Voice recorders for more acurate trip reports? Options
#1 Posted : 7/1/2009 4:13:08 PM


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Have any of you tried using one of those handheld voice recorders for reporting back from DMT-space?
I think I'm going to try it because once I'm back in the room and back in my body I can remember a lot of were I was for about ten minutes after I get back. Plus I think it would be cool to record the entire trip.

I was told I said something on my last breakthrough. But I don't remember saying anything aloud in DMT space. I had three friends here and they said I said something like "thiss is soooo coool." But I don't know, they were still pretty messed up as well.

We could post .mp3 trip reports recorded within seconds of being able to describe the experience. Or if thats annoying we could transcribe the audio into text for a hopefully more vivid written report. Thoughts?
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#2 Posted : 7/1/2009 4:17:06 PM

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I have almost done this a couple of times!!
Also thought about it for Salvia trips which are also hard to remember..


Somehow the thought of having the recorder there ready is kinda off-putting for the trip itself... and then I think to myself "Well, if I am supposed to remember, then I will..." and that perhaps it is an extra part of physical reality holding you back ..?

But, I really am gonna try it soon.
balaganist is a fictional character who loves playing the game of infinite existence. he amuses himself by posting stories about his made up life in our plane of physical reality. his origins are in other dimensions... he merely comes here to play.
#3 Posted : 7/1/2009 4:28:26 PM


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I've thought about this too. I think that it would be pretty interesting. I bought a journal the other day to keep by my side so I can write down my experience as soon as I come back. It seems that the longer you wait the more information is missing. I have had really interesting experiences and told myself to remember them, but then totally forget it like it never happened. Then I will do dmt again and have a similar experience and remember the first one. I get this with mushrooms a lot too.

It is like I can't remember any of my past mushroom trips until I am on mushrooms again.

I believe that I might start doing DMT once a day for a while, and write my experiences in my journal. These won't always be breakthrough dose. I probably won't even try for a breakthrough every time. I just really enjoy the sub breakthrough experience.
#4 Posted : 7/2/2009 12:20:22 AM


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balaganist wrote:

Somehow the thought of having the recorder there ready is kinda off-putting for the trip itself... and then I think to myself "Well, if I am supposed to remember, then I will..." and that perhaps it is an extra part of physical reality holding you back ..?

The way I was planing on doing the recordings this hopefully wouldn't be an issue.
I had three people in the room plus our dog yesterday and I had a great breakthough experince. If that didn't bother me I don't think a little slilent recorder will Very happy

Here is the protocol I had in mind:

1. Turn the recorder on (or voice activated mode if that works well too) right before you blast off.
2. Take your hits, enjoy your trip, and forget the recorder is even there.
3. Once you are back and your ready to start raving about were you just were you can and the recorder will catch all of it. You don't even have to worry about it once you get back, just start talking about your trip.

I'm not sure if this is true of everyone (pretty sure it is) but there is a time after the peak were I can recall a lot of what just happened in good detail, but as soon as I'm down and could actually type a trip report or hand write one much of the experince is forgotten. Once I settle on a reasonably priced recorder I'll let you all know were I find it so you can get a good but cheap one as well if you would like!

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#5 Posted : 7/2/2009 1:21:05 AM


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This is an audio editor that is free. It is not great but it will allow cut and paste so anyone can remove long silences, names or other personal information, etc.

Also, with just voice and no music, one can save mp3's at lower sampling rates to save space.

If enough people do this, it may evolve into a subthread of this one.

I personally would LOVE to hear peoples experiences. I have video taped my GF coming down, it was absolutely touching.

Think about it,

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#6 Posted : 7/2/2009 2:20:10 AM


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Thanks so much for posting that audio software! I was wondering were I was going to get that, as like you said i'm sure there will be parts that need to be edited out. I'm gonna do it for sure, I just have to wait till I get payed on friday then I'll go shopping or order it online. So as soon as the file is edited I will post it here for your listening pleasure. can you attach .mp3's to a post?
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#7 Posted : 7/2/2009 7:35:23 AM

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I'm quite interested in the viability of such experiments, especially because of the "having the recorder there ready is kinda off-putting for the trip" factor.

