'overdose' strategy's Options
#1 Posted : 7/7/2009 3:56:58 PM
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There are some threads here about very high doses of DMT. My own experience is that large amounts can be quite scary. In an instant everything seems to lose it's meaning and not just in the external world. There s nothing you can hold on to because everything you would want to hold on to instantaneaously becomes 'unreal' or 'meaningless'. On the other hand i have experienced that often when you feel incapacitated you are most of the time not actually as incapacitated as you think you are.

I had the experience of feeling totally incapacitated once with LSD and i decided to regain some confidence in myself and how much in touch with reality i was. i had a calculator lying around and i decided to do some calculations and check out whether i had done them correctly...It was unbelievable to discover that i was still capable of doing calculations like '37 times 53' without the use of pencil, paper or fingers, but just the head while this had seemed an impossible task.

With extremely high doses of DMT this would be quite a different story but i remember one time that i had to go to take a pee and it felt like i had just climbed mount everest when i finally reached the bathroom, because i feared before that i would never be able to make it.
So the point is that you can be capable of more then you think you are, even when you feel very unable to do anything.

However, still it happens that the power of DMT surprises us. Sometimes a quite normal dose suddenly feels like it's ten times as much just because of in what state we're in at the time. Stuff whe ate, how much sleep we had last night, etc.

I was wondering what 'techniques' to regain focus people use when they suddenly appear to be in much deeper water than they intended to be.

My last trip i tried a tried a combo of ayahuasca and theobromine, jorkest described in his 'whao, whatch out theobromine overdose' report and i had that feeling like 'oh shit, this time i realy went too far'. So i'll be a little more carefull not to overdose the next time, but still i wonder; what do other people do when they find themselves in such a state?
The thing that helped me was, that i was still able to make a distinction in my head between positiveness and negativity, right and wrong, the things that realy matter. But it still scared me how 'abstract' even the most basic things had become.


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#2 Posted : 7/7/2009 4:32:19 PM

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Ah, very good threadstart here. Haven't really taken a good dive in the ocean of DMT yet, just enough to get my feet wet, but I've got experience of a lot of other psychedelics.

Something that often surprises me on this theme when tripping, is the fact that I often seem to create the bad feelings myself, not the drug per se. To clarify; Psychedelics do not create a bad experience nor a good one, they merely create an environment where you're able to make an experience. By keeping this in my head I often seem to be able to calm myself down. The problems vary from trip to trip, but often they are related to a sudden feeling of loss of control of everything. You want it to slow down, but at the same time you realize that there's no way you can lower the dose you've taken. You can't unmake what's been done, so to say.

These feelings are both true and false at the same time. You may in fact have taken a strong psychedelic you will be affected by a certain amount of time and you can't get by that fact. BUT, it's all in your head. The experience is created by your mind, and you have the ability to react at this very experience. The drug can't control how you react to what it shows you. If you feel like it's just too much, then don't think "I'm so stupid, oh why did I take so much, never again, it's too intense, if I'll just live through this, ...". Instead, think something like "I'm so happy I now have the chance to see how this dose really is, the intensity is amazing and I feel good about it, oh look at all these pretty patterns, ...".

If you find yourself deeper than you wanted to go, then don't get alarmed and don't try to fight it by directing all your energy on swimming against the current. Instead, relax, and observe what you're seeing and get interested in what you're feeling. Take the opportunity to really feel and enjoy what you're experiencing, and remember, you're one of the very few who'll ever get the chance! It's a privilege, not a mistake! Wink
There's a clear difference between what I say I do and what I actually do perform.
#3 Posted : 7/7/2009 4:53:47 PM

The Great Namah

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To clarify; Psychedelics do not create a bad experience nor a good one, they merely create an environment where you're able to make an experience. By keeping this in my head I often seem to be able to calm myself down. The problems vary from trip to trip, but often they are related to a sudden feeling of loss of control of everything. You want it to slow down, but at the same time you realize that there's no way you can lower the dose you've taken. You can't unmake what's been done, so to say.

