feels like I'm only watching the effects in front of me, rather than experiencing that space with every iota of my consciousness & my existence!
Although sometimes that is wanted...

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#13 Posted : 7/12/2009 7:15:05 PM


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Thank you warren! That is so true. For a long time I was scared of spice because it made my heart beat really fast and hard.
This doesn't happen to me with the pure spice at all! (even at really high doses, which I had to find out the hard wayShocked ) I was so relieved to find this out.
#14 Posted : 7/12/2009 7:51:56 PM
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The oxide naturally occurs in plant material and the older your plant material is, the more you'l have in it.
The first time i became aware of this difference is when i made ayahuasca with old psychotria leaves.

The thing that struck me, was that i was having full DMT visuals then, before i felt anything. from this i concluded that there must have been bufotenin in the psychotria (since i knew bufotenine is sometimes found in chaliponga as well) because some posters here consider bufotenine a more visual compound then DMT. But i mentioned this idea somewhere on this forum and was soon corrected by someone who told me that this must have been from the n-oxide, since there is no bufotenine in chacruna.
#15 Posted : 7/12/2009 8:18:50 PM

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Hey Polytrip

The first time i became aware of this difference is when i made ayahuasca with old psychotria leaves.

How old were the psychotria leaves?

Lots of old Cleio to any thoughts?

#16 Posted : 7/12/2009 9:20:09 PM
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MagikVenom wrote:
Hey Polytrip

The first time i became aware of this difference is when i made ayahuasca with old psychotria leaves.

How old were the psychotria leaves?

Lots of old Cleio to any thoughts?


I didn't count the months that went by before i finally found the right time.
#17 Posted : 7/12/2009 9:46:46 PM

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polytrip wrote:
The oxide naturally occurs in plant material and the older your plant material is, the more you'l have in it.
The first time i became aware of this difference is when i made ayahuasca with old psychotria leaves.

The thing that struck me, was that i was having full DMT visuals then, before i felt anything. from this i concluded that there must have been bufotenin in the psychotria (since i knew bufotenine is sometimes found in chaliponga as well) because some posters here consider bufotenine a more visual compound then DMT. But i mentioned this idea somewhere on this forum and was soon corrected by someone who told me that this must have been from the n-oxide, since there is no bufotenine in chacruna.

This is very true and a note can also be made concerning old plant matter that have been stored for a long time under non-optimal conditions. The spice will simply oxidize naturally in the bark. Interesting enough this won't change much of the ayahuasca potency, but it will change the outcome of most extraction teks. Because of the fact that N-Oxide isn't soluble in naphtha/heptane the only substance visible to the extractor is DMT, therefore it will appear like it has lost potency. (Can easily be fixed with zinc powder under acidic environment, as most know)

Something I'm interested in is hearing about the differences not in strength, but effects. How does fresh MHRB-ayahuasca (lot of DMT, little N-Oxide) compare to older ones (lot of N-Oxide, little of DMT) for example?
There's a clear difference between what I say I do and what I actually do perform.
#18 Posted : 7/12/2009 11:47:25 PM

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#19 Posted : 7/13/2009 3:03:38 AM

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Pure white = No insight. + Light toooo bright + what did I do last night?
#20 Posted : 7/13/2009 3:23:30 AM


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no insight? I beg to differ.
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