If psychedelic trips are about visiting the other (let's call it Heaven) from here (let's call it Earth), then recording experiences is akin to trying to build a bridge between Heaven and Earth (make a gateway through which information can pass). I suspect that those who manage to really do this - their reports don't become "babbling" from the Earth-perspective but they can still relate to it, re-evoke the original meaning after coming down - somehow "loosen" the defining matrix of current Earth consciousness. In other words, they help driving the world towards a psychedelic eschaton. Smile

The more Heaven-rooted ideas are brought over here (manifested here), the closer the two worlds are, and the easier it becomes to get off (as if the ideas brought down would enrich collective consciousness with new signposts helping others to get through).

But in my experience, Heaven tends to resist such attempts. As if someone would say "up there": hey, the time hasn't arrived for you to bring this back to Earth yet. Relevant parts of your consciousness will be masked out, so that you will only remember all this when you return the next time. This is for your own and others' safety. Take care.
#8 Posted : 7/2/2009 9:23:01 AM

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I think this idea is an awesome one, I have been writing all my experiences down until now but there is a great flaw in writing your experiences down and that is I have personally found that when i write down my experience I tend to loose the exact feelings and imagery that i have had during the experience extremely quickly pretty much the same as when i wake up from a dream and try to recall and write my dream down.

I take the study of my mind and my journeys quite seriously and I have a great respect for what i am shown so i think accuracy is very important when recalling and documenting the journey. Even though I have a very good memory and am very good about taking small details into account during journeys i really do feel its important to get the experience in its entirety. I will definitely be devising the best way to record my journeys in the future. Thank you for such a great thread. Very happy

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#9 Posted : 7/2/2009 2:47:10 PM


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Thank you all for the great ideas and concerns!
I'm kinda surprised at people thinking the recorder will be a distraction. Granted I have less than ten breakthroughs under my belt and I've never tried to do anything like this so I'm not ruling out that you could be right. All I know at this point if I take 3 good hits I'm leaving my body. Period. People or not, bright light or not, pretty sure if I took 3 hits and the world was ending around me I would still leave my body Very happy

To those who think I will have trouble, do you have any suggestions or improvements to the method of using the recorder I posted above?

I ordered an RCA Digital Voice Recorder VR5220-A from ebay. 512mb of storage, built in USB, and voice activated mode (BUT! don't buy this one if you don't have a PC running windows or it won't work according to others around the net, just FYI). I think you can still find them for around $30.

Guess we'll see how well it works soon Very happy .

Thanks for the support, I can't wait to share the results.
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#10 Posted : 7/2/2009 4:18:18 PM

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This could also be interesting for tracking the timeline of the experience. If one try to talk through the whole session. I also believe it would catch a lot of details one don't remember after the trip. Of course one important question arise, is it possible to physically speak when in hyperspace?
There's a clear difference between what I say I do and what I actually do perform.
#11 Posted : 7/2/2009 4:29:41 PM


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West-en wrote:
This could also be interesting for tracking the timeline of the experience. If one try to talk through the whole session. I also believe it would catch a lot of details one don't remember after the trip. Of course one important question arise, is it possible to physically speak when in hyperspace?

I don't think I can talk on purpose in hyperspace. However my girlfriend said I said something like "This is so cool" wile in hyperspace. I was sure as hell thinking that but I wasn't aware that I said it aloud. I mean, I didn't have a mouth at the time as far as I was concerned so...Very happy

BUT, I'm more than willing to try talking though a whole session. I'm still very new to hyperspace so I'm very aware that I'm no expert on what is and is not possible there.

I have s strange feeling that .mp3 trip reports are going to blow our minds compared to written ones.

That recorder can't get here fast enough!
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#12 Posted : 7/2/2009 8:39:51 PM

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You can upload these to easily.
#13 Posted : 7/2/2009 8:42:14 PM


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tjg wrote:
You can upload these to easily.

awesome, thank you.
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Attention All Shipping
#14 Posted : 7/3/2009 1:34:53 PM
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I've done this a few times, just with the built in voice recorder on my mp3 player. I haven't bothered recording the trip itself, just hitting record once I come back to reality. I've found it interesting & useful to help remember details but it is somewhat limited just due to my general lack of coordination and mental acuity right after taking DMT. Usually there's a fair bit of mumbling, long gaps while I try to think, lots of repetitions and general exclamations of wonder.