This is very true. A bad trip is really the mindset of the "tripper". With phens and tryptamines in general changing your mindset, or even location can drastically change the experience. Just turning on or off a light (if indoors) can make a difference.

Spice is really a different story though. A full breakthrough dose does not leave space for the mind to create or change the experience. The mental state of the person BEFORE launch is important though. Once you are in, you are in. Thinking (for me) while fully under is a monumental task. There is thought, yes, but it is not the normal ego mind I use daily, but rather a deeper, less directional mind (hard to explain) that is in control.

Really with vaporized dmt if one is way past where they wanted to be, the best advise I can give it to RELAX....take a deep breath, let it out, RELAX your muscles and just give up and let go. Let go of everything! Fighting it is the worst thing you can do. Talk about an uncomfortable experience!

Aya is a whole other can of worms. Chanting, drumming, singing all seem to really center me when I find I've gone deeper than anticipated. Mama Aya doesn't always give us what we WANT, but She seems to know what we NEED. I've taken really high doses only to find that I'm barely at a threshold experience, but come away from it feeling wonderful....I've also gone in so deep on a light dose that I was very confused and scared...but again, came away from the experience grateful and feeling wonderful.

Theobromine + Aya don't mix well IMHO and I will never be mixing them again. The last thing I need it to be jittery and unable to relax during an Aya cerimony. Mama can't do her work when I'm a jittery mess.
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#4 Posted : 7/7/2009 5:18:59 PM

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Disclaimer: I haven't taken the Spice yet, only LSD.

Reading the replies to the high-dose related posts, I came to the (possibly early) conclusion that if you "bomb" yourself into such a state that you cannot meaningfully navigate the hyperspace - you cannot find a coherent thread on which you can progress through the trip -, then it all becomes meaningless and essentially devoid of any value. To me it seems that the more coherent the trip, the more you can remember it. I don't know if a trip which one cannot remember at all - like in the terms of "oh my God, I really fried myself this time" - could have any beneficial effects.

For me the ideal trip is the "epic" kind, when you are shown things, given mysteries to unlock, and you actively participate in unlocking/understanding the issues presented. I think that we humans need this kind of structure, otherwise we cannot create meaningful experiences. It's the bones onto which we put the flesh with our imagination. If even the bones disappear into the chaos, that's not human experience anymore.

In my POV, the best way to approach these realms would be to aim for such a dose that brings you NEAR the breakthrough threshold and gives enough energy to cross the ego/God barrier yourself. This puts you into control (at least until the point of crossing over) and also lets you contemplate and understand the psychological problems and fears hiding behind the process of "ego loss". When - thanks to the work of MAPS and others - psychedelics get back to the spotlight, this will be one of the most important questions: if the majority of people will not be able to get through, they will surely blame it on the psychedelics. We should come up with methods that sort of guarantee a break-through experience (while I only knew LSD, I thought that such a guarantee can be made only in the presence of a qualified psychotherapist-shaman-guide like Stanislav Grof, but DMT seems powerful enough to make it possible even without such professional help).
#5 Posted : 7/7/2009 6:04:15 PM

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I was into transcendental meditation for a while (didn't last for me...too much working at doing nothingVery happy ) & I usually revert back to the practice of silencing my mind by just watching my breathing & thoughts pass by.

When I notice I've been lost in a negative thought process, whatever it might be, I silence it.
I can deal with it later.
Right now all I need to do is slowly breath...deeply in...hold it for a few sec...completely out.

As cliche (or boring) as it may sound, I just try to watch the effects happen like I would watch TV or a ball game.
The "inner journey's" that happen, still happen & when they do, you are able to let them do their thing to completion!!
Watch it & learn from it!! Instead of trying to force these entities to conform to our world in any way.
Or, just quiet your thought's & take away it's power to freak you out!!

This technique is really more useful with vaporized DMT, but it works (for me) with Ayahuasca too, it just takes more work.