Give it a try by all means. I would argue against uploading your recording though - transcribe it sure but making a recording of your voice describing your DMT trip publicly available seems risky (from a legal point of view) and irresponsible. No different from the folk posting videos on youtube which are giving DMT too much profile.
#15 Posted : 7/3/2009 3:01:12 PM


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Attention All Shipping wrote:
I've done this a few times, just with the built in voice recorder on my mp3 player. I haven't bothered recording the trip itself, just hitting record once I come back to reality. I've found it interesting & useful to help remember details but it is somewhat limited just due to my general lack of coordination and mental acuity right after taking DMT. Usually there's a fair bit of mumbling, long gaps while I try to think, lots of repetitions and general exclamations of wonder.

Give it a try by all means. I would argue against uploading your recording though - transcribe it sure but making a recording of your voice describing your DMT trip publicly available seems risky (from a legal point of view) and irresponsible. No different from the folk posting videos on youtube which are giving DMT too much profile.

Really? Because I see that as quite different. How is recording audio of you by the quickest means available talking about your trip at the hight of your ability to recall it anything at all like stupid kids posting videos on youtube? I'm interested in studying hyperspace, and I would like to work with the people here, on this forum, to understand it better. If the .mp3 audio helps then wonderful. If not, so what? but it seems worth trying.

I'm actually not a fan of public speaking at all and I'm sure some people might not think of recording a trip as public speaking, but I do. The fact that I would even consider posting them means I'm very serious about this and other projects I would like to undertake studying DMT.

We have no right to control in any way who knows our doesn't know about DMT (not like we have much control over that anyways). It's already a schedule 1 drug, it's not like they can make it MORE illegal. I'm not a drug kingpin, they aren't going to come after me for recording my trips. I don't sell anything to anyone, it would be a waste of their time.

Thanks for the concerns though! We will just have to see how it goes Very happy
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#16 Posted : 7/3/2009 3:54:51 PM

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I don't sell anything to anyone, it would be a waste of their time.

Youd havn't dealt with the police before, have you?
#17 Posted : 7/3/2009 4:23:40 PM


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obliguhl wrote:
I don't sell anything to anyone, it would be a waste of their time.

Youd havn't dealt with the police before, have you?

The police can be bad and do some stupid shit, but it all comes down to money. I am sorry but the police are not going to spend thousands of dollars to track down some guy that is posting audio clips of his DMT trips on a site. And if it is that big of a problem we could find a way to password protect it. I am sure a cop could get into it somehow, but you have to look at their gain over what they put into it. They simply would gain nothing, except for throwing some guy in jail. I mean it does happen, but usually because they find it in your car or house. Not because they see something about you on the internet and track you down.
wake and bacon
#18 Posted : 7/3/2009 4:43:15 PM
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I see nothing wrong with posting .mp3 trip reports on here... it is a MUCH different ballgame than youtube is. It would, for the most part, stay within this community anyway.

Also, you could very easily post a disclaimer if it's SWIY. Or even after you finish SWIY's report, state that it is SWIY or fictitious.
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BTW wheres the "Donate" button traveler?

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#19 Posted : 7/3/2009 7:26:31 PM

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Honestly, if you look at what weed community gets away with, you should realize that you're all probably safe and don't have to worry about SWIM bullshit or not posting your voice on the internet. If you want you can do a few quick effects on it in audacity and change it to the point of no recognition pretty easily.
wake and bacon
#20 Posted : 7/3/2009 7:35:06 PM
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Exactly, there's grow forums on the internet for god's sake! IMO, there's little reason to worry, at this point in time at least.

But, it's always a good idea to take caution with what you post on the internet, always.
DeadLizard wrote:
Darkbb wrote:
BTW wheres the "Donate" button traveler?

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