(This does not mean your sitting there with, "I'm not thinking of anything, I'm not thinking of anything, I'm not thinking of anything!! Is it still happening..crap? I'm not thinking of anything, I'm not thinking of anything, I'm not thinking of anything!!!" running through your mind.
That is still thinking.Wink

It's a good idea to practice this while sober, before you need to use it!!!
Might even be something that changes the way you view the world & how you fit into it all the time!!
Google "TM", or "Transcendental Meditation" techniques to find out more details about how to actually use this.

Also, the whole idea of simply changing the atmosphere you are in, can be like a completely different experience at the flip of a switch!!
Literally flip on, or off the light switch & the effects can change just as quickly!!
Or move to a different room, change the music. Or turn it off!! Or, put some on!
That just goes back to proper set & setting though.

If even the bones disappear into the chaos, that's not human experience anymore.

As far as I'm concerned...that's the whole idea, right there!!
Well put!!!

BTW, if you are looking to retain some level of control during this experience, DMT may not be the thing for you!
Letting all that go, is basically DMT-101.Wink

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#6 Posted : 7/7/2009 10:05:09 PM
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To me, the DMT experience is too important and valuable to let it's intimidating powers scare me away from it.
But i don't know anything that can be as intimidating as DMT can be. There can be a feeling of total alienation, even from yourself, wich is another thing than just loss of ego. Loss of ego is in a sense the end of alienation.
#7 Posted : 7/7/2009 10:42:45 PM


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I have some of these problems with high doses and what they have taughtme is that I am not fully ready for them. With vaporized dmt I seem to be really relaxed and take the experience for what it is, but with the other psychedelics it can get a little hairy. I learned early on that just changing your setting can really help the experience. Like you guys said, just turning the lights on or off can instantly make it better.

The problem that this causes me though is this gets me stuck in a loop. I'll change something and it won't fix the problem, so then I change something else. It turns me into some kind obsessive compulsive. Before I know it it has been hours of turning the lights on turning them off, put new music on, take the blanket off put it back on. This is how my first really bad trip happened and it was terrible.

I have turned to trying to accept these difficult experiences, but this is very hard to do. While I am going through the experience it will be complete hell and I can't seem to do anything to get my mind off of the problems I am having. But then again that is part of the problem. I am fighting it and that is why I am having the bad trip to begin with. If I could just relax and dive into the problems I have I know that it will be better in the long run. For some reason this is a lot harder than it sounds.

my newest approach is love. If I catch myself feeling scared I try to think of something I am very fond of and release all of the love that I can. I have not tried this with anything but vaporized dmt, but seems to be working good. I have gotten to a place where I did not feel comfortable, but all I do is think of love and that this experience is what I wanted and it seems to instantly change. It isn't like the experience changes, but just the bad feelings go away.

Right now I don't think that I will be doing any high doses of mushrooms for quite a while. I need to go back to the roots and get comfortable with lower doses. Every time I do mushrooms I feel terrible the whole time and I know it is all in my head. Nothing has changed from when I had good times. It seems that mushrooms are the hardest psychedelic for me to take. What is interesting though is that it is the one I have the most experience with.
#8 Posted : 7/8/2009 8:15:49 AM

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kungpow: "it turns me into some kind of obsessive-compulsive" - I know exactly what you mean.

Unfortunately, I could not find an adequate solution to this problem. I know that psychedelic psychotherapists - the modern versions of shamans - have developed a repertoire of techniques to help "normally neurotic" people - like me - getting through these blocks, but in the country where I live, these developments are still in their infancy, so everyone is "left to their own devices". This also means that a lot of people who would partake in the psychedelic experience simply cannot break through, because their instilled fears and other psychological blocks make it impossible for them to let go. And this is not even made clear to them, so they remain entirely unknowledgeable about the possibilities.

In my case, it all went by chance: on one trip I managed to "complete the gestalt", on other trips, I got stuck and had to endure hell for 10 hours. In either case, I didn't know why it happened. I had a break through experience only once, on my first LSD trip. Unfortunately, I might have consciously used the power of LSD on this first trip to erect unpenetrateable walls in my psyche which would block me out of these realms on further attempts, so now I must face my own ingeniousness when I'm trying to get through again. Smile

By "break through" I call that when you get out from the 3rd dimension into that other one (from where the 3rd dimension can be seen/experienced as a created, subordinate dimension). Common experiences related to that realm are: telephatic communication with seemingly independently existing spiritual beings, instant knowledge (understanding without thinking), a sense of awakening from the dream of earthly life, a firm conviction that this newly found reality is more real than earthly life, a rememberance that this realm was known before one got born into earthly existence - so this realm is not really "newly found", but rather re-remembered -, the activation of hitherto unknown sensory organs and capacities (again with the familiar sense that these organs were all present while in earthly consciousness but they were lying dormant therefore not identified as such), a timeless experience of a series of lives of which the current earthly life is just one particular (probably current?) instance. There are more.

Now in my vicinity, I talked to a lot of people, participated in local psychedelic forums, and could find NOBODY who had this experience. I was completely left alone. When I was talking about these things, I felt that nobody got it. For other people, tripping was about something else. They were even slightly afraid of me, when they saw how dedicated I am to this thing. They could not understand that inner fire. So I was quite relieved when after 10 years of living in solitude with this information, I found the Nexus - and with it, dozens of people who seemingly shared this same experience. Now I can let it all loose again. Smile

Back to the topic: after the "break through" on my first trip, none of the rest were break-through experiences. They were either "completed gestalts" or bad trips, as I wrote above. What I call a "complete gestalt" is similar to a break through in that the psychological problems are successfully resolved - there is a sense of liberation - but consciousness still stays in the 3rd dimension. It results in a highly meditative, dream-like state where consciousness may explore the usual sensory perceptions, go into philosophical quests, etc. The capacity for intuition is much higher than usual, and associations are much easier to do than in everyday consciousness (it's happening almost automatically, like riding a train of thoughts/impressions). For me, there are only faint visuals in this space (compared to the break-through, when I had 360 degrees vision with impossible colors).

Now if the question is what technology can be used to achieve a "break-through" experience, then I don't know. Perhaps DMT is the answer, as a kind of automatic "spiritual can-opener". I certainly hope so.

If we want to "complete the gestalt", then a tool which I frequently used was psychedelic trance music, in the context of a trance party. But in my experience, the success of that largely depends on the qualities of the organisers and the DJ (= shaman). I found only one DJ who could consistently provide me with a path that did not suddenly disappear at 95% completion, and that's Goa Gil. He seems to really know what's happening on the dance floor.

As a closing thought, I'd say that when we look for real liberation, we don't want techniques. At that level, techniques don't work. That's why we cannot talk ourselves into enlightenment. When Antrocles says "LOVE AND GRATITUDE", that's not a technique - although the intellectual mind may grasp it as that. It's the intent of the heart that matters there. And that's something that cannot be faked or created with any sophisticated trickery (I know, I tried).

Bless you all.
#9 Posted : 7/8/2009 8:24:46 AM

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One additional note: I'm not sure that having a break-through experience means the psychological problems had been properly dealt with and resolved. In other words, I don't see whether the "completed gestalt" experience is a prerequisite or part of the "break-through" experience. It may very well be that a "break-through" - as achieved with help of DMT - propels one so fast out of this world, that the psychological problems become irrelevant before they could be dealt with. In this sense, such a "blast-off" may have a questionable value. (On the other hand, psychedelic psychotheraphy is exactly about that: giving patients a heroic dose and hope for the best - it had been shown that having a deeply spiritual experience tends to unblock the psychological problems of 3rd dimension existence auto-magically.)
#10 Posted : 7/10/2009 2:32:52 AM

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I agree with alot of what people are saying on this thread. Personally, if i get stuck into a situation where i feel like i am loosing control, I just tell myself to enjoy it. It is a drug and it is supposed to be doing what it's doing. Breathing also helps me a lot in a hairy psychedelic experience. If i am trying to sleep and my mind starts to race, i simply focus on my breathing. I do think one has the power of mind to flip the experience from bad to good with simple changes in environment. The first time i ever did acid I had a 12 hr experience which was amazing. At some points during the trip i was extremely overwhelmed by it all, but saying to myself to just "relax and enjoy it" really did help put me in a good place during the trip. Also being with all my best friends (alot of us first timers) made it that much better. Set and setting!!

I am not sure if this is true or not, but this dude i met years ago in the states had never tried any psychedelic before and decided to take 6 hits of acid in one go... thinking that it was like doing a big bong or something. I wasn't personally there when it happened, but i know the guy kinda lost it for a while afterward. Psychedelics can be amazing, but as i am sure many people in this forum already knows, they must be respected. Peas Smile
#11 Posted : 7/10/2009 2:53:48 AM

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kungpow wrote:
Right now I don't think that I will be doing any high doses of mushrooms for quite a while. I need to go back to the roots and get comfortable with lower doses. Every time I do mushrooms I feel terrible the whole time and I know it is all in my head. Nothing has changed from when I had good times. It seems that mushrooms are the hardest psychedelic for me to take. What is interesting though is that it is the one I have the most experience with.

I feel the same way, and it saddens me becasue I love those little guys!I could cry when I start to talk about mushrooms becasue they really saved me from alot of crap I was heading towards at that time, and nothing since has made me look quite so hard and critically at my own actions..I have not eaten a mushroom since last october(actually now that I think of it my last psilo trip was what compelled me to join this forum!) was beautiful but I did come up agaisnt that abrasive wall in my head that leads to anxiety. With smoked spice I can shake it off becasue I know it will end soon so I ride it out.

Also real feel you about the looping, constantly trying to find a new distraction to forget the hopelessness..I once ate wayy to many at a folk festival and thought I was going insane, the entrie sky was honeycomb and glowing, the city looked like a space station. A neat little hippy girl I knew came and took the panic away though and changed the trip right aroundWink

Usually love or a sense of effection can bring me out of it and get me feeling euphoric again. Mescaline is helping me with it though..I had a beautiful experience a few weeks ago that really got me back into longer lasting psychs. I just got a quarter ounce of some cubes, so some low doses are def going to be had in the next few weeksVery happy

I also get quite a bit of negative body feelings(nothing the next morning though) with mushrooms as well which I think contribute in part to some anxiety I get with them..and like you, I find this somewhat ironic as mushrooms are by far the one I have most experience with (with the exception of many many short salvia trips, but thats sort of a diff category)
Long live the unwoke.
#12 Posted : 7/10/2009 3:00:34 AM

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you can also just begin grunting or laughing histarically.. basically whatever sound youre body feels compelled to produce, just let it out. I find that this can sort of center and comfort me and bring the euphoria back.
Long live the unwoke.
#13 Posted : 7/10/2009 5:39:52 AM

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Since we are on the subject of bad trips and overdoses, i thought i would share a story of someone i was sort of friends with when i lived in italy.

I had a friend who was having some of his "friends" over for a mushroom session. I feel so bad for this guy cuz he was really cool and trusted the people he was with. The so called "friends" were all going to take some mushrooms called "Goofy" (from a local head shop in Switzerland i think). His friends said they had already done theirs before he arrived and then ended up giving him the doses they were going to take as well (he took all three at once... maybe 10-12 grams dried at a guess). He was loving it in the beginning of the trip. They were sitting on the couch watching the Playstation visuals which can be set to go along with music. He was astounded by all the shapes and colors forming out of the TV. He looked at his so called buddies, who were just sitting calmly and talking normally. He couldn't understand how they weren't tripping their tits off.

They then came clean with him and said they didn't take any of the shrooms and had actually fed him all 3 doses. Instead of guiding him through his mental trip, they decided to completely fuck with him. Mind loops occur naturally on psychedelics, but these dudes decided to take it further and started saying sentences of what he had done earlier in the day over and over. For example, they kept repeating events which happened, like going to a pub, then skating, etc, but over and over again. I don't think i explained that part very clearly, but you get the gist of it. They were attempting to fuck the poor guy up, basically, by playing with his mind and thought process.

He explained it as a dark nightmare creeping in on him. He tried to fight it, but it came over him so strong and hard he completely freaked out. I don't know all the details of the story, but i think he had no where to go cuz he wasn't at his house and they were in the mountains in Switzerland. I saw him a month after that had happened and he said he kept having flashbacks every day and kept reliving dark moments of the trip. He was totally spaced out.

I couldn't think of anything worse. You go somewhere where you think you are with people who care about you and who are supposedly your friends, but turn out to be your worst enemy. That would be pretty much my worst nightmare. They were quite young at the time... maybe 16 or 17. This happened about 7 years ago, but the story stuck with me because of the depth of hell this guy went into. I don't think the two guys he was with knew what they were actually doing. I think maybe they thought it was like any other prank you pull on friends sometimes. Not sure how he is now, but i pray he's alright. Poor guy
#14 Posted : 7/10/2009 7:55:01 AM

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DoingKermit - Thanks for sharing that story. Reading that actually makes me physically sick to my stomach. People that pull that kind of thing or anything similar (like dosing someones drink w/o telling them) are IMHO committing a crime equivalent to psychic rape! It disgusts me to no end!

I was a very mischievous kid, but I started with psychedelics at an early age as well, and I think knowing the true power of them early on "built-in" an inherent respect for them, and an understanding of how dosing (or overdosing) an unsuspecting person could really eff a person up. Even as a high school student I remember how angry I'd get when I'd hear reports of kids dosing a teacher's coffee.

I personally still have problems with LSD and extremely STRONG doses of beosystine mushrooms (even though psilocybin mushrooms are one of my faves). Regarless, I have gotten back on par with mushrooms all together, but I still haven't taken LSD since I was young. The irony of this all is that ONE bad LSD trip actually turned my train wreck of a life around 180 degrees, and saved my life. Even with that fact, I have never been able to enjoy LSD since that night. I constantly spin back into that mind set, and just can't dig myself out. I spend the entire trip just trying to endure the effects, and I miss out on everything magical.

I think the primary boundary that keeps me from being able to talk myself into a better state of mind is the thought: "I've heard stories of people who never come back from bad trips! Oh my god, am I going to become one of these people? Am I going to be a loony for the rest of my life?" And then I start thinking of all the friends and family, and important things in my life that I'm going to destroy because I "overdosed" myself on this night. Does that make sense?

The thing is, I've NEVER heard of a true valid fact-backed case of someone who never "returned" from a bad acid trip. The question in my mind is this all myth and folklore? Are there any factual reports of people never coming back?

Fortunately, spice seems to make me very relaxed, euphoric, and purely left in a state of awe.

I am not a drug addict seeking escape from reality. I am an explorer of consciousness challenging consensus reality.

…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
-Terence McKenna
#15 Posted : 7/10/2009 12:16:07 PM

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Yeh DoingKermit that story about your friend is horrible. I once knew a guy at university who told me how he used to enjoy spiking people with acid. He told me of a time when he went to visit a girl he knew, and dropped a tab of acid in the teapot she and her mum were about to drink from. Apparently they ended up in hospital not knowing what the fuck was going on.... I believe that is a crime on a par with rape.

As for dealing with negative feelings and such, one of my earliest experiences like this was doing acid at 14. I was not ready!! I was at my best friends older sister's birthday party. We had been smoking weed for a bit, and decided to try something new.. an older friend got us some tabs, but he was being a bit off that night, calling me a dick for losing the tabs cos he'd rolled em in a bag of weed he gave me without telling me.... kind of gave the night a weird start... anyway, at the beginning it was all cool, me and my friend were coming up and laughing and the door kept opening and closing on its own, I also saw his mum snorting coke which was a bit weird for me at the time cos it had been implanted as an evil thing in my young mind. ANyway I then lost my mate, and didnt know most of the people in the house, and gradually spiralled down, forgot I had taken this tab, just wanted to get away from people... at one point I left the house and a voice in my head told me to go back. I ended up in the bathroom or toilet floor lights off trying to shut everything out. Towards the end of the party they realised what had happened and so my friend and his mum got everyone out of his room and just held my hand and gave me positive words and love, I was totally in tears, lost in fear. I had paranoia flashbacks for days aftwrward. I still learned from it. But I had a fear of psychedelics for years and years after. I smoked a lot of weed and did a lot of MDMA though.

IN my recent journeys I have realised that, as has been said already LOVE is the best way to rid yourself of bad feelings. If i feel fear building up, I jsut try and melt into it, and let it go, and remember at the core of everything is love. "SHOW ME LOVE...." is my new mantra.
balaganist is a fictional character who loves playing the game of infinite existence. he amuses himself by posting stories about his made up life in our plane of physical reality. his origins are in other dimensions... he merely comes here to play.
#16 Posted : 7/10/2009 1:51:27 PM

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I agree with you guys. It is like raping someone mentally. Balaganist, that is nuts that you did acid at 14. First hard drug i every tried was acid at 17 and i loved it. I don't think i could've handled it at 14 though. Good thing you had some people there to comfort you and help you through it.
#17 Posted : 7/10/2009 6:43:02 PM

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idtravlr wrote:
I think the primary boundary that keeps me from being able to talk myself into a better state of mind is the thought: "I've heard stories of people who never come back from bad trips! Oh my god, am I going to become one of these people? Am I going to be a loony for the rest of my life?" And then I start thinking of all the friends and family, and important things in my life that I'm going to destroy because I "overdosed" myself on this night. Does that make sense?

The thing is, I've NEVER heard of a true valid fact-backed case of someone who never "returned" from a bad acid trip. The question in my mind is this all myth and folklore? Are there any factual reports of people never coming back?

You can completely stop worrying about that!!
It's not gonna happen!!!

Been taking psychedelics myself for almost 20 years now & I've known countless numbers of people who have been at it even longer & I have never once known anyone who personally had this happen to them!!
Or anyone who personally knows anyone who did. It's always a story that came from a friend of a friend of a friend.

I did hear plenty of stories about people getting stuck tripping when taking too much acid & being put in a mental hospital for the rest of their lives back when I was 19yrs old & taking a lot of acid.
Although those stories came from other 19 year old's who probably heard it from another 19 year old!! All of which had no freaking clue what they where talking about!!
Same idiots who say that LSD gets stored in the base of your spine & can be released if you crack your back to hard.

BULLSHIT!!! On both stories!!

Relax, your coming back...every time!!
Usually much too soon!!!Wink

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#18 Posted : 7/10/2009 9:27:45 PM

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Yepp . In my understanding - one always comes down from Psychedelic Trips .

But one hardly comes down from Drug induced Brain Damage - so be careful with the really harmful drugs and hazardous combinations. Don't overdo it with Stimulants and RCs.

I also been told a story where some idiots dosed a guy they were jealous of with a high dose of acid and locked him into a cabinet. It was because he was kind of a cool guy , posing with his car and such ...
... How angry it made me to hear of such dumbness.
Had he more quickly realized just who they were,he would have shown them more respect.Had he tried harder to fathom their brilliant minds,he would have taken more of their teachings to heart.Had he more clearly understood the purpose of their being,
he would have more vigorously tried to assist them.They were truly honorable; he was sadly prejudiced.
They were exceedingly well informed; he was grossly ignorant.They were totally indefatigable; he so often, and so quickly,gave up. Still, for many years there was a strong inter-species alliance between the Eleven-Eleven of the Half-way Realm, their Seraphic Associates,and their flesh-and-blood friend, a common mortal. Much was accomplished, many profited, and, there’s only one regret...They could have achieved so much more...

All Hypnotizing Hypnotizes Hypnotizing
#19 Posted : 7/10/2009 10:44:45 PM

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warrensaged wrote:
idtravlr wrote:
I think the primary boundary that keeps me from being able to talk myself into a better state of mind is the thought: "I've heard stories of people who never come back from bad trips! Oh my god, am I going to become one of these people? Am I going to be a loony for the rest of my life?" And then I start thinking of all the friends and family, and important things in my life that I'm going to destroy because I "overdosed" myself on this night. Does that make sense?

The thing is, I've NEVER heard of a true valid fact-backed case of someone who never "returned" from a bad acid trip. The question in my mind is this all myth and folklore? Are there any factual reports of people never coming back?

You can completely stop worrying about that!!
It's not gonna happen!!!

Been taking psychedelics myself for almost 20 years now & I've known countless numbers of people who have been at it even longer & I have never once known anyone who personally had this happen to them!!
Or anyone who personally knows anyone who did. It's always a story that came from a friend of a friend of a friend.

I did hear plenty of stories about people getting stuck tripping when taking too much acid & being put in a mental hospital for the rest of their lives back when I was 19yrs old & taking a lot of acid.
Although those stories came from other 19 year old's who probably heard it from another 19 year old!! All of which had no freaking clue what they where talking about!!
Same idiots who say that LSD gets stored in the base of your spine & can be released if you crack your back to hard.

BULLSHIT!!! On both stories!!

Relax, your coming back...every time!!
Usually much too soon!!!Wink


Yeah, that's always been my belief too, but then when things start to get ugly, I start to wonder, and thus starts the downward spiral. Like Balaganist, I took my first acid in like 8th or 9th grade (14 or 15 yrs old I guess). I still remember it was gorgeous purple windowpane. I had an amazing and wonderful trip. I continued taking it A LOT, a couple times per week sometimes, for several years, with nothing but great experiences. I remember asking myself, on several occasions, "How could anyone ever have a bad trip on this stuff"? But then that one fateful night it all came crashing down. It was a terrifying experience, but I can't really call it a "BAD" trip, because it turned my life around in a big way. It got me off a horribly destructive path down meth lane... I'm forever grateful to LSD for that!

So, getting back to people not coming back (sorry, I digressed). In all my years I had never met anyone personally that hadn't come back. About three years ago though, I met a guy at a party who said that someone who didn't like him wiped "Crystal LSD" on his arm. He said he was on a permanent trip for two years of his life. He said he had to live on the streets because he couldn't deal with everyday reality. I definitely took him with a healthy dose of skepticism, but something about him didn't seem like he was BSing me. He had a long history with psychedelic use, so he knew what was happening, but said he just couldn't come out of it. I don't know, maybe he was just a whack, but you can see how that might stick in ones brain.

Does "crystal" LSD even exist? I've never been able to find any info on it on the web, or anywhere.

I am not a drug addict seeking escape from reality. I am an explorer of consciousness challenging consensus reality.

…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
-Terence McKenna
#20 Posted : 7/10/2009 11:03:00 PM

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idtravlr wrote:
I met a guy at a party who said that someone who didn't like him wiped "Crystal LSD" on his arm. He said he was on a permanent trip for two years of his life. He said he had to live on the streets because he couldn't deal with everyday reality. I definitely took him with a healthy dose of skepticism, but something about him didn't seem like he was BSing me. He had a long history with psychedelic use, so he knew what was happening, but said he just couldn't come out of it. I don't know, maybe he was just a whack, but you can see how that might stick in ones brain.

Does "crystal" LSD even exist? I've never been able to find any info on it on the web, or anywhere.

No clue about the acid in this dudes story, but I do know that there is a very high tolerance rate with LSD.

If you are going to do it 2 days in a row, you usually have to take at least twice as much as the first day, & so on.

So I can guarantee you the guy was feeding you crap on a spoon!
I'm not saying something wasn't wrong with him, could have been one crazy fcker who did get dosed with some bad shit, but he was not tripping for twp years!Rolling eyes
His body would have processed it through like 1000x in that time!
DXM (STP in the 60's) lasted up to two days, but even that wears itself out eventually.

Oh the wonderful world of drug propaganda & DARE programs in the schools worked 100%Confused


All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
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